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Everything posted by CJthemusicdude

  1. If this remix was a natural feature you would find alongside a mountain, it would be a rock. Cuz it rocks. Very cool remix, quite the jam! ?
  2. This definitely carries an aire of mystery and intrigue, wich a musical undertone that makes you want to explore and start out on some adventure....of courser making sure that your inventory is set up correctly. And you have to set up your controls also, and tweak the sound settings because the music isn't loud enough. Good stuff! :)
  3. I like dem CLAPZ. This remix is nice and chill and funky. Very cool, very cool indeed. ?
  4. I was tapping my foot along. This was a lovely and chill remix. Thank you for making it. :)
  5. This was a pretty baller remix, from the wailing synth leads and the jamming guitars. Top notch stuff here. That little e-piano interlude was a nice touch as well. Fantastic work! :)
  6. This was super cool. Definitely some awesome bass work at play here. There was a few very impactful moments and overall this was a lot of fun. Great job with this one!
  7. This was a nice remix to listen to. Definitely has a a nice steady pace and a pleasant atmosphere. No complaints here! 2 thumbs up! ?
  8. Nothing like starting my music day off with some blippity and some bloopity. This was definitely a solid bop! Very danceable and fun. Good stuff!
  9. I like the drums with this, the kick and snare hit HARD. This was a bop and fun to listen to!
  10. This remix builds up a great atmosphere. Echoing that there is excellent usage of the vocals and piano. Good stuff!
  11. That guitar was really cool. Dude, the part from 1:00 - 1:30 was GOLDEN. That stuttering guitar and that bit crushed lead...brilliant stuff! I agree with Sadorf, people don't know what they are missing.
  12. This was a fun romp! I enjoyed the lyrics and the style of this. Great stuff! :)
  13. This gave me Incredibox V7 vibes. The fact that this had no reviews is ridiculous, because this remix is very very good. I found myself moving and grooving to this pretty quickly. That low pulsing bass is SO good. 10/10!
  14. Expertly done. A fantastic remix with excellent instrumentation and arrangement. ?
  15. RAWKIN. I enjoyed this rockin FF7 tribute, I could hear the sources clearly, and there was plenty of room for variation and awesome solos. Great stuff!
  16. This has great "Opening scene" music energy. There is a great driving force throughout this remix that gives it a rather intense vibe and I dig it! Great stuff!
  17. The buildup in this remix was very unique and interesting and led me wondering what was coming next. The shift around 2:09 threw me for a loop, I was definitely not expecting that. Those chuggin guitars are cool though. Good stuff!
  18. Great job with this! The piano felt nice and full and you did a great rendition of the source material. Kudos!
  19. Very good usage of sound effects. Once I heard the vectorman shooting sound I knew I was in for a treat. Great stuff! ?
  20. This was very nice. Pleasant and relaxing. I enjoyed the ebb and flow of the swelling pads/strings like around 1:54. Thank you for creating this remix! :)
  21. I enjoyed the percussion a lot in this one. Lots of fun panning and reverb and crisp sounds to add to an ear-candy medley. Good stuff! :)
  22. Chill and groovy, just the way I like it. Two thumbs up, yall did a great job with this. I'll bet it was fun to make!
  23. I didn't realize this was a bubble bobble remix until about a minute in, so very good job on the interpretation of the theme! This was a pleasant ride. Great stuff! ?
  24. Groooooovy ? *Bops head and taps foot along with this remix.*. Very very cool. ?
  25. The gated synths/pads are super cool! This had a good groove to it and I enjoyed the variance on the fear factory source. Excellent remix. ?
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