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Posts posted by Anorax

  1. That is a superb question. Still working on that. There's a couple people that have homes there that I'll need to relocate.

    I'll add your friend now. :D

    {edit} - In case anyone is wondering, there's a little bit of an issue with the server restarting a little too often. I'm trying to isolate the issue and fix it. Sorry about the trouble.

    you have my permission to burn my house with explosives if need be, so don't fret over relocation for mine

  2. Sorry for the late results post guys...had 2 go to a doctor appointment, bring my cat to the vet, deposit my cheque yada yada 2 much crap going on for me today haha.

    BTW Anorax do you prefer electrolisystem or anorax as your mixer alias? Got a bit confused when I saw you using an alternate name on ThaSauce =p

    Anorax. Electrolisystem is an old old username and there's no way to change it that I know of.
  3. just under the wire! it was a good round and i had alot of fun with this, its not entirely complete, but im sure youll still enjoy it!

    You could have fooled me, dude.

    Both you and Trism had really great (and really different) mixes and I'm embarrassed for uploading the half-assed accelerando midi rip now :tomatoface:

  4. In my humble opinion, this is a fantastic representation of the diversity of dubstep basses (dubstep basses start at 0:49). They don't have to be dark. They can be playful too! 2:06 is the best part, IMO. (Pay attention to the pattern that is in this track; the wobbles usually show up on the second and fourth up beats)

    This was the happiest happy-go-lucky dubstep song I've ever heard. My life is complete.

    watch this guy. he has the neatest random workflow.

    I am now terrified of what Harmor is capable of.

  5. In case anyone is interested, I am currently preparing the server for upgrade to 1.7.2/1.7.4... :D

    {edit} - Okay. Surprisingly easy transition. We're on 1.7.2/1.7.4 now! :D


    I think we may need a map of the spawntown districts and, more specifically, claims therein

  6. ah. Should've known the kalimba. It didn't really sound like a marimba (but then again, the marimba my school has doesn't always sound like a marimba either so there's always that)

    So the piece is eating up my CPU so much I can't get a good playthrough anymore. I did some reverb and humanization work and I want to update the thread, but I guess I have to figure out a way around this problem first.

    I don't know if FL offers the ability to freeze tracks (it should, and if it doesn't then that's a huuuuge drawback). If it does then try freezing the more CPU-intensive tracks as you go along. (Just in case you didn't know, freezing a track makes your DAW temporarily bounce the track to an audio file for use during playback, so that the instrument and effects aren't being used by the CPU).

  7. That made me think of another compo concept...the winner picks the source AND the most obscure free sound generator he can find on the webs, like a 5 mb GM soundfont from '97, or a 10 yr old synthedit synth that was just meant for FX.

    Then everyone has to use just that. Sort of an extreme, cross platform version of the FL challenge.

    I'll stop now.

    100% Modern Talking. Every single sound must be made with the modern talking wavetable from Massive.:tomatoface:

  8. I like it when it gets going at 1:30.
    I was listening to OP's WIP for the first time when I read your comment. I was going to find out where 1:30 was, but then I heard it right as I read this comment and it was fairly obvious where I was at that point.
    I think I'm pretty set on the banjo, I like the raw, thuddy.... banjo-ness... of the sound. Of course that means I'll need to find a way to pretty it up in parts, specifically the chords, whether I just find something else to layer under it to make it more warm, or add some effects or something (once I learn how). Speaking of the banjo, when I added some dynamic changes to the chords it also took over the ostinato, so I'm looking into a way around that.

    Here's something with the banjo that just might help humanization - try studying and emulating banjo playing styles (clawhammer vs finger picked) and how chords are performed with each. This might help a lot here.

    From what I know of banjo* (which is next to nothing), clawhammer is usually played alternating between the root of the chord and the rest of the chord (say, on one beat "C" would be played, then the next beat "E" and "G" would be played, and back and forth). Finger picking is more of a broken chord style, each note of the chord is played independently of the others.

    *I basically just BSed this paragraph. I have no idea if this is how these styles are played/notated. Take with a grain silo of salt.

    I will say though, at 1:30, I like the dynamics you applied to the mallets (Marimba? Definitely not xylophone, unless you wrote this part on the really low end of the xylophone sample's range). I think you could build more off of the mallets, maybe use them for more than just the rhythm and chords. I am not in any way saying don't use them for rhythm+chords, you do this well already and it would be detrimental to take it away at this point, but just to build off of them.

    You have some really good ideas, it's just all about execution at this point. What DAW do you use?

  9. I really enjoyed that! :D It's a little harsh in a few places, but the arrangement itself is pretty beautiful. I'd like to ask, what piano VST are you using?

    I don't have the project open right now, but I have only three VSTs that make a somewhat realistic piano sound (one GM sound library, a dedicated grand piano VST, and an electric piano VST), and they are Mixcraft's stock "Acoustica Instruments", Acoustica's "Pianissimo", and "Lounge Lizard", respectively. If I recall correctly, I used Pianissimo in the middle section (although I may have used the GM library, I'll have to check) and I know I used Lounge Lizard in the intro. Does that help? :-)

  10. This is a remix I did in 'collaboration' with Flexstyle for RwTS last year, and I've basically let it sit on the shelf since then. However, I've decided to pick it back up and start working on it again.

    To be fair, this was a collaboration almost exclusively in name only, as I was unable to really get a hold of Flexstyle during the duration of said competition. (Ideally I could get in contact with him again and actually turn this into a full-fledged collaboration. One can dream)

    Here's what I've got so far (at this point, the same as what was submitted for RwTS)

    So, tell me what you think, what I may need to focus on, what needs fixing (for example, I can't mix to save my life), etc. and I'll work from there. Thanks!

    EDIT: I should probably make note that the middle section is the most cringeworthy part of this in my opinion, and I plan on giving it a complete overhaul

  11. When I first clicked on this thread, I thought it was about an OCR Forums app :P

    This would be an extremely awesome idea though, I hope you can make it happen! I'm trying to learn enough Java to code with Android, but it's more like a crash course at this point... smali is absolutely hell to try and read

  12. Sorry if my review was a tad short (a little more than tad), but I wasn't really feeling verbose and was mostly posting from objectivity instead of turning a critical ear like I probably should have.

    One question for Gario that's been bugging me for the past 24 hours or so - the saw(?) arp, how did you make it? It sounds pretty filtered, and almost physically modeled. I have a freebie VSTi that has a physical modeler for several orchestra instruments, and this sounds similar to one of the model settings

  13. I literally come up with melodies using my voice. I'll sing over my chord progression and see where I go with it. Most of my best melodies come out of absolutely nowhere. But just about every song I've ever written, vocal or not, has just come very randomly to my head and I've begun singing it out loud. Then I sing it into my phone and save it and hold on to it until I'm at my computer and throw together an idea and get it working.

    I hate thinking too hard about things. Like "hmmm... I'm sitting at my piano and today I shall write a song... I'm going to wait for inspiration now... I will now play a brilliant song I just came up with by sitting here". Nope. Tried it once and it's bs. I come up with my greatest ideas when I'm literally sleeping and dreaming, or I'm like in an elevator or I just start beat boxing or I hear an ambient noise and start making up music to it. Or I'll sit at my keyboard and literally just start playing random crap and see it where it goes.

    Too often I'm at the "stuck at the piano" part

    That is exactly what I do sometimes. :DI get a simple melody in my head in some form, and I improvise while walking around in my room, and when it sounds coolest, I'll sing it again and write that out, tweaking it some more in the MIDI.

    About the bolded bits. Apparently I'm not the only one to just get ideas at random times :D However, my problem is I can never get them down on paper or in a computer before they're gone and

    changed into something new (and usually less exciting) entirely. It's the fixation of the idea I struggle with, not getting the idea in the first place.

    Also, how did we get to Paul McCartney again?

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