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Posts posted by Garpocalypse

  1. Now another question is, who are they going to get to voice the characters?  The english dubbing in Advent Children was amazing and I would really love to see them come back to reprise their roles.  Who do you think the narrator was?


    Cloud-Troy Baker

    Sephiroth-Troy Baker

    Barrett- Troy Baker

    Cait Sith-Troy Baker

    Tifa-Troy Baker

    Yuffie- That chick from the Last of Us; or Troy Baker.

  2. FFVII was and still is my favorite entry in the series.  It's a game that i have played through once a year since it launched in 1997 and I was really excited for a remake when the PS3 tech demo came up about a decade ago....


    but then they released 13.  


    Now i'm not as excited but if SE is looking to turn things around from the tunnel simulator (complete with minimap and an arrow so you didn't somehow accidentally walk the wrong way) that 13 was then there is a reason to be cautiously optimistic that this remake will be worth it. :)

  3. Sorry I couldnt make anything, Ive been having major hardware problems. With a little luck next week I will get a new interface. Apologies to garpocalypse since I couldnt make anything decent.


    Hey man no problem these things happen.  I would definitely encourage you to finish the remix when you're able.  If you need help production wise I can show you some of the techniques/stuff i've learned.  :)

  4. Dang. The mixers are dropping like flies here. :( 

    sad faec 


    It's not as bad as it seems.  2 of them had long fallen out of contact and had not submitted any work recently.  Everybody who has been with the album is still here and i'm hoping to get more remixers that are as credible as the team we have now.  :)

  5. The project ended up losing a few members.  The following sources are now open if anyone wants to claim them and join the effort!



    Big Boss

    Stealthy Steps

    Attack The Barbarian

    Dilapidated Town

    Beatnik on The Ship


    Check first post for YT links!



  6. This looks reaaaaaaaaalllllllyy awesome! I'm tempted to just buy a month or two just to finish up a few projects with the samples i want.

    Looking into this now but:

    Are there any ensemble string/brass samples that are close mic'ed available in this package?

    Does this work with offline studio pc's?

  7. Bono, Adelle, Deadmau5, Skrillex, Yani, Enya, Kesha, Jay-Z, Snoop Dog, Tupac, Rick Ross, Biggie, Steve Vai, Dave Grohl, Jack White...Falco...yes Falco...

    Misspoke. I meant "good".


    those are all mostly stage names tho. I meant actual first names. When the time comes for a band to announce it's members towards the end of a set you will never hear of "Kyle on the hits!" "Aubrey on 4-strings" or "Cooper on the guitar". :P

  8. Not as much mystique to my name but i'll throw the lore in for those who are interested.

    Gar- Nickname given to me by the guitarist in one of the bands I used to play in. Always sort of bothered me that I was the only one with a two syllable name, and you never hear of any famous musicians with a two syllable name, so one day he just started calling me Gar.

    ~Pocalypse- Derived from Apocalypse. :P ...because Revelations was my favorite part of the Bible. :banghead::banghead::banghead:

  9. What are you doing with XP in 2015 !!! :P

    Yea it's pretty bad isn't it? :)

    All of my gear is so old that if I were to upgrade my OS I would need to upgrade EVERYTHING ELSE too. So i have to wait until I can stomach a $2000-$3000 expense.

    I'm thinking about taking advantage of Guitar Center's return policy and checking out that Arturia keyboard. At worst if it doesn't work i'll get my money back.

  10. So my midi keyboard that i've been using for the past several years just died today. (RIP Roland A-37) and since it's been long since discontinued I'm looking for something to replace it. Since i'm spending a lot of time traveling right now I am looking at the Arturia Minilab 25 key and the M-Audio Oxygen 25.

    i went to my local guitar center today and noticed that these USB midi keyboards had windows 7 listed in the specs which made me wonder. I know that XP is officially dead and no longer supported by MS but wouldn't a midi keyboard still be able to work with XP?

    (when i asked the guy at GC this he said he had no idea...):???:

  11. Just over a week until the next deadline! I hope everyone is making some good progress! There are a few remixers who I have not heard from yet since we started to get rolling with the deadlines. If there is still no word from them then their sources will be reopened to the remixing public!


    Fallen Seraph

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