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Status Updates posted by GTAHater836

  1. *Screeches* Don't even mention tearing hair out! You'll make me tear mine out! It's bad enough ARMed and DANGerous and Lime of the Season are stalled too! I can't bear this wait either!

  2. 1. For my mixing you up with Emunator, I have one word: Gomennasai.

    2. By the way, are you still doing as well as you told The Damned you were?

    3. I shouldn't have, but I looked through the internet to see where else you've been last spring. You also possess a Facebook account!

  3. 1) I haven't seen much of the art. Is it in the restricted section?

    2) Are you sending him messages for it every few days like you said you would?

    3) Yet again, I'm surprised I haven't flown off the handle trying to wait for it!

    4) Let me guess: He tried to create another track, but couldn't make something he liked better than the old "Tombstone Factory"...right?

  4. Bravo, Hitori! I knew you could do it!

  5. But the production quality's not even the problem! With all these kodomo playing Grand Theft Auto, authorities keep asking questions about us gamers! Like, "can people be driven to hurt others with games like Grand Theft Auto, or does it have no effect?!" or "Is it okay if someone is less sensitive to violence?" or "How should Australia and Europe make a well-informed decision on how to filter in/out graphic video games?" or "Is there a good way to make sure video games don't fall into the wrong hands?" If I had any half-decent answers to questions like these, I would've already posted them hundreds of times across the internet! Besides, why didn't RockStar do a better job of sealing off the Hot Coffee mode in San Andreas if they didn't want 2005's worst video game scandal?

  6. Can I expect Essence of Lime to be released before June 30?

  7. Can you please post your Motherfried remix on your website or wherever it would be more suitable?

  8. Can you please post your work in progress for the Quarter Knights battle theme that almost made it to ARMed and DANGerous on your website or wherever it would be better suited?

  9. Come to think of it, knowing the remix potential of Tarm Ruins, and the fact that you're making the remix for Oracle of Seasons, outdoing your own Tombstone Factory track should be easy work... especially because you're already at least 2/3 of the way finished with it. I'll be waiting with bells on my knees to hear it!

  10. Did I mention how pleased I was with the line-up of new ReMixers on ARMed and DANGerous? Something tells me that when this album succeeds (It's not a matter of "if"!), you'll meet with really good fortune for directing this project and launching these new mixers' stays at OC ReMix...scratch that word "stays". Once an OverClocked ReMixer, always an OverClocked ReMixer!

  11. diotrans performing for "The Earth Gals Did Their Best, Huh" is the best claim she's made here (if you ask me). This'll probably even be better than Us Monkeys Together. How could I ask for more (regarding Earth Gals)?

  12. Do the moderators have authority to block users from individual subforums?

  13. Do the words "The Hidden Duality", "Isle of the Winds", and "Fragments of Power" mean anything to you?

  14. Do you have a flood of Majora's Mask remixes scheduled for December 18? Because it'll be 3 days before the Mayan Calendar ends!

  15. Do you have any idea how complete the Traveling Troupe rendition of Din's Dance is? I thought I'd ask you because you had the most instruments available for it.

  16. Does dj pretzel even have a Grand Theft Auto themed remix? Even if he did, it's the GTA games I can't talk about without wincing.

  17. Does my username amuse you because it's a hate speech against the Grand Theft Auto series?

  18. Essence of Lime is one of my favorite albums under OverClocked's jurisdiction (official and unofficial combined), right up there with Serious Monkey Business and The Dark Side of Phobos. As soon as the Oracle of Seasons album was announced, I boiled over with excitement. The three tracks I'm most anticipating are Gnarled Root Dungeon, Explorer's Crypt, and Final Confrontation.

  19. First, I gave the Back in Blue Magma Man ReMix "Cool Burn" a few more listens for old times' sake. Then, I noticed it's now been a year since you've worked on an O-Clocked Album as a ReMixer. Now the impression I'm getting from that track is a most solemn romantic passion. Like much has been lost, and nothing remains but the smoldering ruins of a flattened romantic retreat.

  20. For almost a decade, I've believed that the public wouldn't be half as afraid of gamers if the Grand Theft Auto series had never been made.

  21. For me to consider the Wii's library fully developed, it took about 17 or 18 games and 5 years. Two of those 17-some-odd games were Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword. I'll probably wait until it has 10 games worth buying, or until Smash 4 gets released, or until the price underpasses $225, or until most of the hardware problems subside, whichever comes third.

  22. Four questions:

    1) I noticed you had a new Essence of Lime banner themed after the Flames of Sorrow, Destruction, and Despair. Is it for Boss Month?

    2) How is Hitori's Fairies' Woods track coming along?

    3) I read somewhere that you planned a celebrational orchestra-type song for one of the ending themes (I want to say Veran Defeated). Is that still the case?

    4) I also heard TheKrow had to redo the Spirit's Grave track. Will it make more use of the source material?

  23. Funny you should ask. I've considered making music, but that's all. I lack the machinery, technical know-how, and talent that's needed for it. Most places I go to online, I get along with others just fine, but in forums about music and music production, I always wear out my welcome. It's always music production communities where I end up making a (censored) of myself!

  24. Happy 22nd birthday, Hylian Lemon! And congratulations on making it 23 for 26 on the penultimate deadline! My only regret is that the big name Oracle arc ReMixers like you, Sockpuppet, chickenwarlord, and The Krow haven't got much exposure on O-Clocked in general! That Cryomentus track is going to be a great one, probably even better than Eyes in the Deep!

  25. Here's my song request to you: A full, proper remix of E2M3 from DooM that's at least as high-quality and complete as Crushing Headache and Jade Spawn.

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