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Everything posted by CJthemusicdude

  1. Can't go wrong with some good ol Marimba action! This was a pleasant romp and I enjoyed it.
  2. Never heard the original, but this was very well done. The instrumentation was on point and there was enough little additions and fun bits thrown in where it remained interesting! ?
  3. This remix paints a lovely picture. I could picture it as the backdrop for a cutscene or a scenic vista level in a game somewhere. Good stuff!
  4. Make sure you don your dancing best for a waltz this good. This was a charming and enjoyable remix :)
  5. This is the perfect music to listen to while preparing some turkey for lunch, taking a sip from some nice cool lemonade as rain patters against the outside of the glass. The melodious sounds of the trumpet weave in and out as you take in the serenity of a saturday. I know that's a very specific circumstance, I'm just relaying my personal experience.
  6. That intro certainly woke me up! How in the world does this not have any comments? This is super rad! When the vocals kicked in I knew I was in for a treat. This was great! ?
  7. Certified bop! I was boppin my head along at one point. Great percussion/bass mix and very tightly produced. I like it!
  8. The production quality is stellar in this remix. I'm digging that synth-pop style!
  9. This had a nice slow vibe to it. I found myself swaying along with the rhythm. Nice job! :)
  10. This was very smooth. That percussion was very crisp. I ended up playing this a couple times on repeat cuz it was really good! :)
  11. This remix had a nice bombastic, driving energy. It definitely felt a little foreboding and menacing, which is fitting for a bowser tune.
  12. This remix has a very drippy feel to it. It crackles and crunches with a nice soundscape that is pleasant on the ears. :)
  13. I wish this came out when I was a kid so I could burn it onto a CD and play the crap out of it. Very solid remix, an excellent version of the original. :)
  14. I really enjoyed the plodding distorty bass that started happening 2:20. It led into an awesome build up into an awesome finale! This was really cool :)
  15. Right off the bat I enjoyed this more than the original. The moody piano sounds better to me than the swirly synth. Then the vocals kicked in and turned the remix into a certified banger! Great job with this one!
  16. This was quite a enjoyable. A simple relaxing remix that gave the audio sphere a nice cleanse. I never played FFV but I am going to assume this was a great take on the original tune. Good stuff!
  17. I could definitely rock a montage to this. Makes me wanna chug a protein shake and hit the gym. :D I dig those retro powerful drums!
  18. This was quite the wild ride. So many fun and interesting effects taking place here, I never knew what to expect next! A good remix for the source. :)
  19. What a lovely tune. A pleasant remix to listen to, bravo! :)
  20. This needs to be in a video game somewhere. The sound design work is very good in this remix, a true delight to the ears!
  21. That scream at 2:11 made me happy. I can tell a lot of fun and passion went into this. I enjoyed the percussion a lot, it added a nice depth of flavor to the mix! Good stuff! ?
  22. I like the hi hats in this remix. They are super neat. Also the leads are very groovy and cool and neat. This remix is neat. :)
  23. Didn't expect this game to have a remix, but I'm glad it does! This is a good remix, it is nice and disorienting at parts, and keeps a pulsing energy of tension and danger throughout.
  24. This is delightfully creepy. This should be used as some scary movie monster's theme song. :)
  25. The bitcrushed synth throughout the first part of the song was really really good and very fitting for the source. Excellent remix!
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