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Everything posted by Argitoth

  1. shoot, I wanted to participate but I desparately need to focus on composing self-promotional material. I was hoping I could pull the next CMC off with electronic music genre. This theme obviously requires full orchestra and hand percussion which samples I need are coming this month! My plan was to win and then change the theme in my self-promotional favor. DANGIT!
  2. What I am saying is based on experience: based on the music I listened to 4 or 5, even 6 years ago, when submissions weren't judged so strictly. I haven't listened to an OCR submission for over 2 years... edit: sorry to throw this offtopic
  3. If your song is not accepted on OCR then submit to http://remix.thasauce.net/ It's not an overlooked remix site, arrrite? Comments: Nice implementation of the strings. I really hope you are changing your mix because you absolutely feel it's becoming better. Don't take opinions to please others (including mine), because you want to attract YOUR audience with your music, not the next guy's audience. Definitely improving the mix though. I like the tabla, definitely has an original flavor while keeping the gamey feel of the original. Again though I don't like mixes that change the feel of the original. Legion303, if this is what OCR has become then forget OCR. I bet you $100 that my remix would get accepted here even though I did my best not to change the original feel. WHY? Because it's a quality remix. You can say "change the feel of the original" all you want, but it comes down to quality. No matter how similar the original and the remix is, if the remix has quality I bet it'd pass. If it doesn't, that just shows how OCR is turning into something I don't want. I'm not submitting my remix here though. I'll submit it to R:TS thread: http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=11063
  4. lol, long time no see. I was going to comment on your remix but... anyway nice synths. I couldn't come up with good critisism.
  5. Arrite so it's finished now and it 4:44 long. Where are my ultima online friends?
  6. Update - Redownload now. Few issues I plan on improving. 1. The oboe staccato in the beginning with the harp 2. The transition after the quiet part with small bell melody 3. The very last orchestral hit at the end So this update includes the next 2? passages of the original. All I have left to do is transition back to the beginning melodies and I'm done! This will be hard because of the nature of where I ended at the moment. If anyone needs comments on their own work, please post a link, I'll be happy to comment.
  7. Ok, you do have a point.
  8. Nice choise of synths and percussion. I really like the 1:05 synths, nice modulation. At 1:45 the synth that comes in lacks character though. I would suggest remixing the melody a little or add some modulation. Also at 2:38. I can tell you work hard on the percussion. It really blends well into the song with the synths and the samples sound "together" as in usually no sample sticks out in the mix and I like the percussion modulation. One thing I'd look at is the clap at 1:04 and 1:44 that goes into 1/32 beat. I would say it sticks out and you might want to replace it with a snyth snare or add some frequency modulation or add some syncopation. Anyway, I'm not the authority, so here's my advice. One thing I encourage is that you post what you are working with in terms of synths or samples (if from a big library or something) and sequencer as a courtesy for noobs and as a way to open up opportunities for collaborative projects and help people identify what you are using so they can make suggestions of what would be better or explain how to use what you already have in a way you haven't thought of.
  9. You have to have their own desktop player? That's stupid, why not a winamp streaming file?
  10. I own Cubase, I can do it for you. e-mail me argitoth@gmail.com with the file.
  11. This is exactly the kind of culture we need to get rid of. The process of creating and conveying the emotions you want to convey is way more important that getting a mix on OCR. Do not desensitize yourself. I enjoy remixes most when it doesn't try to be original, but really keep the melodies while simply adapting the articulation and conveying the emotion stronger that the original. That's what it's all about IMO. Don't worry about OCR, worry about what you need to compose.
  12. My first request: Always post what you are using in your mix. Noobies really appreciate it and it helps people review your mix to be able to suggest what you can do with what you have or tell you to get better stuff and collaboration opportunities. Hey, if you need better strings I'd love to do it for you. Sorry, that's the first thing that came to mind listening to this. The mixing is pretty good, but the percussion can be improved. Since it sounds very sample-ish and at the same time not trance-ish, it's easy not to enjoy the percussion and what I mean by that is that the percussion doesn't stand out as a powerful element in the song, more of a small role of support. I would maybe even go all out trance percussion. This song might not need a clap though. In my experience trying to get percussion sound right in trance music is a very delicate process. You really have to pay attention. If I were you I would find some good electronic music, probably DI.fm trance or chill station and see how they layer and really make the percussion stand out as a powerful element. Overall I like it, it's very OCR-like and I don't understand how OCR can have it's own sound because everyone is their own artist. A complaint and a compliment: While I enjoy the nintendo sound at the beginning, I think it would be good to add some effects to it around the part (before or/and after) the frequency fade-in. Will it be "YESed"? I have a feeling it wont because it lacks the professional sound that the OCR judges are probably looking for. Just keep composing. You don't need to take suggestions people give you for this composition, but you can use suggestions for future projects too.
  13. This is your first serious attempt in creating a "remix"? I like to call them re-interpretations or re-creations. But anyway, I think there's a lot that can be improved. Just compare your mix with a rock band. Your drums are so much in the background you can't make it out. I think you should have some slow parts like the beginning, maybe going into an ambient slow part with the doom melodies to sound like heavy metal. You have to find a way to make it more emotiona. Maybe you could also try adding a second guitar to support the firs one, maybe playing an octave higher at some points. Also, what about some power chords?
  14. Download: Vesper Project Download: original midi Samples: Kontakt 2 Reverb: Rayspace Sequencer: Cubase Studio 4 When it's done I'll submit it. I'm posting this because I'm very excited. Finally I have some decent instruments to compose with. I'll be getting even better instruments from Vienna Symphonic Library (Special Edition). So until then I'll be using Kontakt 2. I hope there are fans of Ultima Online out there because I'll be recreating many songs. My goal is that when the midi sound of Ultima Online wants to be dramatic I will make it even more dramatic with the realistic sound of VSL. When it wants to be beautiful I will make it more beautiful. When it wants to be powerful and exciting I want to make it even more powerful and exciting. When it wants to be cheesy and happy I want to make it more so!!! Also, for the sake of the fans I'll always do my best to include every melody and passage from the original one way or another while adding a lot of my own articulation. Comments and criticisms welcome. Edit: Also, if anyone has desire to have a specific ultima online song recreated, I can do that one next. Please put your requests here.
  15. Thank you person man. I thought 100 was all I needed.
  16. how much speed is usually used in a lan party?
  17. So, how do I know what kind of router I need? I'm thinking I want at least 8 port hub, but what does the 10/20/100/200/1000/2000 mean? Which specification should I get?
  18. dood, thank you.
  19. I have an account with PayPal and I was wondering how people go about setting up those "donate $X" PayPal buttons. How do you do it?
  20. Ok, so in about 2 days I'll be gone for *another* 6 months. Before then I really want to burn some music. The only thing I'm missing is the awesome alien atmospheres of Battlezone II music. I've seemed to misplace my CD. I need someone to use Windows Media Player or whatever you use to extract the music from Battlezone II as mp3s and then send it to me somehow. The Battlezone II CD can be played just like a standard music CD. If you need me to return the favor I have: Age of Mythology Age of Empires II C&C Tiberian Sun Diable II (downloaded from GameSpy) Earth and Beyond Eve Online (what you can download from the website) Jumpgate Lode Runner Need for Speed III, IV, V (downloaded from nfsdesign.com - website is long gone) Oblivion Sacrifice Starcraft (downloaded from that awesome website I don't know the name of)
  21. Ok, so in about 4 days I'll be gone for *another* 6 months. Before then I really want to burn some music. The only thing I'm missing is the awesome alien atmospheres of Battlezone II music. I've seemed to misplace my CD. I need someone to use Windows Media Player or whatever you use to extract the music from Battlezone II as mp3s and then send it to me somehow. The Battlezone II CD can be played just like a standard music CD, that is why I suggest using WMP. If you need me to return the favor I have: Age of Mythology Age of Empires II C&C Tiberian Sun Diable II (downloaded from GameSpy) Earth and Beyond Eve Online (what you can download from the website) Jumpgate Lode Runner Need for Speed III, IV, V (downloaded from nfsdesign.com - website is long gone) Oblivion Sacrifice Starcraft (downloaded from that awesome website I don't know the name of)
  22. Yes, while he may want this to happen, it's probably not the solution to the effect he wants, that is why I am asking if he wants the effect that SOUNDS like the reverb clears every note.
  23. whaaaaaaa.... what effect are you after? Are you after the effect in trance music with pumping lead synths and how they sound like they don't have reverb on them until the note is let go? That's an eeezeee effect. eeeeheheheeezeeeheheheheeeee EEEZEEHEHEHEHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE it's easy. is this what you are after?
  24. www.argitoth.com/files/collab.mp3 collab with.... I can't recall his name Jredd, I think? but he quit the collab, something about not being used to his new equipment he just bought. and then i told him to eq and pan things to make it sound right, but he likes to do that only at the end. So I would have done it his way but he decided to leave the collab anyway. so, a collab gone bad. I really like it too. Koto, kalimba, bongos are all mine. He did the boomy percussion and the clickity things and the cymbals.
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