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Everything posted by CJthemusicdude

  1. This was done very well. Just the right amount of instruments to paint a picture and sweep you along a musical journey. I particularly liked the strings. Great stuff!
  2. I really enjoyed that FMish bass that was going on there, super cool. This was a foot tapping bop and I enjoyed it!
  3. This caught my attention real quick around :45. I am a sucker for great dubstep and chipstep and this did not disappoint. Fantastically produced and arranged. Very excellent stuff! :)
  4. This reminds me of the opening for the Attack on Titan anime, definitely epic stuff! I can confirm that this music is excellent to listen to while doing plank exercises. Fantastic job on this, it is a BIG remix!!
  5. The effects were really going HAM on this one, from the reverses to the suttering and beyond. This was a trip. Good job!
  6. A very uplifting and fun remix! Great work on the production, everything felt tight and cohesive. I enjoyed the section near the end with the random sound effects and bits thrown in, it was great! 10/10! ?
  7. Great job on this one! I enjoyed a lot in this, especially the percussion and those reverberated synths in the background of the beginning section. The vocals in the end were a pleasant surprise! Great stuff! ?
  8. I like the vibe of this one, that intro was fantastic. Excellent use of vocal samples as well! Overall, great remix! :)
  9. Those background strings are putting in WORK, look at em go! This was a bop for sure. Very solid remix with a lot of little fun moments. Good stuff! :)
  10. This is definitely a bop! Great beat, good arrangement and fun to listen to! Kudos! :)
  11. Ahhh, so peaceful. I actually closed my eyes during that intro to let it all soak in. The fun isn't over once the intro ends, the remix kicks i up a notch with some cool alternating arps/synths and crispy drums. This is quite good! Kudos!
  12. There should be way more lemmings music remixes. I did not catch what this remix source was until I looked it up afterwards, it's very well done! The ending with those vocals, that powerful snare and everything else was my favorite part. Great job!
  13. Today I learned about some Reggae music and Chocobo music lore. This was very cool and relaxing in its' own way. Very well done, kudos!
  14. The best way I can describe this remix is: Pleasant. It's a nice chill remix that is pleasant to listen to and doesn't overstay its' welcome. I enjoyed the toms! Great stuff!
  15. I 100% approve of remixing Super 3D Noah's Ark. I have never played the game but it is mega obscure and I am here for it. As for this remix itself, it is very rocking and rolling, with some appropriately intense moments, especially when the spoken voice sounded. Great stuff! ?
  16. This remix definitely tripped me out in a few places. That rhythmic pulsing synth was sure ticking something in the audio space! That piano was sounding SUPER crispy though! Great job on this, very unique and cool.
  17. This was rockin and very cool. I liked the call and response of the guitar(s) with the strums followed by the riffs. Very cool indeed! ?
  18. I really dig that bass groove that was in the majority of the remix, it was really cool. This remix in general was really cool overall. Great funky moments and ear-candy spice!
  19. That intro was really cool. Excellent atmosphere building and maintaining. This would be right at home in a Metroid game somewhere. Stellar job!
  20. Nice and lo-fi. Nice and chill. Nice and cool. Nice and well produced. Nice percussion. Nice. ?
  21. This was very nice. Great rendition of the original. Classy and good usage of the original game SFX, and overall a bop! :)
  22. Thoroughly chill. Thoroughly a bop. The hi-hats in this remix were cool to listen to, and I enjoyed the cutting in and out of the bass. Great stuff!
  23. My expectations were definitely subverted with this one. Once the vocals came in and especially when the epic percussion came in, this remix ascended to a whole new level! This was, if I can be cliche, epic. Excellent job!
  24. As a fan of the streets of rage 2 soundtrack, I thought this was really cool! Great energy and an excellent us of the game SFX peppered in. 2:00 - 2:30 was my favorite part. ?
  25. *Gives a round of applause.* Bravo, fantastic usage of the ivory keys. Great playing, with great dynamics throughout. I have zero knowledge on the original source, but this was quite good!
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