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Status Updates posted by Garpocalypse

  1. Hey, really dug your track for the SZRC. Reminded me of Into the Cosmos by John of Light. https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/into-the-cosmos/id370422131

    good luck!

  2. Hey Star, Haven't seen you much before on the forums but thanks for giving my WCRG mix a spot on your top 3! I'm hoping to have a new version of it up on the forums soon, i'll send you the link once it's up if you want. Thanks again!

  3. Pretty sweet groove! Good luck this round!

  4. Hey Theory! Thanks for giving Shadedog a spot on your top 3! It still has a number of fixes i'd like to do but I hope to have an updated version soon if you want to check it out when it's done. Thanks!

  5. Nova! Thanks for giving my WCRG mix a top three ranking! I have several fixes that need to be done but then it's probably going to go off to the judges. The Garpocalypse-era of OCR is near!!! :)Thanks again!

  6. Hey, any crits on how I handled the vocals while they are still fresh in my head? Signal chains went Compression, Saturation, Mono Delay, EQ, for the lyrics. Screams and Growls were Compression, harder saturation, wide reverb and EQ. The growls/screams had a slight dip around 4k or so they could stay behind the lyrics during the overlaps. All were HPF'ed at around 250 hz and sent to a mix reverb aux at -25db.

  7. Hey shrack, thanks for giving my WCRG mix a freaking number one vote! I don't think i'm worthy when compared to the competition of this first round but i'm really glad you enjoyed my attempt at epic caribbean folk metal! New version coming soon.

  8. ParahSalin. You're name cracks me up every time I see it. Thanks for giving my Shadedog a #1. I'm glad you enjoyed it. I still have some fixes to do but hopefully i'll be able to get it to pass the judges panel. Thanks again!

  9. Hey ACO!

    I know you are into power metal. I just did a power metal remix for the Sonic Zone Remix Competition. If you want to take a listen it's here http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=46386

    Still have some stuff to iron out but let me know your thoughts!

  10. Hey PRC veteran! Thanks for giving Shadedog a top three vote! I didn't think it was going to make anyone's list once Darke posted the tracks so i'm very humbled that it stood out in a good way. I'll have a new version of it up soon if you're interested. Thanks again!

  11. I was back and forth like crazy, one minute things were too loud then after a rest they seemed too quiet. Took forever to settle on it. Where would you normally cut growls? I couldn't find the information anywhere. Some obvious edits aside I thought they turned out better than the rest of the remix. :)

  12. Tell you what, i'll do one of those if you do

  13. Dragonforce. :) I remember when everyone I knew loved them backj when they first came out then a few months later everyone started hating them. Not really the band I was looking to emulate but i'll take it. Good luck on your remix!

  14. Hey happy birthday! I'll get you the remix unmastered sometime today.


  15. Plenty taken. :) j/k. I ended up scrapping what I was working on all week and put that thing together in a few hours. The one I was going to sub became an unfocused mess that didn't sound like anything. The bass sounded panned because I accidentally had it on a stereo track. Oh, and like my DoD submission there was no production. :) But thanks for the vote!

  16. nope, i wiped the master of everything but the extremely small bit of console saturation i had when mixing it.

  17. Hey happy birthday Mak!

  18. sure!

    eeeyyyyyyaaAAAAAAAAH! /10char

  19. you don't get more predictable then that. :)

  20. are you kidding me? I usually hit about -15 on the master when I am mixing. The file I sent you was extremely quiet! Unless you are talking about something else I had no clue about.

    This is the one I sent you right? How is this hot?https://soundcloud.com/garpocalypse/sanctu-unmastered-master2/s-a8Mka

  21. Hey Timaeus is there a chance you could offer some crits on my latest? http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?p=908530#post908530 I'd appreciate it!

  22. you may have been right. I just boosted my guitars in sanctu by a good 6db each(recorded peaks were at -5 btw)and still didn't lose the synths.

  23. Hey Dusk, since you are one of the more metal inclined people here at OCR is there a chance you could comment on my Supremacy mix? http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?p=908530#post908530 thanks!

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