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Everything posted by CJthemusicdude

  1. Those panned breath sounds were super cool. Excellent work with the drums and the production in general on this one. ?
  2. Very nice use of the "Heroes in a halfshell" vocal bit. Excellent layering and groove in general. :)
  3. Smooth as butter. This remix is just asking to have some awesome vocals over the top! Great production! The bass and drums sounded super crisp.
  4. This was a lot of fun! So smooth, so funky, so groovy, and most all, so cool. ?
  5. This is the video that finally spurred me to give a big shoutout to the music visualizers. And what better remix to have as the soundtrack? Those (snaps/snares?) sounded WET. It was a chill and delightful bit of ear candy throughout the entire song. BRAVO. ?
  6. Whatever noise that was at 1:20 woke me the fluff up. (In a good way). This song was a trip. Very well done, kudos.
  7. I smiled real big when that woompity woomp moogly woogly synth came in and was dooblin about. The theme of this remix for me was come for the woompo, stay for the E-piano.
  8. This is remarkably chill for how much energy it has. I want to create a musical category for remixes like this and call it "Energetically chill." Very good job on this :)
  9. This made me smile, it was FUN as FRICK. I loved all the different chiptuney timbres there were, it was fun to explore around and listen to the different sounds individually. Also, I see that bass.
  10. Boy I sure perked the fluff up at 1:18. Then I found myself doing my "Fingers crossed that the rest of this remix stays good, please don't blow it." pose. Luckily it did not disappoint. I had no idea what to expect as the remix changed gears many times. The ending sealed the deal for me in terms of download this. Those bells are so good. I actually had to look up the original on this because I was super curious and um...yours is better imho.
  11. That detuned piano threw me for such a loop, I had a physical visceral reaction to it lol, the piano was not for me but I appreciate the style that it brought. In stark contrast, around 1:10 to 1:50 was so incredibly cool and swaggy that I had to stop and make sure I was listening to the same remix and then play that part again. One thing is for sure, this was very well made. Kudos.
  12. At 40 seconds in, I found myself saying "No comments on this? How?" I am a little bias because I love the source music, but this is really really good. I didn't even get through the entire remix before downloading it. It dissected the main melody enough to be unique and carry its' own weight, but not enough where you feel like anything is lacking. It added elements and pizzazz where it needed to and was a delight from start to finish.
  13. I like the intro a lot, a great build up! This was great, simply great. Fantastic remix!
  14. This was very peaceful. The kind of music to stand and look out at your back porch for a while. (Just as a totally not specific example.) Two thumbs up!
  15. Great atmosphere with this remix. There is an unsettling vibe that kind of permeates throughout. Good stuff! ?
  16. I really enjoyed the sudden pad stabs that would happen periodically, they gave the remix a great added texture. There was a lot going on in this remix, always something new to listen for or pick up. Good stuff!
  17. I definitely got Joker vibes from the vocals. This was very silly and fun and very fitting for this game. :D
  18. Splendid song! Great vocals for sure, I am a sucker for a good duet. Got some Enya vibes at a couple of parts. :D
  19. I may or may not have been eating baked chicken at the time of listening to this remix. I will be wary of any chickens I see out and about. This remix is musically very well done, I enjoyed the arrangement a lot. :)
  20. All I can say is that this is a great and solid remix. It's crisp, it's catchy and it's fun. Good stuff. :)
  21. No comments!? What is this blasphemy!? I love the Oil Ocean stage music, and this did not disappoint. I liked how the tempo was slowed down and makes everything a bit more powerful and meaningful. Excellent work with the harmonizing synths that play off the main melody so well. Fantastic remix.
  22. Very cool remix. Great quad beat pulsing and energy! The switching to the triplet beat at the end was fantastic, and also my favorite part of the remix. Fantastic stuff!
  23. I liked the bass a lot in this, it keeps this kind of frantic and bouncy feel going through most of the remix. The tom fill at the end was cool ?
  24. This was really good. A lot of tension is produced early on in the remix, and the soundscape throughout was well put together. The piano ending was a very nice touch as well!
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