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Posts posted by Anorax

  1. I can change the authors of songs, so I can change that the remixer name is Anorax instead of Electrolisystem, but I cannot edit your account so that you can log in with that name.

    Isn't it possible to create a new account? Otherwise you could try to contact Ramaniscence, or just keep Electrolisystem.:)

    I just realized that ThaSauce uses a different time (it ended 1 hour earlier as last time), I edited it so that there's still one hour. I didn't know ThaSauce uses daylight saving (or something like that) in this period. In the Netherlands it happens next week in the weekend.

    The US just recently moved to daylight savings time (two saturdays ago I think?), and if I'm not mistaken ThaSauce is based off of the PST/PDT timezone. I'm pretty sure it's possible to create another account, but I'm a bit too lazy for that right now :P

    I have to say, I had fun making this arrangement. I need to participate here more. Maybe there's a bigger turnout next time!

  2. .

    And I've tried following three different tutorials, but I cannot for the life of me get the "eurobeat lead" sound.

    You're definitely on the right track.


    Here's something I had found yesterday.

    The most helpful link for me was the DJ Command link. I honestly would not have even attempted it if I hadn't found this, maybe it can help you too. You don't need to have Massive either (which he uses in one of the tutorials) but having some knowledge of massive is helpful when translating his tutorial over to other synths.

  3. Everyone famous for something in music hates the term they're famous for - it's like the first lesson you learn when you try to convince people you're deep and serious instead of just pretentious and arrogant. My Chemical Romance hates being called "emo", minimalist composers hate being called "minimalist", Green Day hates being called "pop punk", Lady Gaga hates being called "pop", etc. etc. They all insist their music has no genre or labels to put on it.


    That's it, I'm reclassifying my entire music library to having the genre of "serious".

    Onto a serious note: c wut aye did thur

    does this give anyone else ideas on how to incorporate unusual things into their music in a "musical" fashion (I use 'musical' loosely because, as this article shows, our brains creates the illusion of musicality in some instances)?

    Also, I have the voice loop from the article stuck in my head. At this point she's definitely singing, it's not spoken word anymore.

  4. I really hope you get well soon dude

    Again, I'm really sorry. Crap happens.

    Funny story actually, my external hard drive that I use for my music stuff died today. Can't read a single file, including old projects, samples, and VSTs. Especially the VSTs. I'm up the creek without a paddle for the time being, so unfortunately I can't fill in for you with wildfire. I'm sorry

  5. straight from Toshiba's claim page:

    • In all cases, you are required to return the defective item, along with proof of retail purchase to Toshiba at your expense, within 30 days of the claim date. If Toshiba, at its sole discretion, determines product has been damaged or abused, the claim will be rejected.
    • If you are unwilling or unable to return the defective product, or cannot provide written proof of retail purchase, Toshiba will be unable to process your claim.

    I agree, it is bullcrap.

    And I don't plan on ripping open the disk anytime soon. I'm pretty sure the drive itself is damaged as I can no longer get read access ever since I tried scanning it.

  6. As long as you've got a serial number, you can get the warranty process going. That's the short answer. :<

    Toshiba requires "written" proof of purchase - without it, they "cannot process your claim"

    What really pisses me off is that I relied on the 3TB for all my music stuff. There goes all that.

  7. I'm having problems with my Toshiba Ext HDD, namely it seems that there is random data loss. There's no other way I know how to describe it except to provide an audio example, which I'll get to shortly. Some files, namely media files, are usable in software terms of being able to load in a player, but unusable from a consumer standpoint.

    Earlier today the drive was working like normal, and then it would begin corrupting data that was being written to the drive. I have had this happen before with another Toshiba Ext HDD, but I had attributed the failure to possibly dropping the drive (the earlier drive was a portable hard drive with 1TB), but I had only dropped that drive once, and it worked just fine immediately after. However, the newer one is a 3TB desktop hard drive. Apparently I just fried the newer drive by attempting a file system error scan as I can no longer access the drive, even though it shows up on my computer as an available device.

    I pulled out my older drive to see if it was still broken as well, which it was. So I decided to copy an audio file from my internal HD to the drive to have the file corrupted, then uploaded to soundcloud. Here's what audio files written to either drive sound like (I'm sure you know the original).

    Of course this means that other types of files such as archives aren't usable.

    Does anyone know what could have happened to the drives, as they both have this problem? I'm assuming it's not damage on my part, as I've treated my newer drive with the utmost care to hopefully prevent exactly what happened to it.

    Another question, is there anything I could possibly do to fix it on my end? Obviously scanning for file system errors isn't it, it just ended up frying one of the drives.

    I would say something about applying for a warranty claim (Toshiba has a 3yr warranty on external drives) but it was a Christmas gift from my parents and they say they're very doubtful that they can find the receipt at this point.

    EDIT: I feel like I should point out that any data left unmodified before a certain point in time is still usable and completely untouched. It's only new data that's corrupted, which may explain why the second drive committed seppuku when I tried to scan it for errors.

    For those who would ask, my system is Win7 x64 on a Acer Aspire 5250-BZ669. AMD Dual-Core Processor E-350, 4GB DDR3 memory

  8. Guess I'll throw in. I'm in New Bern (Eastern North Carolina) But in 2 weeks I'm going to start a new job search. This is not the place I want to spend the rest of my life and now I believe I have enough experience to get a job anywhere. Hopefully someplace cold.

    Aw, come on, we can't be that bad here in NC! :lol:

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