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Posts posted by Anorax

  1. C'mon, it's not D Fb F G G* Bb B#? Don't crush my spirit, Darkesword.

    this makes me mildly angry. stahp


    Although, there are a few exceptions to the rule darkesword pointed out regarding sharps and flats: some keys (e.g. g harmonic minor; G A Bb C D Eb F# G) will use sharps and flats in practice, but not in the key signature (g harmonic minor will still have the same key signature as g natural minor and Bb Major). 

  2. It's bedtime and I've got an 8AM class tomorrow, so I'm going to make this quick (so I won't give an in-depth source breakdown—I apologize in advance).


    From the Maverick theme, I took the opening arpeggio and used it as the opening arpeggio for this round's mix, tweaking it to fit the meter and chords (but still having semblance to the original). The lead was used more as a decorative touch rather than a melodic focus point, with the exception of the closing phrase.


    I adhered more to the chord structure of the Sigma theme than my Maverick theme (although that doesn't say much), adding in concert snare and timpani as a nod to the source (as well as the mangled violin at the end of the opening phrase).


    Aaand I deeply regret the vocal bit, but what can you do?

  3. Music is being prepared.


    Hiryuu, Anorax, and Darren Smith, you guys didn't submit 44.1kHz waves. I have to convert these.


    Please make sure you are exporting your wav files in accordance with the standards specified in the first post. :)

    Ah, fuck. Completely forgot to check the sample rate when exporting. Sorry DarkeSword!


    Warning:  The following reviews are influenced by the consumption of alcohol and in no way reflect the views and opinion of team Rock Hard Mandrills

    Nothing more honest than drunken honesty!




    Really nice arrangement this week.  I love the direction and vision this song has going for it.  Unfortunately I think the execution could have been a lot better.  The song seems to have quite a few mixing and production issues.  Could have used more energy as well.

    Fair enough. I was hit with a solid wall of writer's block (or whatever the arranger's equivalent is) for most of the week. What was turned in was completely BS'd Saturday night and Sunday afternoon. I really wish I had devoted more time to this track, but life got in the way a lot a bit.

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