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  1. Hi... I was gonna make you a video to show how I do stuff cause it'd be too hard to do with images. I've been up for 40 hours though so I'm going to bed, but please be patient! I'll do it as soon as I can and post it in the remix stem thread.

    As for what I did, pretty much highpassed everything hah. Individually, of course, to an extent that cut down on the un-needed bass frequencies while still maintaining the important part of each sound. Then other boosts or cuts higher up to shape the sounds, but from memory it wasn't too harsh on the EQs there.

    When I make sends I just hit "Add FX Channel", then I add that as a send to the channels that need it, I don't really make buses, everything routes to the master

    From what I can tell your biggest issue is recording mono things (like live guitar) as stereo

    that's a huge no no

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