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Everything posted by Argitoth

  1. FINALLY, Absynth 3 upgrade is coming in the mail. FINALLY I can say I have a true VST, a true softsynth, my first big-time commercial VST evarrr!!! Next is Battery 2. What I really want to learn how to do is to make synthesized percussion for ambient tracks and what I love about absynth is that everything feels very "real" like I can say, "I want a sine wav set to 440 hertz and a pitch envelope with instant attack and fast decay with a hipass filter modulated by a low frequency formant wav" that might be a good formula for a spacey kick drum. I'm feeling pretty cheesy right now. Well, most advanced synthesizers can do this. I just like Absynth GUI. WHAT IM TRYING TO SAY IS: does anyone know some good formulas for spacey synthesized percussion?
  2. The worst that can happen with software is losing the registration before you register it. Scratching the CD, losing the key... it won't matter... well scratching the CD might be a problem but there are ways around it. I actually lost my Diablo II CD key long ago in a galaxy far far away. I do have an extra Starcraft CD key because I ended up buying two copies. One for Starcraft when the price was $50 and another when it came with the expansion for $20 ANYONE WANNA TRADE? My starcraft for your diablo II?
  3. well im flabbergasted. I got an e-mail from NI basically saying "sorry, you can't do that" damnit. The upgrade will be $80. Oh well, that means I got absynth 3 for $123. $3 over my goal. Why isn't there a "slap forehead" emoticon?
  4. Well, I already paid for the upgrade with a credit card. I'm not sure what you are saying though. A liscense transfer is not the same as simply giving an unregistered product to someone else. Anyway, it is highly unlikely NI is going to all of a sudden say, "Here's your money back, we can't send you the product." I already got the e-mail saying "your order is in blabla you will get the product in 7 days BLA." which is coincidentally also the amount of time I have to live... see cause I got a phone call yesterday, something about 7 days. ..lame joke
  5. Yes, and this is my plan, but I didn't realize until yesterday that I could get the upgrade for $19. I was very close to buying it for $100 from a reseller. If you have an income then you aren't poor enough like me to think for days about buying something. But actually most soft synths aren't so popular that people will be selling them on e-bay. Like Octopus sounds amazing when I listened to the demo, but no one will be selling that on e-bay. I think it's a downloaded package. You would have to go to KVR and go to the trading forum and wait... and wait... and then when it strays away from its pack just a little... POUNCE!!!!! AND RIP IT APART AND EAT IT!..
  6. I DIDN'T REALIZE IT TILL NOW... I can buy Absynth upgrade for $19 at NI website because I purchased Absynth 1 within the grace period. I got Absynth 1 on eBay for $43 (including shipping). I am getting the upgrade for $23 (including shipping). That means I have payed a total $66 for Absynth 3. THAT IS DIRT CHEAP!!! I tell you my plan is working.
  7. I've researched each thing I've listed more or less and I do own Absynth, soon Absynth 3 so you can't say I don't own any. There are very few products out there that compete with kontakt, and 3 others might be the only others. HAlion, Gigastudio, Independence. That's 3 right there. That's the only other 3 I know of. Zoola, believe it or not you sound exactly like me before I came to realize NI Komplete isn't "all that" (which is what I realized after having researched a lot of what other companies have to offer). Anyway, you haven't bought NI Komplete either. I guess I can't make such a good arguement, I want NI komplete just as much as you do. I'm just trying to make you aware there's a lot of great companies other than Native Instruments you might want to look into eventually.
  8. Did you ever take into account the learning curve with all that software? There will be a huge learning curve for all the NI stuff. Matter of fact, if you weren't going to buy NI Komplete you would probably want to buy software synths one at a slow enough rate for you to get some kind of idea how each one works. I think it will be a huge mistake if you blindly commit your money to NI Komplete, there are many many software synthesizers that can compete with NI stuff. For example, what about YellowTools Independence instead of NI Kontakt? What about Zebra instead of Absynth? Tassman instead of Reaktor? Even though you could save money buying NI komplete in one shot, I think you will have a much bigger range of awesome synths if you buy from other companies one or two at a time all the while researching each one and getting exactly what you need and NOT buying NI komplete to get a buncha stuff you may not even like, may not want, or may not need. But then again, NI komplete is not just synthesizers. Battery IMO is the best drum sampler, intakt is very good beat slice editor, but then Stylus RMX has features intakt will never have. I'm not sure if Stylus can edit individual slices like intakt can though.
  9. http://www.ocremix.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=25622 LOCKED: please look for relevant threads before posting questions like this heheheh
  11. Of course he was being sarcastic, but the part "argitoth knows how to use cubase" was infact not the sarcastic part. The sarcastic part was "the world ends" I hope this thread isn't locked for OT, it is an interesting thread. Yoozer, Unknown, calm down a bit!
  12. My friend, all you are doing is boosting my ego. For you to compliment my knowledge was previously unheard.
  13. I know all about routing, inserts, sends, busses, FX groups, I know all about the mixer, I know how to create macros, i've read the preferences help file completely through. I created my perfect starting template copmplete with locked workspace and markers, I know how the pool works and the wav editing tools and then of course I know all the little detailed things like drum mapping and drum tracks, custom quantization, rewire, etc. Basically, I know the basics.
  14. 1. This is OCR, what do you expect? 2. The computer *is* the most important part of doing music when you're composing ON A COMPUTERRRRR...
  15. I need a ridiculous computer to make ridiculous music. I want people to say, "HAY! That music is ridiculous!" So Zircon, for $500 what CPU do you suggest? What's the best CPU out there for audio that doesn't go over $500?
  16. Hot Dang, Zircon. Doesn't that show a lack of competence in a company to not support hyperthreading? Maybe some companies are in the process of making the move. Edit: Oh yeah I remember. I read that this guy upgraded to dual core AMD and he said his synths used to eat up 80% of cpu, but with the same project it's now 20%. Maybe we should all build two computers. One with dual core to run synths and one computer designed for large libraries.
  17. True! Like mentioned - you should always check the requirements of the specific hardware you plan to run. I wouldn't worry. I'm sure I saw a thread on KVR with a guy saying his dual core was awesome. Hyperthreading is not the same as dual core after all. And what on earth do you mean by virtual? It has an extra L2 cache, that's not virtual!
  18. And vice versa. I bet you anything they won't help him find good prices on software. CHIZAM! NI Komplete for $1150: on ebay
  19. TIPS No matter how much money you have, I can't stress this enough: 1. Save as much money as possible any way you can. 2. Don't get what you don't need. Now, when I tell you to save money I don't mean going and buying budget crap, rather buy the good stuff for as little money as possible. For example, if you spend more than $1300 on NI Komplete 3, you've spent too much. You could even buy NI Komplet 2 and pay to upgrade to 3 and save money. Right now on Ebay, NI Komplete 3 is less than $1,200. You do not need a liquid cooling system. This Zalman would definitely be sufficient. There's even a bigger version. I've had a friend wake up one morning to find his watercooler broke, spilled and fried some of his computer parts. HARDDRIVES You absolutely should get two 250 gig harddrives and distribute large sound libraries between the two for DFD (Direct from Disk) streaming. This tip was given to me at NorthernSounds forum. If you want, you could even have duplicates of all the libraries on each harddrive. I heard from NorthernSounds forum that Hitachi was the fastest (and best choice) 7200RPM 250gig harddrives. CPU For a CPU, why hasn't AMD Dual Core been mentioned? Dual Core processors were created to handle lots of different programs at once (for example, many VSTs). Here's this: AMD 939 Dual Core) RAM As for RAM, 2 gigs is really the minimum. With this budget, 4 is more like it, maybe two of these: Patriot 2x1GB RAM. With such a budget, and with the amount of harddrive space, RAM, and CPU I am suggesting, you should get some huge libraries. If not, go with 2 gigs of ram. HOST (Cubase SX) I would say DEFINITELY get Cubase SX, don't spend more than $500. Cubase SX is awesome for a combination of lots of audio recordings and midi. The Customizeable options for Cubase is immense, my favorite feature: being able to erase all hotkeys and assing them to whatever I want. You can even create macros (a string of hotkey commands) and theres a hotkey for ANYTHING. MIDI CONTROL If you're thinking about a midi keyboard, definitely think about the CME Line. It's pure awesome and the price is amazing. 49, 61, 76, 88 keys. lots of features like aftertouch.
  20. ZOOLA, Cubase SL? I got that too for Christmas. Hit me up on any questions you got.
  21. hey i got absynth 1 before december was over. does that count?
  22. Oh, I should have mentioned that my sister got 30gig ipod (with video). Heheh. That's 60 times more space that 512 :D LOL kewlio!@!@! In the real world, that $300 I could have spent on a video ipod my wife wouldn't use except for the mp3 functionality (and she doesn't have the 7,000 mp3s it supposedly holds) is going to replace our car that may not start up again after the short trip to my mom's on Xmas night. In fact, that $300 ipod was just about our entire Christmas budget, but I guess you won't learn that spending time with a wife and son is more enjoyable than spending lots of money on things until you no longer rely on your parents to provide basic needs. -steve I think a video ipod is a waste of money. Don't take what I say too personally.
  23. Oh, I should have mentioned that my sister got 30gig ipod (with video). Heheh. That's 60 times more space that 512 :D
  24. ONLY 512!?!?!? come onnn maaaaan Edit: By the way, looks at my post number. It's almost 1234.
  25. Hell yes it does! Give us a demo!
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