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Everything posted by CJthemusicdude

  1. Even though there was a bit of a dark undertone, this remix was remarkably peaceful. Great use of instruments, I had to turn it up a bit to catch some of the nuances. Great stuff!
  2. I think that bright beeping is engrained in my skull now. This was a nice remix, it was simple catchy and fun. Great job!
  3. This is my favorite Lavender town remix that I've heard so far, and that's saying something because the original source tune is insanely popular. This perfectly matches the somber vibe of the town. It kicks off very nicely and is enjoyable to listen to, but once those strings kick in, it goes into overdrive into a sweeping, emotional piece. This was very good!
  4. Some classic UNTZ action going on here. Some creative usage of the Air Man Stage, that's for sure. Tight production and a good groove makes this a bop! Great job!
  5. +10 points to this remix for having one of the best remix titles ever. This remix straight up sounds like it would fit right into the game. I really enjoyed the piano as well as the organ/pads in this. Excellent job on this remix! ?
  6. This definitely was a journey of emotions for me. At times this remix was quite silly and playful. Other times it had a strong bombastic energy. Fantastic arrangement and a fun remix overall! :)
  7. This was short and silly and I approve. 2 thumbs up! ?
  8. The instant I realized this was a bubbleman remix (about 1 second) I smiled because I am a big fan of the bubbleman stage music. I enjoyed this a lot! This has a big room dance feel and those big synths were comin in HOT. This was a lot of fun and a great rendition of the classic source material. Great work!
  9. This was bouncy and a lot of fun. Very fitting remix for a pinball game! I enjoyed the frantic drums and the various effects/element used on them throughout! Great remix! :)
  10. This was definitely a bop! I was tapping my foot along most of the time. ? The production was great on this, it was easy for me to pick out the various instruments, which were played excellently. Fantastic job to all who worked on this!
  11. Aw yes, this is quite groovy, funky, jazzy and all of those cool things ? I feel a little bit more classy just by listening to it. That bass was Groooovin! Great job on this!
  12. This remix would be an excellent background for many a game! It's serene and mysterious and I really dig the vibe. Excellent use of vocals also! Great job!
  13. This is somehow both mysterious and alluring, yet creepy and unsettling. Fantastic job on this remix! It was a treat to listen to :)
  14. Right off the bat I enjoyed the intro, a nice way to get me interested, it kind of reminded me of a clock in a way. I enjoyed the glitchy effects and the unique approach this remix took. Very good stuff! :)
  15. This remix feels very triumphant and powerful. There is practically a whole story being told with this. Excellent job on the arrangement on this, it was enjoyable to listen to :)
  16. That intro was filled with so much tension you could cut it with a sword! This definitely has a bombastic feel with a twinge of that previously mentioned sinister element. This remix always feels like it's descending a bit into some twisted dark place, very powerful! Great job!
  17. Flugelhorn! Beyond the horn, the guitar playing was very well done and gave this remix a nice melancholic and cinematic feel. Excellent job on this one, bravo.
  18. I really enjoyed the vox on this, once the vocals came in this remix definitely was kicked up a notch! Overall this was fantastic. Good job!
  19. This is a big production! I definitely enjoyed listening to it. My favorite part was the section that started around :55, stellar stuff all around!!
  20. Smooth indeed. ? At least, smooth throughout most of the beginning, but things definitely kick up a notch partway through and there are some powerful and cool moments and some excellent trumpet playing! Great job on this! :)
  21. Fantastic instrument choice and playing. This was an excellent remix, well crafted indeed! Two thumbs up! ?
  22. I really enjoyed the 2nd half of this remix. This was an enjoyable journey of a remix that really brings the feeling of a journey to audio form. Great instrumentation and arrangement on this one. Great job!
  23. That intro certainly woke me up! This definitely had a very dark and intense atmosphere. Those stuttering guitars were a cool touch. I also enjoyed the bass "solo" section mixed with those powerful drums. overall a great remix! Great job on this!
  24. I enjoyed the timing differences and interpretation of the original theme. This was a head banger for sure. Great job on this!
  25. This was a lot of fun! The drums were well done and I think my favorite part was that bass solo/interlude in the middle. Two thumbs up! Very cool. ?
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