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Posts posted by Anorax

  1. Sony: We're going to release a fuck-as-all-hell powerful system that will last at least ten years!

    Microsoft: Well, we released a system just four years after our first one because GRAPHICS ARE GETTING SO AWESOME.

    Nintendo: We're gonna hold off on this hi-def thing until it becomes financially viable. Instead, we're doing waggle.


    Nintendo: *makes cash*

    Sony: Fuck, Nintendo's gotten rich off their dildo. I guess we should do the logical thing and release one of our own.

    Microsoft: Fuck that, I'm gonna release a thing where you don't need controllers!

    Sony: And our things will be in glorious hi-def! Which we still haven't learned that everyone who bought the Wii doesn't care about!

    Nintendo: Don't forget your gaming division operates exclusively in the red, guys.

    Microsoft: Dude shut uuuuuuup.

    Nintendo: Well, now that we've made our millions and it's been six years, we're releasing a hi-def system. With a huge controller that also has a screen.

    Sony: A-HA! So you admit we were right all along!

    Microsoft: Silly Nintendo, you can't do any of this big gaming business stuff right!

    this is the best thing I've read today. And it seems just about 100% accurate.

    . . . I think what it is, is that people want something new that works. Obviously, the Wii remote was new, but it worked. Then, Sony and Microsoft finally realized that there's a different way to game, and they do some stuff. Meanwhile, graphics is whined about against the Wii, but hey, you have a product that doesn't look like a underdog rip-off, and sells well to boot. Graphics aren't the best, but they pioneered a certain technology with gaming and are running with it.

    . . . Then, Nintendo tries something new, while stepping up to the graphics plate, per se. So we'll see, in a year or two, Sony and Microsoft will try to one-up Nintendo and the WiiU, probably with Sony trying to do a handheld controller w/screen, or hell, maybe a double screen, with one of them being a touch screen! Meanwhile, Microsoft will resort to a handheld controller that responds to hand gestures.

    . . . Hell, I don't know. It seems that Nintendo has the right idea and Sony and Microsoft don't quite realize it, but they'll still try to do a one-up on graphics, and claim they're better because of it.

    tl;dr Nintendo has the right idea, and Sony and Microsoft try to cover their asses when they realize their disadvantage.

  2. I'm probably going to reiterate a bit in this post, but whatever.

    Oh gosh, thanks to everyone who's wished zircon and BlackPanther and me a happy birthday. I've had a blast today, and I can only hope that zircon and BP's "special day" was better than mine. Well, I know zircon's must have been, because he got a remix posted just for him!

    Hope you two have had a real good birthday today. I know I have.

    Thanks again to all,


    P.S. lol Coop, should have known you would do something with the Nice Birthday.

  3. the enchanted [track] is done finally[;] the other ones are done so they could finally released and [so we can] enjoy [them] this in [the] summer time. I feel disapointed that alkumajobelmont left the enchanted music[;] I like [it] when alkumajobelmont sing but they replace[d] him with another singer to do enchanted[.] The albums I am gonna wait for this year {are} five albums[,] so please[-] we been waiting for this so keep the work going[!]

    I feel like a dick for doing that, but it was bothering me.

    HOWEVER I agree with everything that was in that massive run-on sentence

  4. Hi everyone!

    My name is Ben, but online people call me LP for short. Oh, it's not short for Ben. It's short for Legendary Possum!

    Legendary because I love all things legend. Brutal Legend, The Legend of Zelda, legendary berry fruit punch. Wasn't a big fan of I am Legend, though.

    And possum because I just love the little underappreciated buggers to death. With their big ol' mouths and their widdle paws and the way the babies climb all over the mama like she's a jungle gym. I'm getting the word out about possums!

    I'm an avid collector and listener to video game music and I have been my whole life. I'm just now learning this composition business, but I think I'm on the right track! My inspirations are, beginning with the obvious, Koji Kondo and Motoi Sakuraba. Then comes John Powell, James Newton Howard, James Horner, John Williams, Danny Elfman, etc. And last but not least, the classical composers and, in particular, the efforts of Swiss musician Marc Reift and the Philharmonic Wind Orchestra (look 'em up on Amazon).

    I really enjoy the big-band, wind-orchestra sound, and I'm trying to emulate that in my current and future ReMixes. I look forward to getting and giving feedback to all my fellow musicians here at OCR!


    Sweet! Welcome to the community LP!

    Don't be afraid to post your work in the Workshop forums, whether finished or not. Great place to gain experience!

  5. Though I may have to re-record like... stuff to get that ending right. ARGH. XD

    don't you mean record an actual ending instead of a fade-out? :-P

    No, I really like this track, but I don't think I'll be able to crit right now because I'm a bit tired.

    You've really improved Connie Cyril. I blame ponies XD

  6. If OCR Forums are anything like TheShizz, Youtube videos won't get abused too much.

    And if it's really such an issue, why not just allow Embedded videos in certain places? Like a "youtube thread" or various spin offs like "Youtube Thread: Game Music" "Youtube Thread: Music production and applications" "Youtube Thread: Off topic"


    Is it not possible?:-)

    Probably? Just like the Off Topic section only shows up for people who are logged in, and the mysterious Staff section is only for staff, so there's probably a way to choose what forums/threads can allow youtube embeds

  7. Twinkle park remix in the makes to be in skydive.

    The Super album track list has been set. Multi-artist input under decision.

    Somehow I read these two lines to somehow contain the phrase Twilight Sparkle.

    I was terribly mistaken.

    carry on

    Must have been the Twi from the first line, along with the S from the second line and "park" again from the first

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