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Everything posted by KyleJCrb

  1. http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showpost.php?p=411594&postcount=1931
  2. If anyone pulls their track from this project, I'll kill them. And then I'll have them brought back to life just so Lea can kill them again. Seriously. Don't doubt me! I'll do it! I swear!
  3. Hmmm, an interesting thought indeed. This shall be discussed.
  4. I hate to be the bearer of some disappointing news, but we will probably not be releasing anytime soon. Yes, I know, that's not what anybody wants to hear, but there is a reason, and it's somewhat out of my hands. The reason is that, per djp's project scheduling plans (which obviously I can't control, since this is his website, and this project is merely an affiliated thing), DQD is next in the release queue, and it may not be until late Summer before that one hits, from what I've been told. I'm not going to schedule anything at this point, but there is the very real possibility that SoS may not be out until Fall. Oh well, at least we will have plenty of time to make sure all of the details are taken care of. We'll get it out there eventually.
  5. The site with all of the songs has been up since May 27th, 2005 actually, and all of the songs have been there the entire time (even tracks that were actually not even planned at that time, and bonus tracks like housethegrate's, SnappleMan's, and PriZm's versions of Fighting of the Spirit, Machinae Supremacy's version of Sylphis, even a 74 minute mega-medley from Sakuraba himself). The link just hasn't been released publicly.
  6. We have to release the project first. Don't get ahead of us now.
  7. The breakdown section of Danimal Cannon's song is classic. "I remember these tossers from River City!" Overall, a pretty great project.
  8. At least we can take solace in the fact that this isn't the oldest unfinished project here.
  9. Mustin stole the project! http://www.noballsnoglory.net/
  10. This bill was introduced back in 2006, but wasn't voted on before Congress' session ended. As far as I know, it's dead in the water and is nothing to be alarmed about currently.
  11. It's already happened like that, I will admit. But no more. This is the last extension. My concern was that people were talking about things like recording guitars and the like at the last minute, which I know can take some time. Regardless, I can't say for sure whether this project is even on track for a May release (I doubt it, honestly. There's too much left to do outside of the songs), so extending the deadline by a week is not going to considerably delay the release of the project itself any more than it has been.
  12. Project isn't going to be coming out on the day of the deadline anyway, so I don't see what the big deal is.
  13. http://carbohydrom.free.fr/music.html
  14. Well, he didn't actually delete it. Just moved it into a hidden section. Sneaky bastard. In other news: Because progress lately has been quite pleasing, I'm bumping up the due date by a week to give some extra time for people to make their songs really rock. Don't dawdle, though, or I KEEL J00
  15. We did it two years ago. I myself actually believed it when DarkeSword deleted the thread, fooling me into thinking he actually believed it was really cancelled.
  16. Sixto actually has two tracks from this project approved for OCR. And yes, I already know about that quote. It came up at this time in '06 and '07 too. Still waiting for death.
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