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Everything posted by CJthemusicdude

  1. This remix definitely sets a MOOD. My favorite part of the song was the first minute and a half, great stuff!
  2. I've never played the original game, but I am a sucker for good genesis music tributes, and this was a good one. :48 - 1:24 was absolutely stellar, that CARUNCHY FM-type bass was scrumptious.
  3. I can't believe I haven't heard the tune of "Eyes on Me" with different lyrics. I really enjoyed this a lot!
  4. Excellent drum work. This is a find and dandy remix, solid stuff. :)
  5. This remix definitely fits the Command & Conquer vibe very well, I could definitely see this track fitting right in with this game or others in the series. I found myself swept along in the digital landscape this remix provides. Very nice.
  6. This is the first remix I decided to listen to today at work. It is raining today and the pit patter of rain outside the window mixed perfectly with opening vibe of this song. This was the perfect song to listen to in this environment. There's a bit of serenity and calmness in it.
  7. Very strong and cool start to this remix. I dug the tempo change. Good stuff!
  8. I really enjoy that bell-like panned synth that happens throughout. A nice ear-candy sort of remix :)
  9. This was incredibly good! Very cinematic! Also shoutouts to the very fitting music visualizer on the youtube video.
  10. The opening harp was lovely. Overall a great remix, enjoyable to listen to!
  11. Fits the source tunes very well! All-around a very fun remix and arrangement!
  12. This remix definitely has a nostalgic vibe, and I have never heard the source before. It's simple and enjoyable!
  13. It's big, it's bombastic and it's powerful. Good stuff!
  14. Never heard of the game before, but this is an excellent remix. Great leads and good use of filters!
  15. This is trippendicular! It has a mellow, wavy feel to it and was a treat to listen to.
  16. This definitely has an old-school vibe to it and I dig it! The intro and especially the last minute of the remix were my favorite parts :)
  17. The arp trills around :46 were so cool that I just had to shout them out. That lead synth be putting in work!!
  18. When I saw a Thunder Force V remix, I did NOT expect a solo piano piece, what a fun interpretation. Excellent piano work. :)
  19. As someone who is watching a playthrough of Rebirth, I appreciate this remix a lot. Some of the parts here are better than the music from the remake! 1:50 - 2:40 Was sublime!
  20. That opening synth lead threw me for a loop... but then the rest of the song also threw me for a loop. There's something that's so delightfully odd about this remix. I could never quite pin down what I was listening to at any given moment. Quite unique!
  21. For some reason I get heavy end-game credits music vibes from this. After listening to this I feel like I just accomplished something even though I really didn't. (I ate a banana if that counts.)
  22. Excellent vocal range from the singer! That guitar was exquisite. Very nice!
  23. I don't know most of the OG sources but I can tell you that this remix is GREAT for working out to. Nice driving energy!
  24. This is the kind of remix that makes you sway, makes you feel the breeze (imaginary or real) flow around you as the dulcet guitar tunes play.
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