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Everything posted by Swann

  1. Finished! While this wasn't the original ending I think it's almost on par with it. This mix was born when, while lounging around during winter break, in a spurt of boredom, I fired up my old Pokemon Red save. I was battling Lance of the elite four, and it took me no time at all until I was fighting my rival again. While I'd heard the music many times, as cliché as this may sound, it just "hit me." A piano mix. Do it. I started immediately. Quickly running out of material, and not really wanting to overstay the source's welcome because it's so short, (only a minute long, and I was vying for a conservative approach) I decided to tie in the championship battle theme (aka Red's theme) from Gold/Silver. The transition between the two took more time than the rest of the arrangement--I had completely run out of ideas before I thought of using the "low health... you're screwed" sound byte. With that out of the way and having little else to do I blitzed through the rest of the arrangement. Boring blah blah blah redid the ending blah blah and here we are. tl;dr- there really aren't enough pokemon mixes around, so here's my contribution. Please, any comments and/or criticisms are more than welcome! New mp3: http://sites.google.com/site/taylorswannmusic/Rivalrytake7.mp3 New sheets: http://sites.google.com/site/taylorswannmusic/Rivalry!sheets.pdf Note: the last measures should diminuendo to niente. Pedal (una chorda) the last right hand notes and hold until they have faded, while playing the "low health" bit.
  2. On the guitars, obviously recording live would make it sound better, just by virtue of the thing, but really it all boils down to personal preference and how much more effort you feel like putting in. I wish I could step up and volunteer to record for you, but I don't have an acoustic guitar on hand (and honestly I'm not all that good). Good luck with wherever you take this!
  3. I am really digging this. Great work.
  4. Haha no I'll finish it eventually, but it'll just take time. I want it to segue to the ending as smoothly (and hopefully, as epically) as possible, and it's just that I want to do as good a job as I can. I don't want to, in my rush to finish, sacrifice quality. It's sequenced for the time being. I'll perform it if/when I have/get time after I finish my other WIP. EDIT: finished touching up the sheet music, go check it out if you're interested.
  5. So I made a pseudo-classical piano arrangement of the Rival/Champion Battle themes from Pokemon Red/Blue and Gold/Silver during winter break. It was finished, but then my laptop went and bluescreened on me, and I lost all my then-recent files for that week. Now I'm stuck in a musical rut and can't finish the darn thing, so here, have at it. I'll post the sheet music after I get out of Physics. Any and all criticism is more than welcome. Enjoy!
  6. I know this is very late, but I must share Tom Yoder's amazing work. He's a local guitar player, not extremely well-known, but incredible. Check out his videos on his album pages: http://www.tomyoder.com/Site/Tomfoolery.html http://www.tomyoder.com/Site/The_Moment_The_Apple_Falls.html http://www.tomyoder.com/Site/Eat_This_Its_Safe.html If nothing else, listen to "Locked In" on the first link.
  7. Haha man I'm loving the Batman track. Lots of nostalgia there.
  8. Wow, congratulations!
  9. In contrast, this is exactly what I was expecting, it made my day, and it is awesome. I love the style. Great stuff, I will certainly spread the word! Congrats on the album!
  10. Wow! Quality stuff. Thank you for making these.
  11. Wow, I love this. Great work!
  12. Yeah, email me the music and I'll see if I can pull it off. Best of luck either way!
  13. Keyboard + mouse all the way. I know I'm not exactly the best with a controller, but there are fundamental limits to the way the character is controlled with a console controller that simply don't exist using the mouse. Having said that however, you also don't have to pick up and move the controller while turning like you must every once in a while with the mouse. Both have their advantages and disadvantages, although I was raised on the keyboard/mouse setup so I guess I'm a bit biased.
  14. Happy Birthday OCR, and nice work indeed: a solid ten years of incredible music. I wouldn't be half the musician I am without the inspiration that came from this site almost 8 years ago and has continued to since. So, thank you to everyone who has made OverClocked Remix what it is today--you have my sincerest gratitude.
  15. Oh man, I am digging this. It's already been said, but MAN, some sweet bari sax playing there. Nice solos all around. A keeper for sure. Great job--props to all the musicians involved in this!
  16. Lynx - I've hosted v3.0 here for the time being: http://sites.google.com/site/taylorswannmusic/progressive-CrestingtheWaveWIPv3.0.mp3 If this needs to be taken down, let me know.
  17. Hey hey, an update! Yeah so the *arrangement itself (I will be recording eventually) is basically finished. Moved around some sections, and tied up the whole thing. Hopefully it sounds nice. I do need a title though, so if anyone is struck with an awesome name to call this thing, I'd love to hear it. I uploaded the mp3, .pdf sheets, and .MUS sheets--links to everything in the first post. Enjoy! Olarin: I was actually thinking about ending with the Zelda's Lullaby section ever since I started the mix, and now I finally did. Nice call. Bonus points to anyone who can find the Cave Story reference I threw in there.
  18. Man, Grasstown was on my list to remix next after final exams are over and done with. I definitely agree with DesertDweller here, you need to humanize the recording (tempo variation, DYNAMICS variation, reverb, articulation variation). The music as you have it here is a "flat line" in terms of tension and release, throughout. On the waltz style: you need more "bounce." Definitely accent those left hand low notes on beat one, and if you have the time, pedal the first to second beat (I know this is tedious), or add just enough reverb to cover it. Quick note on the fastest moving triplet chords in the right hand: They are impossible. There's no way to program what you're currently doing without the end result sounding sequenced. I would keep the highest notes (the melody) as quick triplets, but remove the harmonies below them, or alternatively keep the sixth below while you play the triplet figure above. If you could e-mail or pm me the midi I could show you what I mean more explicitly. What really gets me here is the lack of dynamic variation. While Pixel could only do so much in terms of dynamics with his ORG format, he changed up the instruments and noise track enough to provide variation. Just before the halfway point, you have long chords in the right hand that just BEG to be played softer while you give the left hand some neat stuff to mess around with. I should probably think about bringing out the left hand more as a whole. As a last tidbit, I'd definitely add in some original material or new harmonies. I'd also try and make the ending less abrupt, if you get a chance. I hate how this whole post sounds like I didn't enjoy your mix, which I did. I'm a huge fan of Cave Story, and I really liked this fresh take on Grasstown. Best of luck!
  19. Haha, as I was reading this thread, my first thoughts were, "I can just edit out the nag with Audacity, no problem." The only way to stop people such as myself from doing this would be to layer in the voice during a part of the song (which I'm certain everyone would dislike). Ultimately, though, it's your decision. I'm sure whatever the final product is I will buy it, considering the amazing quality of your past work. Back on topic, 3 would be the only one that would bug me; to the point that I would likely buy the album if I wasn't going to in the first place.
  20. I and about 10 others (maybe more, we have 44 trumpets in marching band alone) here at the university play trumpet and would almost certainly be interested in this mix. We could take a name from Shnabubula (Groove Muffins, anyone?)
  21. Wow, this is great stuff. I loved CT, and the source is instantly recognizable, and yet, different from the many remixes that I know of. Interesting ending, I would bring out the tonic a bit more (or the chord as a whole), but that's just me. Good luck, I hope to see this on the front page in the future.
  22. How's it going? It's so strange to me to find all these people that live close by, or just in NC. Strange yet awesome.

  23. No, I'm in Sullivan, although I might've been in Bagwell if I hadn't missed the Honors deadline by a few hours (but that was beyond my control so whatever).

    We'll probably have a class together eventually, haha

  24. Finally, an update! List: -Added some more harmony throughout. -Minimized reverb. -8th note triplet runs! -Overhauled some rhythmic figures. -EQ'd a tiny bit. To-do: -Adjust right-hand versus left-hand volumes. -Fix a few transitions with which I'm not entirely happy. So yeah, download links are the same. I'll posted the updated sheet music soon. Olarin: Haha, that's awesome! I'm honored someone likes this thing enough to tackle it at all
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