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Posts posted by GTAHater836

  1. Ok, status report. Things are sort of stagnating... again. I know a few of you are working on your tracks, and a LOT of you are literally just a session of work (at most) away from finishing your songs. It makes me sad that we're lagging so much at this state when we're really SO close to completion in almost every way.

    I was JUST thinking this. You took the words out of my mouth! I'm also dismayed that we have to rework another track! Hopefully this cycle of reworking doesn't hit us like Super Dodge Ball Around the World last year. I can't wait to hear such tracks as Enchanted (602), Blast Beatdown (604), and Epic Bananas (610), and Intoxica (613).

  2. The worst sequels I've ever played, if you ask me, are Mario Parties 4-6. The worst one I can think of immediately is Perfect Dark Zero (technically a prequel)... but you can't get much worse than... Bomberman: Act Zero!

  3. From the first 5 tracks, I can't decide between Spark Shock, Dust Crusher, and Power Stone. This album is definitely better than Sonata of the Damned.

    Four questions to Morse:

    *Anything to say to ScrewAttack for naming Stone Man their 10th worst Robot Master in the winter of 2010?

    *It's only a matter of time before Smash 4 is announced. Do you think Simon Belmont and Mega Man are going to be the next guest characters?

    *How many of these solo albums do you plan on?

    *Is your next one in the works?

  4. Hard-hitting and intense? You've sold the deal on me. Nuts & Bolts (604) was my second favorite from the OST besides Treetop Tumble (610). And "Blast Beatdown" just sounds like something as hard-hitting and intense as you say, something I'd like to go "Fightin' 'Round the World" to!

    AkumajoBelmont, is mastering for "Enchanted" going well?

    UPDATE: Now I count 12 without WAVs and 6 with fixes requested. That'll bring the total to 66 official tracks and at least 8 bonus tracks. *paces in front of the gates to Mama Bird* Come on, COME ONNN!

  5. Hard-hitting and intense? You've sold the deal on me. Nuts & Bolts (604) was my second favorite from the OST besides Treetop Tumble (610). And "Blast Beatdown" just sounds like something as hard-hitting and intense as you say, something I'd like to go "Fightin' 'Round the World" to!

    AkumajoBelmont, is mastering for "Enchanted" going well?

  6. To ArtemBank/redshojin: Which one do you have your sights set on?

    To the director(s): Two questions. What will you do about Abbey, Quick, Escapable, Agitation, and Separate? And how will we replace the tracks for Cold, Torn Apart, and Moon?

    I can't believe it's only 5 months until all the WAVs are due! *cheers on the finished status of Asgard*

  7. I just updated the tracklist with the current track lengths for all of the completed arrangements... mostly out of boredom, but I'm sure one or maybe two of you will find that information interesting. :whatevaa:

    That's still a lot more unfinished songs than I wanted at this point... :-( However, I do have to thank those who DID get their work finished, including Zyko x1 and Sole Signal, who submitted their final WAVs to me today. That's pretty neat :-)

    I'm that one. I never imagined so many tracks would be at least 6 MINUTES!!! A stream-of-consciousness move, but this is one of the reasons I'd say you're my favorite director tied with JaDE aRaN HaRuNo. This'll probably raise eyebrows because of the huge misunderstanding I caused between you and her.

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