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Everything posted by Swann

  1. I've never played FFVIII, but I like it. The main gripe I have is the lack of the lower end of the sound spectrum. Adding in an orchestral bass drum, or even a kick when the guitars are featured, would be a great addition. In the same train of thought, a cello in the isolated string sections (toward the end of the remix is where I noticed) would give your sound as a whole a much fuller tone. Keep working, this sounds greats so far!
  2. Hey, I did a small update, mainly to fix the reverb issues and most of the swing rhythms. Let me know how it sounds. I'm trying to decide whether to record it live or not. If it sounds good enough how it is, why fix it? Any opinions? Enjoy!
  3. WOAH, I'm also a Comp Sci major, Music Theory and Composition minor.

    Haha, I never thought I'd meet anyone that lived nearby on OCR; awesome!

  4. Hey guys! WOW, thanks for all the criticism, I greatly appreciate it. A quick background on this mix: I do intend to record the piece live, but currently I do not have access to a good grand. So, while I try to secure a time to record at the university, I am just continuing to write in my copy of Finale. So, I can't personally take credit for the performance (yet), but thank you nonetheless. All the microphone-placement tips are hugely appreciated (Nubioso!), since I have next to no experience with them. Now, I really want to expand this piece, but am currently in a block in terms of where to go next. Unfortunately, my computer has been acting up recently and I can't get Finale to work properly, but with luck I'll have an updated version soon. djpretzel - I didn't even consider the possibility before now, but I can definitely hear the piece with the bass and kit added. I'll have to listen to some more jazz for an idea of what to do with the bass, but I'll see if I can't work it in, or at the very least try to do so. Thanks again everyone, I'll work hard to make some changes post-haste! EDIT: Uploaded sheet music
  5. Here's a jazzy piano rendition of the Windmill Hut music of Ocarina of Time. Windmill Jazz: http://sites.google.com/site/trump3t3r/AcDOWNcUP.mp3 ...or stream it here: http://ocrwip.fireslash.net/?fid=558 Sheet Music: http://sites.google.com/site/trump3t3r/AcDOWNcUP%28final%29.pdf ...or get the .MUS here: http://sites.google.com/site/trump3t3r/AcDOWNcUP%28final%29.MUS Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l-ZPpGdt1xQ This is my first remix, so let me know what's wrong with it. Enjoy!
  6. Hey everybody! Well I finally went and signed up. I've been around OCR a while, lurking and whatnot, so yeah. Anyway, I play piano and trumpet. Been playing both ~7 years or so. I sing every once and a while, but it's not pretty.
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