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Posts posted by Garpocalypse

  1. I hope all the Sonics are making good progress on their tracks! Mine is coming along fairly well :smile:

    Why were there 5 bass channels?! All your bass are belong to me :razz: But yeah you're definitely getting better and better Gar. Your song this round was slick. I'll comment more when I give my full reviews later this week.

    I told you that you were going to have a good laugh when I sent you those. :<

    5 seperate bass tracks

    3 or 4 pads

    2 sequence loops

    and a different lead for each 8 bar phrase.

    I had no idea why that wasn't sounding like I wanted it to...

    Rage Reviews for the current round forthwithcoming!

  2. Hey everyone,

    I'd thought I would chuck my entry for this years Sonic Zone Remix Competition up on the forums here. Partially to prevent it from sitting on my hard drive for half a year or more. :)

    I went for an 80's inspired sound and while there is still some work that needs to be done to the remix I am pretty happy with how it turned out.

    Sources are

    Cosmic Wall(SA2)

    Lava Reef Zone(S&K)

    Remix: https://soundcloud.com/garpocalypse/no-love-lasts-forever-cosmic

  3. Gar: Love the 80s theme here. Things can get a tad bare at times, but the guitar flourishes are excellent and add a lot of subtle complexity to the piece. Transition around 2:18 is a little jarring. A change in pace or sounds would be appreciated, I was about 3 minutes into the piece and felt like it was dragging on a tad.

    I had a section or two I meant to improvise over. It got to the point where I was an hour before the deadline and realized that I had ...forgotten.

    Garpocalypse - I really like the guitar sound! Reminds me a bit of The Police. The piece definitely has an 80s feel to it. Some of the keyboard parts could have even come from a Korg M1 or a DX7. :) Very nice!

    Those are some ears. Yea it's a Korg M1 which is one of my favorite keyboards ever made. Can't get an 80's-90's sound without one!

  4. Garpocalypse vs. DusK: Very well done, Gar. Nice cohesive song with great integration of the sources. You did well too, DusK, though it feels like this song isn't unfinished. I'd love to see a more complete version of it though.

    While I am not one to argue for the ethics of cohesiveness... I do appreciate the comment! There's still some stuff I want to rewrite and mix better but I am definitely putting this one in the pile I am throwing at the judges. :<

    Garpocalypse - You really surprised me with this one. I don't know why it surprised me, but it did. And i really liked it. Feels very 80's to me, that could be why. But anyways, seriously though, bloody great tune.

    I thought it would be a good idea to start this year's SZRC by selling out as fast as possible. :) No, I just really wanted to try an 80's inspired track at some point and especially since The Jetzons Hard Times song surfaced a short time ago I thought this Sonic Remix competition would be a good place to try it.

    Working on Vol 2 of the SZRC's 2014 RAGE REVIEWS which will be up in a day or two. fantastic round!

  5. couldn't resist. :) getting pretty excited for this bracket.

    When the tracks are up I'll probably have a small breakdown for anyone who is interested. My approach to multi-source remixes is less obvious than some and is more along the along the lines of Omote&Ura.


    Can't wait for the remixes! Trying to resist the urge to listen to the ones upped on soundcloud.

  6. Voting for your competitors, classy :nicework:

    So after a little thought, I think I will do another FFCC in the future. After doing this one though, I discovered a bunch of "problem areas" to improve on for the next one.. Basic things like:

    • We need 2 weeks instead of 1
    • Don't limit it to character themes, include ALL FF themes
    • Possibly make mixing competitor themes optional (the focus would be on simply making the better mix)
    • Either less emphasis on "graphical stuff", or have it ready in advance
    • Choose a less confusing time than "midnight".
    • Rewrite/make a new first post. Don't borrow DarkeSword's text anymore. It's great but as a compo it needs to be its own thing.

    Just a few ideas. Open to more suggestions. No current plans of when the next FFCC will occur.

    As for the current FFCC, keep the votes coming! It's too close right now! I see how hard it is to vote though, both competitors turned in amazing remixes.

    Just like to add timing. I really regret dropping out but the competition got going right at the worst part of the semester. I don't know much about the rotation of the various competitions but early winter might be a good time depending if the SZRC is going to keep it's biyearly schedule.

    I definitely want to compete in this again!

  7. brb remixing

    imma call it "Ghostwriting the WIP"

    This really really bugged me about the Director's Cut. "Original" mode still changed some of the music from the original!

    This was the original music for the basement and it was FAR better for the game!

    ...in my opinion.

    edit: crap just looked deeper into the thread and saw this was already addressed. Even though I don't like it I don't think it's fair to say a deaf guy composed it because it's avant garde. It's fairly easy for someone who has no idea about what they are doing to still use only the white keys on a piano or stick to the lines and spaces of a staff and not use any accidentals. I would believe this to be intentional. ...as bad as it sucks.

  8. definitely an improvement! I also used to feel like i needed to notch everything. Then I watched this video and it helped simplify the whole thing for me.

    Now you just need to milk the source for what you can and get it up in length. The melody is played very well but it keeps coming back without giving the remix a chance to develop. I liked what you had 00:38 but then the guitar came back in playing the same thing it had played just a few seconds earlier. I think there is some real potential in that section for some creativity. Listen to some music that is in the style you are going for and try a few things out that you heard to see if you can expand on the idea.

    Liking it alot!

  9. It's midweek-ish... how are the rest of you Robotniks doing on your mixes?

    Getting there.

    This will be the first remix I did where I split some of the instruments up via a multiband and saturated different parts of the patch. So far i am really having fun messing around with that technique.

    Just wish I didn't have this habit of feeling like I need to keep changing my leads.

  10. Not bad at all. Kind of sounds like something Russ Barenberg would be into. On the short side but I am a sucker for this style of bluegrass. :)

    The bass is really muddying things up. Try to dry out the tone a little and bring it down in volume. The acoustic guitar sounds good but it's such a unique sound that keeping it to the left the whole time is kind of disorienting to me. Maybe someone else can echo that but I would recommend putting in a second guitar part or really anything panned to the right. Just to get some balance and make it feel like you aren't listening to a piece with your head slightly to one side.

    Best way to notch, in my opinion, is to stick a frequency analyzer on the tracks you are giving your attention to and look where the hot spots are for the given sound. If you see 2+ instruments with similar energy in the same area you are going to run into problems. Usually a notch of around 5db will work fine if the volumes are lined up correctly. The other way to do it would be to make a spike with one of your bands in the EQ and move it around at +10 or more db until you hear something that doesn't sound like it goes with the other instruments then bring it down to -5db to take it out.

    I think you are going to need more than notching though for some of these instruments. Try knocking off some of the lower freqs in the piano to brighten the sound and bring it up in volume. You have a lot in the lower register as it is. I would try to put the piano more on top of the guitars rather than inside them. Let the bass enjoy it's space down low and move the piano upwards and it will sound fine!

    I'm enjoying what you have though and really hope you will have some more updates for this one!

    By the way. Skip Hop Wobble. One of the best albums ever made.

    Good luck!

  11. Little early for April Fool's jokes isn't it?

    At least I hope that's what it is.


    Still, I think the language is pretty harsh and he shouldn't be called a fraud. The article makes it sound like he was still trying to work with only his sense of perfect pitch and his name in Japan made it worth keeping him in the credits.

    If I lost my hearing like that I wouldn't make it a week.

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