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Posts posted by Anorax

  1. To view dynmap go here: OCADolution dynmap

    You can chat on the dynmap but only if you've logged into our server before and it recognizes your IP :)

    trees look really weird on the dynmap.

    But then again, with the dead grass/mycineum everywhere, it all looks weird.

    HEY STEVO IS BUKKIT WORKING YET ON OCAD because I didn't read the whole post yet...

    NEVERMIND it is

    EDIT: Also, 1.2.5 is coming out soon. Bukkit better be ready

  2. Also the OCAD server just got another boost in specs. Its running on an overclocked Core i3 with faster DDR3 ram now. So go us. FANMADE_Yay~.gif

    [read as VROOM]

    Also, Stevo, you might want to do what Abadoss is doing and check for all the plugins that OCAD uses, in case of plugin failure

  3. Is this possible?

    I have a unique situation where I need to livestream something from my DAW. However, the computer with the DAW is not able to get online @ school. IS there some way for me to set up computer B to connect to computer A and display the desktop of Comp-A while still being able to operate as it's own computer?

    I need to research this...

  4. Oh! Thanks.

    How is it that OCAD is updated to 1.2.3 but OCR isn't? Does OCAD not use Bukkit?

    And for that matter, Bukkit's taking forever! 1.2.3 has been out for nearly a month now, and Bukkit still doesn't have a release candidate ready to be used by the average user?

    We do use bukkit, but either Stevo or David updated it without the latest bukkit build.

    Bukkit's taking forever because 1) they are cleaning their code to make it more efficient (I guess) and 2) because of this code-cleaning, most/all plugins will have to be recompiled to work with new bukkit code

  5. I've been doing some stuff behind the scenes.

    The unfortunate thing with holding a project for an obscure game is that sometimes people won't join.

    Some people don't like to mix for games that they haven't played before.

    and this is an obscure game.

    So there's that unfortunate gap.

    I want all of the battle themes taken at least. The core element of an RPG.

    Then the next priority is probably story related tracks.

    And then other ones from there. But surely, we will accumulate more people over time.

    Hope everyone can bear the whole waiting aspect. I'm trying my best to.

    I've been playing a bit of BoF II, although, I'll have to find the game again...

    I'm going to see if I can get a feel for one of these songs and attempt a remix.

  6. I only hesitantly returned, and no one should expect me to attempt more remixes over original music, which I'm apparently better at.

    As for the topic, phill, what do you mean by plugins, out of curiosity? My mod installer, MCPatcher, for the most part, works fine with 1.2.3.

    for your client or for a server?

    We're talking about Bukkit plugins working with the (beta?) RB on 1.2.3

  7. I'm less worried about bukkit coming out then I am about the plug-ins. I still expect a good two weeks before bukkit has a stable RB but some of the more important plugins could take a while longer.

    especially since they are cleaning the bukkit code?

  8. ...thats not a bad idea. How do I do that?

    you can either

    a) watch the show enough to get an idea of what on earth to do, or

    B) go to toastbeard.bronyradio.com. <-This is a weekly compo based off of a theme (other than ponies). make a song, and then submit it to Submit@Equestriadaily.com. If they accept it, you will have vyooz in a day or two.

    Crossing has a point. Remixes of show songs are popular (there are several musical numbers throughout the show0

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