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Posts posted by Anorax

  1. I received a notification from school that a package arrived, and I'm assuming it's from my SS, seeing that I haven't ordered anything large recently. However, I won't be able to open it until January. So, it arrived, but... it's gonna stay wrapped for now. :-P

  2. 1. cheerwine is a primarily SC/NC-based pop company that's actually one of the oldest (if not the oldest) family-owned fountain drink maker in the country. they make what's basically the best black-cherry pop in existence. it's also very reasonable as an add-on item from amazon, and (best of all!) should be available everywhere in the states in grocery stores by 2017 or so. i'm surprised you've tried it before, flex, i checked and didn't see you'd lived in the carolinas area. i only had it once or twice and absolutely loved it.

    One of the few perks to living in North Carolina is Cheerwine. Glad to see it's enjoyed outside of the Carolinas!

    (My first reaction to seeing Flex's spoils image was "really, only four cans?" :razz:)

    Part two of my gift for my recipient is almost ready to ship. I should have it on its way come Monday.

  3. To whomever has me, unless my gift arrives before I leave for winter break, I won't be able to pick it up until I return for the spring semester in January. So, if you happen to be tracking the package and it says "delivered" but I don't say anything until Jan., then you know why.

    Also, to my recipient: part one has been ordered and is being gift wrapped by Amazon, with expected delivery on the 14th.

  4. Stop arguing about arguing. If you want to talk about the show, then talk about the show.

    yeah, what is this, tumblr?


    I really, really need to watch this. Too bad I don't remember my family's Netflix login...

  5. Is there a way for thread notifications to be condensed into a single notification per thread that updates, rather than a notification per reply? This can make it hard to see what threads you follow have updated, especially if one is very active - you may get thirty notifications from one thread and end up missing one or two notifications about another, simply because of the volume of notifications.

    For me, the form subscription system that vbulletin offered is much more useful than the one that is currently employed with the new-ish forums.

  6. Well, shit. I was just making an off-the-cuff statement, with little to no super-deep-thinking involved.


    DJP, if you would like me to clarify over PM, I'd be glad to have a discussion, but as it seems, things get off-base ridiculously fast, and we've all seen how easy it is to derail ourselves when everyone's shouting and only reading their own personal tl;dr version.


    I think what I was trying to say is that, ultimately, if the objectification occurs less often within a game, it could potentially be problematic, but certainly less so than instances where it runs rampant throughout the art subject.

  7. I think it has less to do with the action of portraying women in games in and of itself (i.e. the inclusion of the female sex/female gender/whatever have you in video games and related media) and more to do with the implementation of portraying women in games.


    If Female-Character X is portrayed as some fuck toy and little more than that in Game X, then it can potentially perpetuate sexist culture, although the effect would be more profound if almost all the female characters in Game X were portrayed similarly.  If it's just one character that is objectified in-game out of myriad characters (the rest of which are not objectified), then the problem potentially still exists, but to a much lesser degree? Sorry, I'm just adding in a quick thought; I'll need to sit down and do a little info digging later.

  8. Well they had to make Linkle a different character because Link was already in the game as a male and, IIRC, him being male is actually used in the plot this time! The Killscreen article also has some funny things like "True to form, Linkle dual wields crossbows instead of wielding the usual master sword—ensuring that no one confuses her for being an actual, real, legitimate Hero like Link", when chances are they gave her a crossbow to make her unique gameplay-wise (and I have no idea why crossbows are less hero-like when Link also uses a bow and there are several hero figures that wield bows and not swords).

  9. Why does everyone want to claim Dearly Beloved lol


    I only kept "Under the Sea" and "This is Halloween". I removed all the other Disney songs, but those two seem important to the album/soundtrack (IMO). Two tracks aren't a big deal, even more if remixers stick to the game's version. :)

    Because it's a simple and super recognizable piece? And while I'd like to see those tracks be in the album, I don't know if OCR can OK that (fingers crossed).
  10. I've been waiting for an album like this since I first got on OCR, and that was... oh, just right after the DKC2 album dropped.



    Tuberz is coming here to say again that I will support this wholeheartedly. 

    Like seriously. Favourite game series. 

    pls guiz lets do this

    One more thing. Can I put a tentative claim on... um... everything?

    Oh, no, you don't! Leave some for the rest of us!
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