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Posts posted by Garpocalypse

  1. A great 16-bit style indie game just released on Steam today and it's awesome! For all of the OCR SEGA peeps like myself this would definitely be a must buy!


    Gameplay wise it combines Sonic the Hedgehog with some Rocket Knight and despite a few control issues (turn the sensitivity to 50% or less with the xbox controller) it seems to work pretty well. My biggest gripe with the game is the voice acting. Which isn't horrible but definitely amateurish. I don't know why in a 16-bit style game ANYONE would think that EVERY SINGLE line of text would need to be read to the player. :-?

    It's 15 bucks with plenty to do and more free content promised in the future so give it a shot if you are looking for a good Sonic inspired side scroller!

  2. take some compressed air to the electronics cavity and get into every crevice you can, especially under any pots and the pickup switch

    I recently came into possession of an I'beenhad (Ibanez) AG95 and it has similar problems. I haven't tried the compressed air just yet but everytime I plug it in I get a ton of static out of the neck pickup, if I get anything at all. After turning the volume and tone knobs it seems to get better but it takes some time. I figure the pickups might be dying and i'm trying to work that into my current budget.

    Otherwise, i would have assumed whatever cable you are using is starting to come apart. I've lost a bunch of male ends that suddenly break off in the amplifier at some point.

    heheh. ;-)

  3. Thank you. :lol: It actually almost brings a tear to my eye, year before last, you, Garpocalypse, and I hanging out in your hotel room at the Gaylord, doing awful attempts at death squeals and slappin' da bayuss... I don't know why GARPOCALYPSE always thinks it's appropriate to try to growl after walking and talking for 10 hours :-P

    Good times!

    For the record you're not the only one I've asked to do that. :)

  4. Pete, awesome you brought up Tekken 2; at the time, the boss fight against Devil was one of the most somber final boss themes I had come across and adds a whole darkened perspective to the tournament's development at that point.

    And considering another Lapfox artist (albeit Kitcaliber) inspired a track in the previous SZRC, why am I not surprised in seeing it happen again xD Not that there's anything wrong with that, but it's just amazing to see where you gain some of your influences from.

    Kudos man :)

    That and the credits were my favorites from Tekken 2. Pete if you were such a tekken fan WHY DIDN'T WE HAVE A FEW ROUNDS AT MAG!?!? :) Trying to play smash bros ended up hurting my ego.

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