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Posts posted by Anorax

  1. Note to His Infinite Machine: Edge != IE. If JourneyJay does not feel comfortable learning a new browser (which is what essentially every new user of Win10 is doing when they open Edge), then don't yell at him for it. Microsoft built a browser from the ground-up to replace the horribly flawed IE. There's no reason to compare the two, and unless you've also tested out Edge then why diss it?

    That being said, Chrome and Firefox are the two most popular browsers among PC users. While Microsoft Edge has outpaced Chrome (as well as the cumbersome IE) in several benchmarks, it's still a new browser and will, of course, have kinks (as well as a difficult time enticing power users away from Chrome/Firefox). Let's not kick it to the curb just yet, though.

    As of current: "July 29th, 2015"
    OC​​remix uses the contextual menu of any typical web browser to download audio, instead of the "click to open download dialog" option seen for some download types across the web.
    Microsoft Edge, the new web browser for Windows 10, has removed the save as and save target as options from its menu, leaving the second option as the only available avenue to downloading the media without some third party software. (To my knowledge)...
    I did send them feedback, and I'm sure they'll fix it or force the download dialog for direct links such as seen on OCremix. I'm sending feedback here as well, should the administration take the proactive approach and modify the site and beat Microsoft to the punch.

    I really don't want to download another browser. ​

    So, if I understand you correctly, you do not like how/if Edge is opening the audio files on OCR directly in the browser, rather than automatically launching a "save as..." dialog?  Personally, that's a favorite for me when I'm using Chrome.  As I have yet to get my upgrade for Win10 (It's reserved though, so I'll get it someday), I haven't given Edge a test run yet and don't know what the right-click menu looks like for links. I think it's odd how you say there isn't a save-as option. Weird.

  2. I will say this: I've noticed that when I switch in-patch presets, the new preset won't play any samples that changed from the old preset (e.g. the kick changed from the 'regular' 24in kick to a FK 24in kick) until I go into mapping and reselect the given drum for any mapped key (I usually re-select the kick drum). Once I've "remapped" a single drum, all the changed drums/cymbals will trigger correctly.

    If I wasn't on vacation, I could record a video of the problem. Alas, I cannot at this time.

    EDIT: That is... a lot of code. Damn.

  3. Did I actually buy Shreddage Drums? You bet your biscuits I did.


    I find Shreddage Drums SO MUCH EASIER to use than Groove Bias, and it helps that these drums are already optimized for rock and other "heavier" applications.  In fact, I used it recently in conjunction with Shreddage 2X and Shreddage Classic for a piece for a composition event (hosted by rpgmaker.net).  Honestly, I feel that Shreddage Drums will be my go-to drum library for the foreseeable future.

  4. and my event was the individual medley (butterfly, backstroke, breaststroke, freestyle.)


    I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.


    I always hated the IM, especially 200m. We usually called the breaststroke leg the "punishment lap" because more often than not, it was when our bodies started "relaxing" and made doing the final sprint for freestyle nearly impossible.

  5. If you happened to see my thread last month, I'm participating in the Summoner of Sounds event, and this time the theme is focused around "Assault Action", where composers had to write in a sci-fi or modern military style for an assault-type action scenario. 
    Here is my submission for the second round.


    Thoughts? Concerns? Comments?

  6. It's not a question of being a good or bad theme, it is just preference. I think sometimes the theme determines (myself included) whether people want to participate or not. Announcing the theme a few days earlier before the round starts creates more excitement IMO. 

    Perhaps, but at the same time knowing the theme beforehand can also potentially be a deterrent. Besides, the big point of RWS is to have a novice work with the knowledgeable help of a star/veteran ReMixer, and the theme choice should honestly be secondary to this, and to me that's why it makes sense to release the theme after pairings are official.

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