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Everything posted by CJthemusicdude

  1. Is this remix deep in the jungle? Cuz it was WILD (Totally not a pun with the remixer name.) This remix had me constantly guessing and it was a treat throughout.
  2. Simply put: This is dope. I fully support remixes these old gems. Also if you like, ever feel like remixing an old mickey mouse game again, World of Illusion for the genesis has a pretty dope soundtrack justsayin
  3. This is one of those remixes that makes me feel like I should be moving around more than I currently am. It's a vicious cycle though because I was already doing something. That's how much energy this remix brings to the table.
  4. I was bopping to this on a youtube playlist and then checked the title and found myself saying outloud. "Wait this is a RUNESCAPE remix?" Bravo, this is very good stuff. Some of them sound effects were super duper nifty.
  5. Very strong start, and then the violin comes in and the remix turns into a certified banger. Great use of reverb and space.
  6. I thought I was in the middle of an early level cutscene until I remembered I was listening to a remix. The transition around 1:34 is sooo good.
  7. There is something so.... brilliantly unusual about hearing the Chemical plant melody in this context. I stopped dead in my tracks when I heard it the first time around :50. This truly is a REMIX and is a great blending of the two sources.
  8. "Uncharted worlds" fits this remix very well, because that's what this feels like. It feels like charting out into an unknown land, unsure of what lies ahead. Also :48 is really cool.
  9. This remix felt like a sugar rush being sent to my ears. Definitely one of the stranger remixes I've heard in a long time, but in an absolutely fun way. The drums are insane in the membrane.
  10. This is the perfect music to do dishes to. My air-fryer basket became the flooded temple. I was kind of listening on auto-pilot until around the 3:00 minute mark when things got really intense and triumphant and I had to pay attention. Good stuff.
  11. The first couple of minutes send you into a fog-like abyss where you swim in lovely lush sounds. Then the guitar kicks in and sends you onto an intense voyage. What a ride!
  12. Aint nothing stringent about this remix except for the fact that there are STRING instruments that mustENT be ignored. Long story short this is good.
  13. Congratulations on making a remix that IMO is on par with the original (And even better in a couple parts.) This is simply a really good remix.
  14. The underlying Quad beat of this is incredibly groovy. I may or may not have danced to this.
  15. What an intense opener! It didn't register that this was string only until partway through, which is a good sign! I was definitely taken aback and it was interesting throughout. Bravo :)
  16. Don't mind me, just boppin my head to this remix.
  17. What. A. Journey. There was clearly a lot of love and passion put into this remix. So many cool moments. A lot to enjoy here. :)
  18. This song was such a trip. I was never sure what direction the remix was going to go. What a wild ride!
  19. There is a lot of power in this remix. It has a big driving force!
  20. Echoing Eino in that the spoken voice moments fit incredibly well into the mix. Solid remix, good job!
  21. This has a good energy throughout. This would be right at home on many eurobeat playlists :)
  22. Echoing what JH said. This is groovy, cool and makes good use of the source material and has its' own identity.
  23. This remix packs a punch of tension and cinematic breath. Good Stuff!
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