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Everything posted by IrateResearchers

  1. Nice work on Strife! Loving those mixes!

  2. Yes! A BlazBlue mix! This has officially made my day. Thank you.
  3. okay, in "on the prowl", you have the high pitched notes that make the tune. "Quiet" has the same type of notes. You merge those.
  4. Epic Score yeah, lots of that.
  5. ...I guess nobody else can see where you'd merge the two, eh?
  6. I'm salvaging tis. we do need more Cave Story themes... maybe Quiet http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j8-oEHDTpPY&feature=related could be mixed with On the Prowl http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v08or26V-9k ?
  7. I'd help, but the tow rope is reserved for Curly Brace only. didn't I thank you guys too?
  8. hopefully this won't get overlooked.
  9. hopefully some more than just Hell March, but I agree. And Random Hero's track is awesome.
  10. I'll have to check that out immediately. Edit: I've now heard it. that's a remix I hope gets approved.
  11. The games had tons of short songs, some of which could be mixed together for a good song... well, I'd like to think so. Scorching Back, ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xw34UR9AufA ) one of my favorite tracks, I've only seen two attempts, one of which is in the remix project. Running Hell too ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DtemC1vnRGM&feature=related ) I know of the one in the dwelling of Duels. There's probably enough Command and Conquer, however, to make an album... For instance, full stop/Warfare http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LVu53CSbCtw&feature=related , one I absolutely loved... In Trouble (sorry, only this version was available... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CRlGxmgBn_E&feature=related ) is another one. and Act on Instinct http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ZTHFRadJwI&feature=related of course. if there's any songs anyone would like to add, please do, but these are music I'd like to see remixed...
  12. I absolutely love this. I'm not a fan of vocal mixes normally, but this song is like, finding something you never knew you were looking for. I thought it was slower from the intro, but I was wrong as it picked up. It'll probably be a favorite to me for a long time.
  13. again I bring this topic to light.
  14. "the bunny hop" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oUac4fDXsI8
  15. good thing I don't remix yet then... still, i'm interested to see if anyone can translate the bunny tune to a metal song.
  16. raising this again. It's still needed...
  17. just beat this one last week. I agree. wonderful music (made the jukebox in game just to listen to it.) ...although I'd like techno remixes...
  18. Mighty Enemy on the Battlefield? Awesome stuff there. The guitarwork especially. Wouldn't have thought to blend those two, but you guys did it well. I hope you do another...
  19. Heh, that's the same as drawing and music. I never intend to give up on any.

    Well, got my Doctor Date Boss sig (by The Coop). All we need now is for someone to take Balrog, and the set is complete!

  20. All I got was "Skip snake and Machine gun. The real weapon awaits..."

    But the core was actually me having my "boss fight senses" on alert. I still can't beat hell.

  21. No. We like Battle Conditions, it's just nobody has remixed it. Thought it was time to bump this up.
  22. I traded my polar star for the machine gun... then I'm listening to "Eyes of flame" on Youtube and I keep reading of all the people that regretted NOT saving it for later... So I had to restart the game.

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