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Posts posted by Anorax

  1. Well, I know what I'm going to build on my worlds for long distance transportation from now on.

    Well, this is a good idea (For servers), but it needs a mechanism that runs in two tracks, and in a way that GUARANTEES that there is a boat at each end.

    I have a prototype that works in regards to triggering the other rail to launch without causing a retrigger on outbound travel, but keeps screwing up. For some reason, one of the two starter pistons wants to fire slightly earlier than the other one, even though the activation signal is identical in regards to delay and whatnot (signal doesn't split until reaching the pistons)

    Should probably screenshot

    EDIT: Also, I've heard it doesn't work in 1.2 for some reason

  2. Hey, I'd love to hop on if someone would be so kind as to whitelist me. My handle is CSeven

    If someone could whitelist my wife, too, that'd be great (MrsC7), but if not, I'll have her post in here later.

    :o You AND your wife play Minecraft?!?


  3. When would this wondrous event occur? cause I am in

    Whenever? I dunno.

    There's already a wall-area built at spawn, and David repaired the griefed spawn house, as well as the spawn walkways.

    I plan on building a railway system soon, but we gotta have an idea of where to go and where to create the station from and whatnot...

  4. Jeb said that they're considering doing the same with half-steps, but that doing so would be considerably harder to code - the reversed stairs is the same block but flipped when placed under another block from below. Can't exactly employ the same method for the half-steps, given their behavior.

    Also, with zombies now attacking NPC villages, the villages are getting defenders. Really strong ones.



    Behold the Iron Golem. They apparently take 15 diamond sword hits to kill. Right now they don't seem to care if you attack the villagers, they just attack most enemy mobs (not creepers, slimes, magma cubes and ghasts). They attack by throwing mobs up into the air (kills them in two hits). They drop iron ingots and roses when killed, and will sometimes pick up roses (modeled after the guardian in Laputa: Castle in the Sky - for reference: http://i.imgur.com/TyxPn.jpg). Swimming is a no-go for them, and when they're killed, if the village has enough villagers in it they'll respawn shortly after. Finally, they're craftable.

    Aw, hell...

  5. Time for a second internet.


    hell, if this is what we're being faced with, we might as well need to create a new internet. First off, we could start with using some other form of web format, getting rid of the HTTP(S) protocol and use something completely different as an encryption.

    Hell, I don't know what I'm talking about. But someone needs to do something.

  6. Because you get file sizes that are substantially smaller for almost no tradeoff in quality (only audiophiles can hear the difference).

    If I'm not mistaken, mp3 uses a compression that filters out frequencies that are near-impossible to hear if you are listening casually. On top of this, some listening systems take advantage of this average frequency drop and might not supply speakers tailored for the frequency range that mp3 drops, if you will.

    so, what's the point of lossless codecs if your audio playback equipment might not even support the benefits of lossless?

    Why bother? Lossless is really only good for original sound sharing, recording live audio, and for sharing a file suitable for multiple codec conversions.

    Feel free to correct me if I made an incorrect statement anywhere

  7. If you can hear the difference between 320kbps mp3 and lossless


    The question is why bother with such inefficient compression if you're trying to retain quality? If size is no object might as well release everything in flac.

    preeety sure that was a joke

    Ok, in all actuality, I can't hear the difference between mp3 and flac or whatever lossless codec you wanna use.

  8. OCAD Griefers actually did something worthwhile?

    Bitches be doin my dirtywork!


    The cobble on the left and the stone on the right was once open area. No longer. Now I have walls that I never bothered to build yet!

    Me=1 Griefers=0, though they think it's 0 to 1

    EDIT: LOL @ Thread title

  9. Well, I know what I'm going to build on my worlds for long distance transportation from now on.

    I just hope the OCAD server can handle this

    This makes railrays waay outdated

    EDiT: I need to find out if you can use this method and have turns as well...

  10. And here I am wondering how a giant hole might play perfectly into a giant penis joke.

    It's underground. Not that many guys want to put their penis in a "hole" that has been in the dirt for a while...

    *COUGH* Necrophiliacs*COUGH*

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