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Everything posted by KyleJCrb

  1. In serious business: The music side of this project is practically finished. I need everyone to go through the tracklist on the first page of this thread and make sure all of the songs are accounted for. With so many tracks, this isn't easy to keep track of, so make sure I haven't overlooked anything. Also, my mirrors list is a bit outdated. Please confirm with me if you are on the list and still able to host the project. We will also additional need HTTP hosting mirrors. Please let me know if you have about 500-600 megs of hosting space available and good bandwidth. Trust me: It WILL get used.
  2. Who says extra ToS2 tracks aren't already finished?
  3. Not really waiting on one person (I know she'll be done when it's time): Just waiting on getting a website together, which is happening now with OA on board. Once that's ready to go, this thing will be out.
  4. The ToS and ToP OVAs, and each games' respective intro videos.
  5. I figured the associated imagery made it obvious...
  6. OA is now a member of the SoS team, and will be creating a sweet website for us. Welcome, OA!
  7. I've released a teaser of the Fighting of the Spirit remix from the SoS project. Enjoy.
  8. Well, as you may have realized, Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World hit North America yesterday. While we haven't managed to coincide our release with the game (we can still possibly hit the EU release date, though!), I'm hoping we can have this out relatively soon. In the meantime, I've decided to give a little teaser of what is probably one of the most amazing songs on this project: Sixto and Dhsu's version of Fighting of the Spirit: The Unholy Wars. Enjoy!
  9. Good Egg Galaxy: Harjawaldar - The Brightest Star and Hale-Bopp - Two Tales
  10. The Darkness Nova: Master Hatchet - Sandwich Nova Pain The Universe: SnappleMan - With Real Potato Flavor
  11. I don't know when this will be out, but I can say release it a ways out. The music is practically done, but djpretzel has been quiet on the website front for several months now, so I'm almost tempted to move on without him and find someone else to do the site (or do it myself, although I think this project deserves more than some shit cobbled together with old-style HTML). I would like to see the project out by the end of the month, but...
  12. Probably because it just wasn't ever submitted, since they submitted like, half of the rest of the album instead?
  13. Oh, there'll be a few extra tracks from Ratatosk.
  14. You're in luck, because Sixto himself did a remix of "Fighting of the Spirit" (which is the official name) for the upcoming Summoning of Spirits project, and it has also been accepted to OCR. And yes, it's as awesome as you can imagine. Rexy also contributed a remix of FotS in a very different style for the same project, so there will be not one, but two remixes revealed soon. There's also some other remixes/covers of this song floating around. Maybe I'll post some of them up later.
  15. It's from this, sadly long out of print. It has three arrange tracks and the entire original soundtrack for the game.
  16. That would be cool. I know Christian Pacaud could probably pull something like that off...
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