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Everything posted by KyleJCrb

  1. Redoing your songs twice is your own decision, not the fault of the project taking too long. If I recall you also had to redo your tracks because your computer that crashed. My girlfriend has nothing to do with any of the delays of this project, or in fact much of anything to do with this project at all. Delays are somewhat the fault of remixers who won't get their things done (such as a certain guitarist that I happen to be replying to right now that took six months to say anything after he reported that he was supposedly nearly finished with his stuff, and then just dropped from the project anyway), which by extension and association makes the delays purely my fault because I haven't been hounding people enough to work on their shit. Yes, I know this project is late. Yes, I know it's relevance has probably long since past by now. No, I don't care. I don't need people who couldn't even finish their own fucking contributions to it in here giving us this bullshit and grief. You want to complain, SnappleMan? Go finish Decisive. You know, the track you were supposedly nearly done with over a goddamn year ago.
  2. Downloadable content on the Wii is a bit difficult, considering the Wii lacks a built-in hard drive, and SD cards don't really have the space to support DLC. I can understand lacking that. Lack of online multiplayer is a drag, though. And I was actually interested in the Wii version. Oh well, maybe EA and Harmonix will wise up and release a PC port.
  3. Posting songs from original soundtrack CDs = Don't do it. And this might be an interesting combination, provided one bases their His World arrangement on the superior Crush 40 version.
  4. I will agree, this one is highly overlooked, and is one of my favorite character themes from the game. A remix would be interesting...
  5. It's only a matter of time. GamePolitics' special features these last few days make it painfully obvious that JT did nothing but shoot himself in the foot repeatedly during the entire run of his disbarment trial. There's always the possibility that the judge is actually an idiot and will let him keep his license, but I doubt it, as she witnessed firsthand the unprofessionalism and and misconduct which resulted in those Bar complaints being filed against JT in the first place.
  6. Is it just me or is the music for Ryu's stage NOT featuring BrainCells' mind-melting guitar work?
  7. Alright, there SHOULD be nothing for Euclid. Rexy, feel free to kill me if I forget that someone else was doing something with it (though I'm 99.9999% sure nobody was).
  8. Oh god, I just realized that this means Snakey Chantey is finally gonna get remixed. Tepid, please do this amazing song justice.
  9. I'm sorry, Rexy. I'd say go ahead and do it, unless pu has a major problem with that. I'm really sick right now, by the way. Sorry I'm not around much.
  10. Soon™. And yes the Derris-Kharlan theme will be in it.
  11. Like Lea said, Tepid and PriZm already took that one on. I like Aninymouse's idea of Regal's Theme (from ToS). Take a look into that one and see if you like it.
  12. Right now Prophet and Mono are hovering quite close to being finished with the remixes they've been working on. I bugged Andy Jayne a couple weeks ago about his song since it's basically finished, but I haven't seen him on to bug him again since then. I really just need a .wav and a title for that one and it's finished. I think pu is still alive... But then he might be dead. I'm not sure if Sixto is still reworking Chaotic Heart or not, but even if he doesn't the version there is awesome enough to be one of my favorite tracks on the project. Holy crap, I think we're actually ALMOST DONE! WHAT THE FUCK?! Actually, I still need to talk to the pretzelman regarding things about websiteness... Dammit, I suck lately. Oh well, it'll happen eventually.
  13. Dave broke the front page for this skin and it looks ugly. Any chance you could fix it and make it nice again, Rama?
  14. On a related note, I'm thoroughly convinced that all of analoq's remixes on the site have subliminal messages in them. Even the ones with no lyrics.
  15. There are actually a few remixes of UT that have been done by Japanese doujin remixers. I'll see what I can dig up.
  16. And yet, anywhere that there is NO Wal-Mart is where small business dries up. Wal-Mart may be huge competition for small stores, but they do stimulate the economy in areas where they build one. Not that I care to shop there, but they're not as detrimental as some make them out to be.
  17. Dammit Prophet, are you breaking shit trying to make remixes for this thing?
  18. djp proclaiming his love for Aerosmith in the writeup is hilarious. Luckily, this remix is still quite badass. I never thought I'd see a remix from Revolution X. Nice one, Jredd!
  19. This one has been around for quite awhile, yet it's missing from all the archives: http://morningstar-.deviantart.com/art/OCR-tan-29825578
  20. sadorf did a remix of it for the Hedgehog Heaven project.
  21. Another one down! Just five more! FIVE MORE! Shit, I really need to talk to people about websites and torrents and junk...
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