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Everything posted by CJthemusicdude

  1. This remix is very intense and driving. I felt like I should be engaging in some crazy epic battle somewhere or something. There are some parts that do a very good job of building tension, especially with the strings going crazy!
  2. Nice and lofi with plenty of fun spice thrown in. I was bobbin my head along for sure. Great stuff! :)
  3. Awww yiss. I was so happy when I heard that first buildup happening, I knew I was in for a treat. I am a sucker for some good wubs, and this definitely delivered. The sample usage was a lot of fun to listen to as well. Thank you for treating to me this piece of electronic ear-candy!
  4. Very smooth and fluid remix. The section where those powerful vocals come in was incredible! Overall I really enjoyed this, great job! :)
  5. This is a fantastic interpretation of the original tune. Fun and lively while also being very interesting and dynamic. Excellent stuff!
  6. Those drums and orch hits were delightfully nostalgic and fun. This almost feels like an opening to a 90's show, ESPECIALLY when the vocals kicked in. This was a lot of fun!
  7. This rocking remix was FULL. These guitars were chuggin with purpose! This remix works great as a backdrop while you are playing a fighting game. (Just as a totally random example) Great job!
  8. The remix builds up and maintains this nice atmosphere of intrigue and gloomy mystery. The sound design on this one was really well done, it really places you in the setting!
  9. A very energetic and fun remix! My favorite part was around the 3:00 minute mark, that awesome solo mixed with the whizzing arps was super awesome. Great stuff!
  10. Great energy in this remix, the switching between instruments and audio flavor palettes was very well done (I particularly like the switching from the energetic pulsing synths to the hard-driving guitar shredding!)
  11. @Marscaleb You are not the only one who hears that. And it is all I can hear now lol. As for my review, this is a very solid piano remix. I can tell there is a lot of musical insight and passion put behind this. The little switches up in key and texture are very well done. Kudos!
  12. I really enjoyed that saxophone, very cool. I enjoyed this remix overall, it was very funky and drizzling with drip! ?
  13. Nothing like the calm serenity of night with the sound of frogs croaking in the distance to put you at ease. This was a nice and chill peace and it was well played/made. Good job on this! :)
  14. The bass is the MVP of this remix IMO, I don't know why but I was really drawn to it. This was cool, calm and jazzy and I could definitely dig it ?
  15. Fantastic interpretation of the original source. Very cool idea to have a chiptuney sort of remix with the dragonborn theme. It works very well having a hybrid of chips as well as other elements. The textures change often enough to keep this remix very cool and interesting. Great job!
  16. This is pretty superb stuff. I enjoyed the transition into the slower tempo partway through. There is just so much fun bits and bloops to listen to throughout. A true treat to the ears. Great job! ?
  17. This is a solid bop! Great vocals and great production, I particularly like the drums on this. Stellar stuff ?
  18. A lovely remix! Great vocals and vibe. I don't have much else to say other than: AWESOME job! :D
  19. Those drums were going straight HAMburgers. Very high intensity energy in this remix. Great job!
  20. Crulex hit the nail on the head with their review. This remix hits just the right tone for kicking back on a beach somewhere. Very chill and relaxing. Great job!
  21. This was definitely a trip. The various glitchy effects and transitions kept me interested and intrigued. This was super cool, great stuff! ?
  22. Nothing like some lush pads to kick things off! This remix had a very space-like feel to me, and it felt like I was travelling somewhere. Great job with some of those synths and great remix overall!
  23. I like this! A nice and simple arrangement of the amazing Cosmo Canyon theme. Well played, well produced, overall an excellent job! :)
  24. I enjoyed this a lot. EXCELLENT use of the source material. It expands upon it in a great and fun way while taking its' own direction. A lot of creativity in this as well as some good production chops. Great job!
  25. That sudden drop to the bitcrushed filter and then back was quite the trip and gave a cool effect to this remix. Excellent intro and overall a great remix! ?
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