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Posts posted by Anorax

  1. I actually came across Flattr today- through soundcloud, by chance. huh.

    When I first saw it, without clicking on the link I was thinking "Tumblr spin-off".


    Out of curiosity, I clicked on the link.

    As it turns out, Flattr is some kind of "social microdonation" system. Kind of like "facebook likes", but there's some kind of counting system.

    From what I understand, Flattr counts up all of your Flattr button clicks, then at the end of each month, it divides up your donation allowance you gave your account (which is about 5 euros or something), and gives an equal amount to each Flattr source you clicked on.

    I think it's kind of cool, having a way to support the things you like (including musicians) in a small way that can build up over time, and isn't as obtrusive as something like adf.ly

    What it's NOT: one of those URL shorteners

    I guess what I'm trying to say is check Flattr out and tell me what your opinion is on this

    EDIT: OCR need a Flattr button. I would totally click that

  2. Also, it helps if you already state what you already have in terms of equipment (even if you have nothing) because then we can direct you to various guides that explain what you need to get started regardless of genre.

    Well, ok then.


    - Windows 7 Home Premium x64 bit running on an Acer Aspire 5250-BZ669


    -Studio: Mixcraft 6 (registered) with preloaded VSTs

    -NI Massive

    -Several VSTis from http://amvst.com

    -Studio (unused): FL10 Producer Edition

    -Studio (unused): Ableton Live 8 Lite Edition


    - (1) CASIO LK-94TV (USB-MIDI) with modified Yamaha driver to communicate with x64 windows


    - (1) TS-ended Microphone (mono) from Radioshack

    No extra MIDI or audio interfaces.

  3. This helps immensely for lots of Eurobeat signature sounds (pianos, etc.) - http://www.korg.com/Legacym1 and it's very very cheap.

    Some parts of http://www.loopmasters.com/product/details/1186/Studio-Essentials-Psytrance may help you in terms of percussion (weird as it may sound).

    Also, it helps if you already state what you already have in terms of equipment (even if you have nothing) because then we can direct you to various guides that explain what you need to get started regardless of genre.

    The "how" part is hard to explain in a single post.

    - around 140 BPM (but more is not a mortal sin)

    - simple and somewhat saccharine chord progressions and melodies

    - lots of caffeine

    The best way to learn is to analyze in depth what is happening and what you are hearing. Take a sheet of 5 x 5 mm graph paper and put it in front of you, landscape orientation.

    Every time you can count to 4 with the kick drum? (boom boom boom boom) That's one block on the graph.

    At the top left, you write "kick drum". If the track starts with a kick drum that is repeated 8 times, you color two blocks in the kick drum row. You will color the blocks when you hear it, you will leave 'm empty when you don't. Listen to the entire song (if it fits on the paper) and you will have an overview of where you hear a kick drum.

    Now take the next instrument. It doesn't matter if you don't know the exact names - "piano" sound be obvious but something like "high-pitched synth lead" works just fine and again, color the blocks when it sounds, and leave 'm empty when you don't hear it.

    Listen to a track repeatedly and at the left, write the separate elements from top to bottom; from left to right, color the blocks when these elements appear in the track.

    If you've analyzed a few songs like that you recognize the structure, and you start to recognize certain tricks and clichés - "ok, so when the kick drum stops, a snare starts to roll and increase in volume while the melody plays (and nothing else). Then you get a brief silence, and a big SPLASH sound of a cymbal and then EVERYTHING starts to play at the same time!"

    When you recognize this, you can apply elements like that yourself; the rest is a matter of getting to know chords and picking the right sounds. That last part is not so hard; the only committee that will determine whether the sounds are "right" are the listeners. Read http://blog.kimlajoie.com/rap-it-in-a-grid/ - it'll explain why it's not bad to use certain clichés, just make sure your song doesn't consist of anything but clichés.

    I need to get this framed. This is great advice! Thanks!

  4. Nobody's sent in their WIPs. One person has dropped out. I'm going to have to rethink the way I'm running this.

    well, technically, I still have an hour left before the deadline ends :P

    The hardest part as of now is formulating the eurobeat brass lead. I should probably just forgo this and work on the part of the mix that actually involves the source (I'm looking at Yoshi Desert).

    But I do have a little bit of the opening done, here.

    A very sad WIP I know, but sadly I only got the idea to do this remix today.

  5. I think when Rozovian says high end listening, he means gear intended for monitoring/mixing. Flat response, non-colored etc.

    Home theater doesn't fit that bill at all.

    Unless of course your home theater equipment is built of flat-response equipment and/or custom-tailored to counteract the natural resonance of whatever room it's installed in, but that's very unlikely.

    now as to what the article says, it's true, the Pendulum bass is very (VERY) inorganic and surgical, but it's also somewhat trademark in the way they do it (frequency-sculpting-wise).

    It’s a highly distinctive sound, and the danger of copying something this specialised is that you end up just sounding like a bad parody.

    I read through this and I realize it doesn't say what I'm trying to say, but I can't figure out how to say it. Whatever.

  6. you guys don't think this theread cam be moved for the project section, i'm saying this because i'm searching a project to work trough in the project section and found nothing, then by chance i see a post by RECKNEFIN with a tag from Flate Notes, I thought I had forgotten to look at any item in the list of "projects", and then I was to discover that the acessas theread of Flate Notes I had to go into "worckshop" and then "recruit & colaborate.", If there is a rule or condition that make this irregular just let me know, I just think that section is more popular and we would get more views and people in.

    The "Projects" subforum is usually reserved for OCR-approved projects. Usually you start a project in "recruit and collaborate" for obvious reasons, then as the project moves along, ask a forum moderator (Darkesword or other) to move the thread for you.

  7. someone should do this. that is all.

    (I really don't know why I even made a thread here for this. short post is short)


    In case someone was interested but has no idea what the original music is like.

  8. Hey guys, I'm new here. I've been wanting to contribute some tracks to OC for years now, and I'm finally in a position to make it all happen. Hope the big bosses like my first effort 8)
    Hey, all.

    Been a fan of OCremix since it showed up in Game Informer several years back.

    I'm a beginning amateur musician who's long term goal is music composition. My favorite class of instrument are strings (Guitar, Violin/Mandolin) and I know some of the basics of Piano and Drums.

    I finally decided to learn how to build and use a DAW and I'm piecing together the basics, starting with a Lexicon Alpha I picked-up on sale.

    I've been learning how to use finale notepad and plan on using it as my primary means of writing music. What I'm still trying to figure out is the various software options available to me, not to mention figuring how to get midi files to play on the DAW software (I'm looking at both CuBase 5LE which case with the Alpha, and Reaper).

    Here's to hoping I can figure this stuff out.

    I remember that edition of Game Informer! I probably wouldn't have found OCR without it.
    Hey everyone. I'm Phil. I've been a huge fan of this site since I heard about it back in 2009 and I've finally decided to get my feet wet and expand my knowledge.

    I'm currently a student studying music. I'd like to one day become a music teacher and pass on what I know to others.

    I'm a pretty decent Bassist and Clarinetist. I'm currently working on improving my skills in Electric Bass and have started to work on other instruments; I'm still trying to learn how to use the editing software.

    Look forward to working with you all!

    Welcome, all three of you, to the OverClocked Remix forums! I hope you enjoy your stay here.

    If you are ever needing feedback on anything you are working on (music-wise), go ahead and post in the Workshop forums.

    See you around!


  9. -portable recording devices-

    There are also professional, portable recording devices. These can be sued to record just about anything, but all the above should be considered where applicable. The physical properties of the recording device's mic(s) matter, as will the placement and angle, the room, all that stuff. The benefit of these devices is in their portability, lack of interference from the rest of the signal chain (there is no signal chain), and quick startup time. Of course, getting a recording to sync up means you need headphones and something to play the source music with.

    Unless you're looking for specific qualities inherent in mics, a portable recording device would be ideal for many sound effects recording situations - you can take it anywhere and record anything. If you're visiting a friend and want to record his vocals, just use headphones and a version of the backing while recording.

    There are also professional, portable recording devices. These can be sued to record just about anything, but all the above should be considered where applicable. The physical properties of the recording device's mic(s) matter, as will the placement and angle, the room, all that stuff. The benefit of these devices is in their portability, lack of interference from the rest of the signal chain (there is no signal chain), and quick startup time. Of course, getting a recording to sync up means you need headphones and something to play the source music with.
    These can be sued to record just about anything, but all the above should be considered where applicable.
    These can be sued


  10. It's that time again (sorry if I offend anyone for this...)

    what seriosuly i have been waiting for so long to see the albumn release

    is that crazy that people will like it come on

    do this for the fans

    when i was a producer of the project i will not do the same thing as you are so i am disapointed

    so fell about that i want this album so badly

    emulator promise us a releas album this year

    it begin developed since 2010 and now this can't belive you say that

    so sorry i disapointed and i am not dealing with this

    shall I translate?

    again apologies if anyone gets upset with this:

    what seriosuly?! I have been waiting for so long to see the albumn release!!!

    is that crazy that people will like it? come on!

    do this for the fans

    If i were a producer of the project i would not do the same thing as you are so i am disappointed

    so down about that, i want this album so badly!

    emunator promise us the album releases this year

    it's been in development since 2010 and now this?! I can't belive you'd say that

    so sorry i disapointed and i am not dealing with this

    Google Translate much? (I feel like I'm being a major dick with all this.)

    Anywho, Happy 4th everyone!

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