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Everything posted by CJthemusicdude

  1. The part/interlude around 2:53 was so lovely and easily my favorite part of the remix. There is something about the mellow nature of this remix that puts you into a calmer state of mind. The instrumentation was well done and you managed to flesh out the runtime very well. Excellent remix!
  2. I ended up listening to this 3 times before reviewing, I'll take that as a sign that it's very good! THis remix is pleasant, light and airy, and makes for great background music for a quiet moment or for a small moment of triumph! Great job on this!
  3. The last minute of this remix was definitely my favorite part. This was an enjoyable and smooth remix and I was boppin my head along most of the way. Great job on this!
  4. I'll admit, I kind of zoned out for the first couple of minutes, but things really kicked up a notch starting with that warbling and creepy lead, and then things just started sound cooler and cooler. Once this remix kicked off, it definitely felt like an awesome Metroid remix. This remix was appropriately creepy and dark in some parts and intense in others. Excellent job!
  5. This was quite creative and held a very interesting soundscape! I enjoyed the instrument selection and the varied way in which the remix goes about. Great job on this, bravo!
  6. This was quite lovely and surprisingly good for how simple and straightforward of a remix this is. I am actually debating on whether or not this is better than the original, that's how good it is!
  7. What a romp! I really enjoyed the percussion and bass in this remix. This remix was a lot of fun! Kudos!
  8. Nice and mellow and very space-like. This was a good jam and I enjoyed listening to it. Excellent job!
  9. This was a great rendition of the classic boss music with some JENOVA splashed in. The musicality and timing is exquisite in this one, those solos were splendid. Great job!
  10. In my opinion, this remix shined the most during the slow sections. Those moody strings, the reverberant keys and those smooth pads. Fantastic remix!
  11. The part that beings around 1:58 is my favorite part of the remix, the sort of mournful and dramatic keys mixed with those cool drums made for an excellent combo, and then the electric guitar comes in and seals the deal! This was great and well done!
  12. Very strong opening. That fakeout drop at 1:30 was crazy! Once the drums kicked in, I started bobbin my head. This was super cool, good job on this!
  13. This was pretty darn good! It was rocking but had more variety than just a guitar and some drums, I particularly like the synth leads near the end. Great job ion this!
  14. This was a certified foot tapper for sure. The energy and drive this remix has is very strong. Excellent job on this one!
  15. Kudos for taking these two iconic tracks and mixing them together so cohesively. It seems so simple yet so creative and clever! This was definitely a banger!
  16. This was fun! The treated vocals fit very well in the mix and give it a unique flavor. Great job on this!
  17. This definitely rocks! I enjoyed the little interlude/transition at around 2:02. I enjoyed the little intro also. Great job on this!
  18. This was quite the powerful solo piano remix! I enjoyed the various styles and melodies and the transitions between there were smooth. Great piano playing and great job on this!
  19. This was incredibly unique. Honestly if I hadn't seen the source before listening, I probably wouldn't have been able to guess the source of this remix. This mix definitely does a water level justice by making everything kind of swirl together in a liquid-like flow. Kudos!
  20. This was definitely a unique take on the source, and I enjoyed it. Those sharp voxs that came in were wild. Very creative and clever instrumentation on this, great job!
  21. This remix definitely screams water level. Those instruments were absolutely IMMERSED. I enjoyed the timing of the arrangement, it feels very purposeful and creative. This was great!
  22. This was a nice pleasant ride of a remix. It was a nice break and I enjoyed listening to it, kudos!
  23. This definitely would work as the background music for a killer fight scene. It is hard driving and has enough interlude to break up the action. Great job on this!
  24. This remix is a combination of mellow and driving pulse action. I am a big fan of the filtered drums that were cascading around, especially near the end. This was an absolute treat, bravo!
  25. This was great! I feel like it is a remix desperately begging for some lyrics to go along with it. The whistling, humming/singing was great and really gave this remix a cozy and fun feel. Definitely unique and definitely cool. ?
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