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Everything posted by twilightsquid

  1. One of the most recent moments for me were the bosses in Little King's Story. It was a great game, with some really bad/frustrating bosses. I'm normally a very controlled person, but half of these boss fights were poorly explained and right out of left field.
  2. I found out about this site in an issue of gameinformer, and ever since I've been a dedicated fan.
  3. Were the original Lufia titles good? The only one I ever played was the GameBoy Color title, which I personally enjoyed. If the game looks interesting, I'll give it a try.
  4. I may get in on this if you start the server.
  5. My friend recently started up a site for video walkthroughs of games, and I figured that since this was a largely video game based community, you all may be interested in it: http://gametalez.com/
  6. Does anyone know any other interesting, free games on the computer? Also, does anyone know any fun/interesting beatmaps for this game?
  7. No problem. So long as someone has discovered/rediscovered/enjoyed the game, this thread has done its job.
  8. My friend introduced me to an interesting game on the computer called Osu! It is free to play and download, offers online head-to-head and co-op play, a near infinite songlist, and new beat maps are uploaded all the time. check it out at http://osu.ppy.sh/ P.S. Anyone who tries this is obligated to check out the Phoenix Wright beatmap set to Queen's Don't Stop Me Now: http://osu.ppy.sh/s/5381
  9. I like the arrangement, and it's nice to see music from an under appreciated gem getting some serious love. one of my favorite elements was the bongos. they just seemed to pull everything together in some strange, bongorific way.
  10. 1. Zidane 2. Kefka 3. Phoenix Wright
  11. I'd say that's a damn good list of improvements.
  12. i loved the use of orchestral synth in this piece, and the piano. it had a very techno-celt feel to it. never thought to hear something like this from Morrowind, and it was a very nice surprise. just out of curiosity, did this make anyone else think of the .hack// series?
  13. someone needs to make a collection of all of the remixinator songs.
  14. I personally found the drums to be a little overbearing, and the repeating rhythm of the drums seemed at odds with the song in general. this was a problem I had mainly in the beginning, but i did still notice it. it didn't kill it, and that's my only real complaint. well, that and the fact that, the intro, while nice, seemed at odds with the rest of the song.
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