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Posts posted by Anorax

  1. I made this song in about an hour and fifteen minutes for a weekly compo called Toastbeard. Each week, there's a theme for anyone to make a song based off of the theme, and submit it by the deadline in seven days.

    I didn't start until an hour and a half before the saturday deadline. Go figure.

    The theme for this song involved computers, either in a Tron-esque experience or internet travel, such as Code Lyoko.

    My track is right here. Until OCRemix allows soundcloud embeds, you'll just have to click the link instead ;-)


    Really, the computer-based theme was just an excuse to make a bit of low-quality house.

    There may be a bit of bitcrushing here or there. Probably a lot of bitcrush. but as the song title says, Whatever.

    EDIT: This song is, for all intensive purposes, finished because I really have no intentions to go back into this project file.

    DAW: Mixcraft 6

    Project time: ~75 minutes

  2. Anorax: I've found that SNesoid runs DKC3 absolutely beautifully on Android (I own the original Motorola Droid). I'd imagine it probably runs even better on later models. :-)

    Well, I found something called SNESDroid, don't know if they're similar.

    However, now I can't beat Belcha in world one because it involves holding down Y and jumping. It's... just not working like it should.

  3. horrible attempts at video game, jazz, and film music, mostly using orchestral and acoustic vsts lol

    actually, there's a demo project that came with MX6 that shows off Mixcaft's more orchestral abilities.

    I believe it's called Callisteia.

    file:///C:/Program Files/Acoustica Mixcraft 6/Example Projects/Callisteia.mx6
    file:///C:/Program Files (x86)/Acoustica Mixcraft 6/Example Projects/Callisteia.mx6

  4. For other mixcraft users, what kind of music do you compose? I've only found it to be so-so for my purposes, I've been using kontakt vsts and the program crashes after 6-12 tracks, and I was thinking of getting even higher quality vsts so I'm feeling like I'm going to have to leave mixcraft behind, though I haven't quite outgrown its ease of use...

    Ctrl+F my friend :P

    I've recently have been doing more electronic-centric music, which I have some stuff (mostly WIPs and stuff) on my soundcloud in my sig.

    However, I do like the ease of use that comes with recording audio. I find the process simple and painless, and with the new multi-lane system, I can get multiple takes at once, instead of the old stop-and-add-new-lane-and-start-again method.

    Holy shit. XD I just downloaded the demo and this thing is frikking awesome. Mixcraft 5 is just blown away by this. Humanisation, duration, offset, SO MANY OPTIONS THAT MIXCRAFT 5 NEEDED. This is an instant buy for me. Because I have AM5, I can get it for like a third of the price. :D I am happy today.

    Dude, I am loving MX6 soo much. because I have it on my laptop, I don't always have a MIDI keyboard with me, and the on-screen keyboard now works regardless of whether or not your mouse is focused in a VST window or not, that was a big problem for me in MX5.

    Along with the multi-lane system, which also works for midi. If I want, I can record my midi, then open up another lane (ctrl+L for new lane, ctrl+K to close empty lanes) and do all my MIDI automation there. Mixcraft reads both tracks at once, so my automation matches with my MIDI. Plus, I can drag the same automation pattern to match a different MIDI note pattern. It's great!

  5. I am insulted that you would insinuate that I am poop. I am full of that; but not of myself.

    Alas in this instance I am still not full of poop either. If the stems and midi data were delivered to me, I could turn this over in a considerable amount of time. (Although at the moment I have Sonic Compo and a very important IRL song to make -this week-) But it would probably be ready by the time the other people are ready.

    This is all hypothetical of course, I've asked before and been shot down. :tomatoface:

    when did I mention poop? or are you insinuating that you are s-

    ANYWAY, I have no doubt you could get this done, in fact that would be cool to hear.

    It could be done killer studio chops style! or in this case, killer studio chimp!

  6. I had to look up those acronyms... virtual studio technology? Digital audio workstation? Goodness, that sounds awfully complicated. :-) No, that's a bit out of my league.

    The audio software project I've been working on recently could best be described with the high concept pitch of: "Chipamp in the web browser." I hope to make chiptunes more accessible by allowing them to be played directly in a web browser.

    That's... actually a really awesome idea!

    A good idea is to pit-stop to the workshop. I swear it is the best thing!




    Couldn't resist

  7. Thanks to everyone for your help! I just have one more stupid question (sorry I'm a total novice when it comes to this stuff).

    The composer of the music in


    Claims to have used Papelmedia_Churchorgan.sf2 as well. But his organ sounds better than the generic one I got from Papelmedia_Churchorgan.sf2. It's like listening to a 240p music on youtube and then changing it to 720p. Do he do something to improve the sound?

    Well, for one he could have used multiple instances of Papelmedia_Churchorgan.sf2

    There are plenty of effects that can make a sample sound better. Now, I'm pretty sure that the .sf2 in question was dry-sampled, which means that the recording was made in an environment with little reverb or delay/echo.

    This allows the person who uses the samples can add whatever effects they want without unwanted effects layered behind it.

    It's like listening to a 240p music on youtube and then changing it to 720p.
    the 240p to 720p comparison you're making is simple: you're referring to the "dry" sample, which sounds raw and somewhat unnatural. the 720p sound is the effect of trying to simulate the environment you'd naturally hear the organ in. This is when reverb comes in handy. There's actually a thread about making something sound realistic. It's talking about string samples, but can apply to any samples: http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=36357

    Hope this helps.

    EDIT: Found some of the posts I was thinking of, I'll quote parts of them here:

    I think a big part of realism with using a sample, is emulating the enviroment one would hear the instrument in. Rather than the instrument itself.
    Yup, a dry instrument will sound unrealistic, cuz it's not how we are used to hearing them. Those of us with a real violin probably don't also have an anechoic chamber. :P

    Just don't starting thinking that adding reverb is the cure to all realism problems. Some instruments will sound better and/or more realistic with some reverb, but the amount is crucial here. If you overdo it, the reverb will just make it sound like a fake instrument played in a big room. ;)

  8. It's not a plug-in. That's what's called a soundfont.


    a soundfont is sort of what it sounds like. A soundfont is a collection of audio clips and a set of instructions on how to play these clips. If you want to read more on how soundfonts work, read the [ code] window below.

    Soundfonts also give information to the host on whether to loop audio samples until told to stop (note off), or play them all the way through once.

    Soundfonts can respond to two MIDI controls (sent from the soundfont host): note and velocity. That's all a soundfont can read. from this data (which you can think of as x and y on a graph), the soundfont host determines what sample to play when a note is played.

    The Soundfont host, once it receives the audio from the soundfont file, can add effects, such as volume envelope, mono/polyphonic mode, and any effects such as chorus or delay, depending on what the soundfont host allows.

  9. You could release it as a bonus track. Other projects, like Sonic 3, have released WiPs as bonus tracks. :)


    Someone should take all the WiPs of Enchanted, and remix them bootleg-style. Hence, a remix of a[n unfinished] remix! Then that remix could go on the album as a bonus track or something!

  10. Ok, some good and bad news.

    Bad news is, we're officially cutting our losses with the AkumajoBelmont version of Enchanted. We've been waiting almost 2 years for that track to come together and after going through literally 4 or 5 different iterations, it's still nowhere closer to complete than it was 2 years ago.

    As a consolation, I'll post all the works in progress that we had for Enchanted in the next day or so, so you guys can at least have some listening material for the time being.

    The GOOD NEWS is that Flexstyle, being the saintly hero that he is, has already started on a totally different mix for the source that should be finished in the next week. It's totally cheeseball and while it doesn't aim to mimic or replace what Akuma and co.'s vision for Enchanted Riverbank, I guarantee it will be fun and extremely catchy.

    So yeah, that means that we seriously can have this project wrapped up in the next week or so. The biggest bottleneck now is just waiting for Theophany to get back from vacation so he can finalize Beneath the Moonlight and Distant Dreams on Stormy Seas and render final WAVs for both of them.

    This is a major step towards completion, I hope you all will forgive us (read: me) for the huge amount of time spent waiting for these two tracks. It's been a hell of an ordeal but I can confidently say that we're REALLY in the home stretch now. I appreciate all your patience, we're ALMOST THERE!!

    countdown to thread exploding in 5... 4... 3... 2...

    That's great news! Except for the AkumajoBelmont part. That's unfortunate.

    But hey! The album's going to wrap up REAL soon! [PARTY]

  11. Hi, I'm Multimedia Mike. I know nothing about creating music (aside from programmatically synthesizing a few 8-bit NES tunes from memory on various types of PCs about 20 years ago when just starting to learn to program). But I'm a big fan of OCRemix and its music. I actually discovered the site over a decade ago and downloaded some songs, but then just sort of... forgot about it for a long time. Then I watched a web show called Extra Credits that reminded me that the site existed.

    Anyway, even though I can't compose music, I like to write software that pertains to music. The reason that I finally registered for the forums is that I have been working on some music software that OCRemix people might find useful (and could even be integrated into the site someday).

    Welcome to the OC Remix forums Multimedia Mike! (can I call you Mike? :-P)

    Anyway, even though I can't compose music, I like to write software that pertains to music. The reason that I finally registered for the forums is that I have been working on some music software that OCRemix people might find useful
    Interesting. What kind of music software do you write (VSTs, DAWs, audio effects)?
    Hi folks

    First I have to say: great site, great stuff, very helpful and interesting! I'm very glad I landed here :D

    About me: I'm almost finished studying jazz saxophone (and finally bought a good saxophone mic, so if you ever need a saxophone sample just ask ;) )

    Since I was a kid I was very fascinated with video games especially the audio part but I never found the time to dig really deep into game music production (practicing saxophone eats a damn lot of time you know…) but since last summer I spent more and more time for writing, producing, remixing etc. (I also got my first project and in two weeks I go with my jazzband into the studio to record the soundtrack for this amazing game http://www.mariov.ch/mirage/, wuhuuu! a first impression can be found here http://soundcloud.com/andibissig/die-entstehung-des-hutes)

    so I've really just begun in the business but I guess there is no way back now :) so if anyone of you has a bit of spare time, I would be very grateful if you could listen to my works on http://soundcloud.com/tneko and give me some advice, tips, etc

    thanks a lot and let's make the virtual world a better one with good audio!

    Hello, I'm DrevanZero, aka Poke2mon3. I am planning to enter the world of Metroid remixes, as it is by far my favorite series of all time. I am actually planning to begin work on a Mother Brain (SM) mix today.
    Hi, I'm Jean945 (or just Jean). I'm a music fanatic, I play the drums and try to create some stuff on with FL Studio.

    Music is in my blood so I really like to express that in any way possible. I had my first console when I was 3 (N64) and since then I'm playing video games in some kind of shape or form. I attach the emotions I felt that time with the music I heard on video games I played when I was kid, so to be able to revisit all my favorite video game music makes me very nostalgic.

    I've been trying to create some stuff with programs like FL Studio and Audition for the past few years and I really like the liberty that I feel, I can do whatever the hell I want with music. I like remixing music and creating it, and now I just wanna get better and improve my skills.

    Anyways, looking forward to my stay :)

    Welcome, all three of you! If you're ever looking for critique with your work, don't be afraid to post in the Workshop forum. There's a subforum for both remixes that are in-progress (and finished, but looking for critiques) and for any original works. Feel free to pop in and share what you're working on.

    If there's anything else you're curious about, feel free to ask around!

  12. I can now officially say that WE HAVE FISHY'S GUITAR SOLO FOR BENEATH THE MOONLIGHT IN HAND! This is happening! Thanks for the help Cain! We're getting closer!

    I'm not sure words can properly express how unbelievable it is to have Theophany, Harmony, Fishy, and Jeff Ball all contributing to the same track that clocks in at over 9 minutes in length. This will be a remix of legendary status.

    I'm just waiting for them to finish said remix :-P

  13. See you're jumping to the other extreme without seeing possible compromises.

    I'm not saying that we shouldn't have embeds (hell, I'd would love embeds again) but I believe that having a limit would not be an unreasonable counterbalance to keep threads from being unreadable, that's what the per-post limit is about.

    Gollgagh, it's good to know you always keep a level head about things. :-D

    ...wait, embeds again?

  14. Yeah let's stop the progress because some dudes somewhere beneath a dry lake in texas don't have a normal internet connexion.

    I don't care

    really? we're going to be making half-assed comments because someone else has an actual point? Let's not degrade into a full-blown argument which could escalate and extend into other threads.

    And yes, what Gollgagh said. Believe it or not, many people don't have a 20+mb/s FiOS line, nor can we camp out right beside our wireless routers 24/7. YouTube embeds have become more complex and require more data to download even before clicking "play", and the more there are on a page, the longer they take to load, especially on a slower connection. It's like they load collectively, the more there are, the more bandwidth they all use at once.

    So a limit seems reasonable.

  15. I have a question for you people: what's your format for tagging remixes? Especially those that are, say, remixes of remixes or other unusual stuff like that. For non-remixes, the Artist field is used for either the composer or the singer (if there is one), or even [composer] feat. [singer]. But if music with a composer and a separate singer is remixed, where does each person go? I've seen the Artist field stay the same and have "feat. [remixer]" in the title of the track, I've seen "[remixer] feat. [singer]" in the Artist field and putting the composer in the Composer field only (effectively removing them from recognition in typical MP3 players unless you look at all the tags specifically). I've also seen all people involved put into the Artist field in varying manners of formatting. And if it's a remix of a remix of a song, what then?

    I've been trying to figure out how I want to tag my library, and I'm hitting this issue, particularly with my Hatsune Miku tracks and remixes. I want to be able to easily sort by singer, composer and remixer, but I've not seen a tagging format that is robust enough.

    For me, artist is always original artist. The track name is what I modify for remixes.

    So, if I were to remix, say, Deadmau5's "Sofi Needs A Ladder (feat. Sofi)", then I would tag the final remix as

    Artist: "Deadmau5"

    Track Title: "Sofi Needs A Ladder (feat. Sofi) [Anorax Remix]"

    I would try to make sure that the remixer's artist name is ALWAYS in brackets, whether or not the "feat. singer" uses parentheses or brackets

    to reiterate:

    Artist: Original Artist

    Track Title: Original Full Title (Feat. Guest Performer) [Remixer's Remix]

    As for remixes of remixes, I've seen them tagged in the Title as "[remixer 1]vs.[remixer 2][comma, semicolon or dash] Original track title"

    so, in an example:

    Title: Anorax vs 9bar - Kickstart

    Artist: Example

    the remix of a remix can get confusing though, I've seen it dozens of ways.

    In the brony community, it get weird:

    TeiThePony plots with Glaze - Avast Tei's Robotic Buttocks

    Now obviously the title name has changed, but we're just weird that way

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