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Posts posted by Garpocalypse

  1. I slept for a super long time like 3am to 8pm and now I'm ready to get this thing ready because I totally intended for it to work out this way, and I didn't forget about this, at all! :-) I got 2 entries in, so we just need the one from Garpocalypse to make it a real compo.


    ...without a week extension. :)

    Even then i'd doubt i'd make it as hell week starts tommarow.

  2. Yeah unfortunately I'm not going to be able to make it (again) :(. I wasn't able to coordinate travel and time-off between all the other family/holiday stuff and year-end work stuff I need to wrap up. I really wish MAGFest was in the spring or summer time, cause it always seems like I end up being too busy to travel that week of the New Year, between everything else going on.

    I was really looking forward to meeting people and hanging out too. Have a great time everyone!

    You're going. Period. I'm swinging by your house on my way down. With some duct tape. Don't worry, there's plenty of room in my trunk.


  3. Wow, for $200, that seems like a solid deal. I just listened to a bunch of samples, and this should fill this particular gap in my arsenal nicely. I think this one's gonna end up on the short list, too. Thanks, man!

    Just a quick warning about SSD. The kick and the snare samples have some really sharp transients that may require a different approach to mixing then what you are used to. Your ending waveform will look like a porcupine with those drum samples and it's supposed to. Which is something I didn't understand for awhile.

    Of course you could just chalk that up to noobish mixing. :)

  4. getting really really excited for this! Just a couple of more weeks!

    I was planning on booking a train from syracuse to d.c. this time to help make sleep deprivation less of an issue. It looks like I'll be getting off at Union Station near the Japanese-American memorial that is 20 or so minutes from the hotel. The problem is that the cheapest reservation dumps me off in D.C. around 1am on friday morning. Probably not the best time to be there. Are cabs pretty easy to get at that time or should I be looking at a different day?

  5. Sorry for disappearing, had a really really busy week. Glad I wasn't mixing or I would probably be bailing right now :) I'll comb through the thread to see what i missed.

    Garpocalypse and MindWanderer and also Tuberz:

    Your tracks are hard to choose between, you are well matched for production and writing.

    Garpocalypse: Your track confuses me a bit. It starts out so soft, a pad and harp, then a synth and some very rock-style drums, then with no warning, whammo... guitars and super fast drums. The guitar parts actually sound pretty good, but I don't think you've chosen the best synth timbres to go with them. Back and forth from super-soft/slow to very hard/fast sounding sections here... with no warning or signaling... need some transitions! The ideas are solid, they just have to flow better.

    All of the leads in this one I changed at the last second and didn't bother to re-record the midi for them or really mix them. :) Leads and me don't jivemaster very well for some reason. Went for some shock value but I over did it. I was planning a rewrite but so far haven't had any time to work on it. When it gets done i'll have it up on the forums. Thanks for the comments!

  6. [quote name='Brandon Strader;947928

    1. Garpocalypse

    omg WTF garpocalypse' date=' that metal came out of nowhere! NOWHERE!!! and the production! you've definitely improved! the quiet breakdowns! so out of place! The rhythm guitars, so loud, so heavy! So shreddage! *sobs*! Personally I'd bring the quieter parts up to be a bit more consistent! Lots of dry stuff, dry drums, dry synths, dry leads! I think you could get this one fixed up and off to pass the OCR panel with some good TLC! RAGE REVIEW! That repeat of the quiet part at the end seemed tacked on, but eh! :lol:


  7. Garpocalypse! I love this reviewing style of yours! No matter what is said! It always sounds pretty upbeat! Even when what you have to say! Is not so nice! Or that it wasn't cohesive! Or that it didn't jivemaster! Or whatever! Or if you liked something! Even in the middle! Of a sentence! Always with the exclamation points! Everything sounds so amazingly happy! Everyone should do critiques just like this! No one would ever again be upset! The world would be a better place! And thanks! For taking the time! To do a detailed review! Of every song! So nice of you!

    I know right! Wait! Was something I said not nice!? Sorry! If I come off that way sometimes! Just trying to add my voice to the rich tapestry that is the OCR Forums! Even if it doesn't mean much! Keep things alive you know! I mean! I'd like to comment more on production! Which I know could really help! But! Until I get something together that sounds like I would know what I am talking about! I won't! Or whatever!

    And that reviewing on a sugar high amounts to...


    zero votes! :D

    Here tim is foreshadowing my track in the next round! I think...

  8. Nothing is mixed, and that cello has no automation whatsoever (not including glissando or whatever it does automatically between notes)


    Not really sure what you mean. I'm not hearing any glissandos, which are slides. Or glides. Sounds like a long attack with some vibrato. Though i did slam your lack of bass namely in your choice to use a cello. :)

    I'm not going to call out the creator of this remix competition! Not when you have forty four posts to my ...zero.

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