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Everything posted by CJthemusicdude

  1. This must have taken a while to make! This was one of those journey remixes that puts me on an audio path where I never quite know where it's going to go. All I can say is... it is quite jammin. ?
  2. This was a fun remix! It captures a tone and feeling well and is varied enough to be very interesting. Kudos!
  3. Those synths that were buzzing around reminded me of a small swarm of insects. This remix definitely has its' own unique style and that is awesome. Great work on this!
  4. Nice and mellow. Those leads were a real treat for the ears. I really enjoyed the 'finale' of sorts around 3:22, it was awesome! Great job on this.
  5. This remix definitely has a nostalgic feel, the style callback was definitely a lot of fun to listen to and this screams early 2000's playstation era music. I am 0 percent surprised that the source is a racing game. Great job on this!
  6. Around the 1:00 mark things really picked up and we got some amazing musical moments with the Erhu and the choir. Fantastic remix!
  7. What a journey! From the slow menacing plodding of the guitar in the beginning to the hard and gritty guitar shredding later on. This must have been quite the undertaking to make! Kudos!
  8. My ears appreciated how this was made, the piano tone is great and the playing is even better! Excellent job on this!
  9. This does a great job of setting up a scene and a cinematic tone. Nice and intense, great job on this!
  10. Very nice and chill. The lo-fi drums were on point, but had that extra flavor and sparkle to keep things interesting. I was boppin my head long to this for sure. Excellent job on this remix!
  11. Once the Oboe came in around 1:20, this remix definitely got elevated. This was overall an excellent orchestral style remix, and a nice listen.
  12. The bits are crunchy in this one! That little interlude around the 2 minute mark had some very visceral sound effects going on. Overall this was very well made, great job!
  13. That kick drums is THUMPIN for sure. The bass and drums are the best part of this mix IMO, some really good production with the pads and fx layering and sidechaining. I also renjoyed the swirling distored bells that were panning around around the halfway point. Excellent remix!
  14. I was expecting a pretty run-of-the-mill orchestral remix at first, but when things ramped up, they REALLY ramped up. The DnB intense drums really helped drive the intensity along with the strings. Great stuff!
  15. This is a solid BOP. I really enjoy the low buzzy quad bass groove happening around the middle section. Plenty of power pixelated chip-punch here to enjoy. Great stuff!
  16. This was as solid as it gets when it comes to remixes. The production is very tight and clean, and this just flows so well together and cohesively. Excellent job!
  17. To echo what DimeTower said, the vibe is definitely on point for this remix. I really dig the pad/e-piano that came in around 1:12. That mixed with the eerie vocals made for an excellent soundscape. Bravo on this remix!
  18. I am a sucker for great vocal harmony and layering, and this remix has it in spades! This was superbly done, very excellent job for everyone who worked on this.
  19. I am surprised this doesn't have any reviews yet! This is a really fun remix. It sets a great tone and plays around with the melodies quite well. Kudos!
  20. I enjoyed the ramping up near the middle/end. It gives this remix a very triumphant tone to send it off. This was great! Kudos!
  21. This was a very unique take on the original source, and I really dig that. That funky guitar and slow-paced reggae style fits this well! This was an absolute treat, thank you for making this remix! ?
  22. This is a certified foot tapper! It's got a nice groove and has a good energy throughout. Great remix!
  23. Awww yea I dig that super crunchy FM bass. This was a wild remix, what a trip to listen to. Good job on this! Very unique!
  24. This has very strong power metal vibes! The rapid-fire dramatic vocals are really the center-stage for this remix. Great stuff!
  25. This was a delight. It's clear a lot of fun and heart went into this, and the energy carries through the remix. Excellent job! :)
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