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Everything posted by Swann

  1. * I can't wait! Unfortunately, I know that there is no way my laptop will be able to handle the PC version. Le sigh.
  2. I'm really digging this. A few things that stuck out to me before I crash for the night: The constant hi-hat throughout the slow section is super repetitive. I would suggest waiting to bring it in later at a time you feel appropriate, if at all. The end of the synth solo, at 3:15 where you've just got long half notes, you're begging for some counter-melody. Throw in another voice on top of it to spice it up a bit. Actually, there's quite a number of places in your mix that could do with some counter-melodies. For the most part, you have only three voices (lead, bass - or backing strings, during the half-tempo bit), percussion), and while that's a good start, you would really benefit from something extra. It doesn't even have to be anything too noticeable... just something. Speaking of your basslines, they rock. As does your solo, barring the little guy in the back of my head that is pointing to the many solo virtuosos around OCR and shouting, "MOAR VARIATION," which seems to be the common theme here. I can't say anything about this in comparison to your previous version. Sorry, I wasn't here to listen to the first version and I'm too lazy to go back and do a thorough comparison Last, I would highly suggest modulating to another key or mode at some point. This source is really really really repetitive and having to hear the same chords over and over again can start to bore your listeners, even with the variation that is your down-tempo section. It also opens up a bunch of really interesting harmonies that you may not have thought of otherwise until you've started messing around with a new mode. Anyway, as it is currently 4:45 in the morning, I'm off. Best of luck! I hope this helps!
  3. That's almost exactly how I would've performed it Good luck with the panel!
  4. Oh yeah, this is kickin'. Gonna be blasting this mix all week long.
  5. If you want to send me what you've got, I think I can help you out on this.
  6. Happy Birthday, Matt!! Coincidentally, today is also my birthday! Yeah shared birthday whooo!
  7. Eff yeah, this rocks so hard. Looking forward to seeing it on the site!
  8. I would just like to say "thank you" for the awesomeness that is you and Stevo's Pokémon collab. It is HEAVENLY.

  9. Good gracious, you're vying a position on my list of favorite musicians. This is beyond fantastic. I don't understand how you come up with these harmonies, but they are perfect.
  10. Definitely more "when" than "if," my friend.

    Looking forward to seeing it on the front page!

  11. I can't wait for this to be completed. Awesome work so far!
  12. Fantastic mix. This was always one of my favorite tracks from the game, and you've given it so much character!
  13. Bought and plugging everywhere. Sounds awesome!
  14. Amen to that. Loving the piece, my man. Here are some things I was thinking about while I listened... On first listen, I thought that it sounded rather empty for a majority of the song, but on re-listen, it doesn't bother me too much, if at all. I'd experiment with multiple leads. Having the same flute-ish lead the entire time gets stale eventually. Use those steel drums for more than just a small backing loop, why not? I know the original has a flute lead for the majority of the song, but the key here is not the entire song. Last, your drums are begging for more variation, just little flares here and there that keep it real and bring a more human feel to the song. Latin is all about emotion; spice things up a bit more (I mean more than just the fills). Keep your audience on their toes! Best of luck!
  15. In response to your LttP sheets request:

    Either way is fine by me (cleaned midi vs whatever you've got now): as long as I have all the notes themselves I can make sheets, using your recording (rather than the midi itself) as the source of rhythm/length of the notes. Just let me know (don't feel like you have to rush it or anything!).

    Hope your Christmas break was great!

  16. I have no words that can encompass how awe-inspiring I find this song (and BadAzz too, for that matter).
  17. I could totally create sheets for this if you want to send the midi my way. Good luck on the sub (not like any luck is needed, though)!
  18. Happy Birthday, Jeff!
  19. Oh snap I've got to finish that mix sooner or later. Hopefully sooner, now that exams are ALMOST done. Only two more days and we'll never have to see EFG again!

  20. Thank you so much. I know I'll enjoy this for years to come.
  21. Good God. This is the most fantastic thing I have heard in weeks. I ditto ProtoDome, this is exactly the kind of piano music I would love to write.
  22. Wow, such an improvement from the last WIP! This is fantastic, the counter-melodies are interesting and the mix as a whole is very satisfying. One of my favorite tracks from the game, and this is a spectacular take on it. Great work!
  23. Thank you, AkumajoBelmont, this is one of my absolute favorite Wily remixes. I was excited to see that this mix was finally finished and submitted: after having three WIPs in my iTunes library, it's nice to have a fully realized version! The lyrical component is a very unique and welcome addition, in particular the harmonies in the vocal break mid-song were fantastic and are a joy to listen to. Won't be letting go of this one in the foreseeable future, thank you again!
  24. Happy Birthday, JH!
  25. About time. I love this arrangement, the reprise section is particularly breathtaking.
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