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Everything posted by CJthemusicdude

  1. The stereo landscape of this remix is quite good. It definitely has a triumphant, floating feel to it!
  2. The intro to this remix is absolutely incredible. Very solid remix all around! Good ol chippy goodness.
  3. Am I the only one who heard shades of the menu music from Smash brothers: Melee? This was a very good solo-piano remix, it sounded very full and the playing was quite good! :)
  4. This is a very good collab and a pleasant remix to listen to. The guitar/bass combo sounded excellent to my ears. :)
  5. Chuggin/rockin guitars always feel right at home in a 3D sonic related track. This remix has a nice swinging feel to it that kind of adds an ebb and flow to the entire dynamic when it alternates between the brass/guitars and the strings.
  6. The opening to Zanarkand is burned into my psyche. This was a very rich and lovely rendition of the classic tune. Good stuff!
  7. This 100% sounds like a movie or game soundtrack. I legit thought I was listening to the remake's soundtrack for a moment there. If this were any more cinematic, some popcorn would have materialized in front of me.
  8. I enjoyed the piano usage, it fit really well into the mix. Overall a fun remix to listen to!
  9. The glitchy/discordant organ/e-piano or whatever was happening for the last minute was very cool and unsettling. Despite the source song being about a swamp, this remix was quite clean!
  10. I couldn't understand a word of the Vocoded lyrics but this was a bop and a whole vibe. ? Also, Misty is MVP.
  11. Excellent guitar work all around, from the wailing lead to the strums of the acoustic guitar. (Personally my favorite sections were the acoustic guitar ones, especially the beginning.) :D
  12. A very charming remix. I really enjoyed around 2:19 when the tremolo strings come in and introduce a layer of tension that adds some cinematic breath to the mix. :)
  13. The production in this remix is very good, the percussion was very tight and well done, cheers!
  14. I felt like I was floating high above, drifting amongst a sea of digital clouds, reveling in the weightlessness due to the style and timbre of the synths. Let no artifice consume reality, unless that reality bears no meaning.
  15. This definitely made me feel uneasy (in a good way) at multiple parts. I enjoy some good hard EDM so I definitely perked up when I heard that riser. As said before, the dissonant nature of this remix works very well with the original source!
  16. Very smooth. I really enjoyed the E-piano in this remix, it gave my ears a nice audio vibration to vibe with. Cheers!
  17. If I had to describe this remix in one word it would be: Delightful.
  18. The sound effect use in this remix was very good, they were delectable bits of ear candy in a sea of Psytrance goodness. :)
  19. A smooth and fluid remix that does the original justice and brings its' own flavour to the mix. Well done!
  20. Nothing like hearing the dulcet tones of Toad's melodious voice ringing out random as I game and listen to music. This is a very silly remix and I very much enjoyed it.
  21. This is incredibly unique. It is so hauntingly tense. I did a triple take and kept checking on what I was listening to. This would amazing incidental music for a soundtrack somewhere.
  22. I love that intro. Are you mining for gold cuz there is some grade A Panning going on in this remix :DD
  23. My favorite part was around 1:30 - 2:00, so crisp and cool! Solid remix and a fun listen.
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