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Everything posted by Swann

  1. Happy Birthday, ProtoDome!
  2. It's starting to look like a TRIPLE birthday...! What does this mean?
  3. Nice, I thought as much. Major props, then! I remember playing through both TEW and Vignettes before I got my laptop and stopped bothering with XL; they were both seriously epic.

  4. Not gonna lie, I kind of thought this when I posted my update.
  5. I found this, the download link still works as far as I know. http://buzinkai.net/PXTone/tutorial/
  6. Holy crap! This is seriously amazing.
  7. This is pretty much awesome.
  8. Happy Birthday to the both of you!
  9. Wow, that was gorgeous. All the different melodies blended together seamlessly, and if I wasn't listening for them I may not have even noticed. Again, excellent stuff, definitely a keeper.
  10. Good luck with your new coaching position! I can honestly say that your music is some of my personal favorites, and I hope you continue to create despite the diminished availability of free time. Again, best of luck to you!
  11. You wouldn't happen to be the same DFW that makes missions for Descent, would you?

  12. This is easily one of my favorite remixes of anything ever.
  13. I'm one of them. Currently using the same MGS codec ringtone Schwaltzvald posted a while back.
  14. Agreed. I'd love to see something like this.
  15. Some of the best physics simulations I've ever seen. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1NxyFzNx-18 I'm not sure if anyone else will find this as fascinating as I do, but: "Holy Mother of Zombie Jesus," as one eloquent commenter put it.

    I'll have to get a friend of mine to help with the actual recording, but I don't think it'd be any real problem.

  17. I heard some OCR stuff at the local laser tag place before they closed up shop.
  18. Congratulations!
  19. MovieBob had a pretty dead-on review, in my opinion. http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/view/escape-to-the-movies/1849-The-Last-Airbender
  20. This. Although one day my English teacher let us just do whatever in the computer lab, and I had the whole class watching me clear "The World's Hardest Game" (http://armorgames.com/play/1043/the-worlds-hardest-game) after everyone got frustrated with the thing. Most I've had was about 60 through DDR, back when I was in shape and could do Boss runs for fun and possibly tips.
  21. I've got CSC 216 with Gehringer 9:35-10:50 and CSC 226 with Rodman 3:50-5:05 (both Tues-Thurs). I'll probably take MUS 306 eventually, that seems right up my alley.

  22. Word. I wouldn't expect anything less from the great AnSo. I'm going to be listening to this all day.
  23. 1. Rayman 2. Red from Pokemon 3. Guybrush Threepwood
  24. New favorite OWA remix, easy. This is overwhelmingly awesome.
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