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Posts posted by Garpocalypse

  1. hey everyone,

    just thought i'd post this mix i've been messing around with for a little while. Originally it was a medieval reinterpretation of SA's Flag In The Ground but I ended up adding a few things to it over time.

    Production wise I really tried to emulate some layered reverb techniques found in Soule's Elder Scrolls OST's. A short time ago I asked him about how he approaches using reverb and he said to just treat it like mic placements so, using a bunch of reverb instances, i emulated various mic placements in the soundscape i was trying to set up.


  2. I really should not have looked at this thread so late at night. :)

    I know number 2 but I can't remember where i heard it last. I almost want to say it was from Project Overkill but i'm not 100% on that.


    It's LOADED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Sorta similar to Project Overkill with the notable exception that Project Overkill has no music. :)

    Now i can sleep.

  3. Still looking for WIPS from the following:


    Mak Eightman

    Fallen Seraph

    Just in case there was a misunderstanding. If you sent something to me when the project was restarted I still need you to upload your most recent version to Google Drive for this first official check in.

  4. By the way,

    I've had my eyes on Dilapidated Town for a long time. Since I plan on wrapping up my current track this week, I would like to claim that one as well. But I don't want to be greedy, so any objections?

    I'm still waiting on a few invites to get back to me to be on the main album. I do not have a problem with it but for now if you want to do another source let's have it as a bonus track. If no one gets back to me for Dilapidated Town then yours will be moved onto the main album.

    I would also be completely for anyone who wants to collab with each other or tackle an extra track once the main album gets filled. We have a lot of diversity in musical tastes and that would make for some truly interesting SOR remixes.

    missed the first check-in but is it still possible to participate. just realized there was a recruiting albums threads on the forums.lol.

    bout to sign up for projects like its nobodies business 8)

    Hey SCM!

    In my opinion, doing remixing compos as you have been are the best way to practice writing to deadlines as well as quickly developing your skills due to being in a competitive environment. If you're looking to sign up for a lot of projects keep in mind that the vast majority of project albums fall through on the OCR forums and THIS one has a fairly condensed production time frame since it's a restarted project. To be frank, album directors are looking for remixers who are dedicated to the album right up until its release. If you feel you can keep up with the deadlines and still produce a quality track then you're invited to submit a WIP and make a claim!

  5. Received 4/5. No Garpocalypse this round :/ C'est la vie.

    I'll organize and package stuff in the AM. Thanks everyone.

    Yep sorry about that. Life and working on the album got in the way big time this week. My remix is around 75% complete and I just didn't feel it was listenable enough to debut it right now.

    Good luck to the rest of the bravo bracket!

  6. The song you sent me is on the loudness level of say Garpocalypse's entry.

    Remixes where I use SSD can't be pushed as loud due to the sharp transients of the kick and snare. The result should be extremely punchy drums but they almost never turn out that way. There must be something i'm missing production wise and i'm not sure what it is.

  7. The orchestra sucks.

    I need to buy better samples. Edirol is so eughwinegon

    If you feel like sending me your midi files I could send you some stems from my EWQLSO Gold. They are pretty heavily reverbed though so it may not help much in getting the parts to the foreground. (conductor's position mic's)

  8. Damn you Garpocalypse for ambushing me at MAGfest about this project.

    Put me down for Moon Beach.

    I'm pretty sure I was trying to cajole you into this thing with my dry wit and non-existent charm since before MAG!! Thanks for joining up! Moon Beach is yours!

    Quick post-MAG update: I was able to meet with Detective Tuesday and Halc over the weekend to discuss the album and especially now that EDM specialist LadyWildfire has joined up this should be a beautifully diverse remix album! Also Phonetic Hero is able to be one of the talent evaluators for the album. I'm glad we have so many committed people on this project that are truly interested in seeing this album get completed.

    Thanks for being patient to everyone who stuck with the album during this rebooting phase. Once we get moving it will be full steam toward the release!

  9. It was so awesome seeing everyone this year at MAG. Hope you all have a great year until we meet up again! Here are a few highlights of the whole weekend for me.

    -Getting checked in...not seeing any familiar faces for a good hour... then seeing everyone ALL AT ONCE. Followed by...

    -Bear hugging just about everyone

    -Nightly OCR parties with plenty of games and music

    -Getting our little fighting group together (Esperado, Myself, Ladywildfire) every night for rounds of Tekken, Soul Calibur 2 and some Smash Bros

    - rave mosh(?) with Flexstyle during his hallway jam

    - Completely milking that some people thought I was actually Gario.

    - Meeting with fellow Streets of Rage enthusiasts Halc and Detective Tuesday and discussing the album. (STILL SOME TRACKS LEFT!!!)

    -Velocifero and Pauline (Penguin)who were awesome and EXTREMELY considerate roommates

    -Super Guitar Bros on a main stage

    -4 player rounds of Bomberman

    -Cans of Surge getting passed around

  10. Greetings from MAG! That was a really exciting round from the tracks right down to the tied voting!

    As far as guitar tone for that FTL mix I used Le Pou Legion on the right and le pou Hybrit on the left. Catharsis reverbs (simulated fred mic'ing) EQ'ing was HPF'ed at 180 hz with a sharp slope and a dip from 2k-5k. Also split the bass patch I had with a multiband and saturated the highs. I'll be able to post some of my thoughts about the tracks once I get home tomorrow sometime.

    Thanks for a great competition! Looking forward to the next round!

  11. Hey guys, it's time for my yearly spiel.

    MAGFlu is real. Don't get MAGFlu. It sucks. Use your common sense and do the things you normally do to stay healthy. Don't forget to take care of your health. It is a good idea to do things like:

    - wash your hands

    - eat healthy meals and not just junk food

    - don't get stupid stupid drunk

    - get enough sleep -- it's easy and tempting to not do this

    - don't lick doorknobs

    Keeping yourself healthy helps keeps us all healthy. Thank you. Enjoy the con!

    Last year I got hit with this when I got home. Definitely not a fun time.

    I picked up a good amount of antiflu/antibacterial wipes that I plan on having on me at all times this year. If you're heading to the arcade area and would prefer to wipe down the unit before using it contact me and i'll be happy to give you a few.

  12. Some bad news about the fan site Streets of Rage Online. http://www.soronline.net/main.htm

    While it has been a center for bringing fans of SOR together it looks like the creator is backing off of updating the site for awhile.

    ...he also deleted the forums.

    Looks like we'll need to turn to alternative sources to spread the buzz about the album but the good news is before the forum went down DJYuzoBoy and a few others said they would be helping in spreading the word!

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