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Everything posted by NeOmega

  1. I'll say. This about sums it up for me. Very good stuff DarkeSword.
  2. Whoooooa! The Wingless. Unbelievable. This is really, really good stuff.
  3. I like it alot. 5/5 One of the very few song's I've known was a favorite after only hearing it once. Slow synthetic blend. Ruined Skies indeed. --NeΩ
  4. I liked it the first time I heard it. At first I thought, "well Nines has a great melody to start with", then I thought, "at least Nines didn't mess it up", and by the end I thought, "Nines did a really great job with this one".
  5. This is one great piece of industrial work. Very dark, very cyberpunk.
  6. Something that costs nothing, but is so great, could be considered only a gift. This remix is some unbelievable stuff!
  7. Wow, six posts in 2 years.... They are all missing out on some absolutely wonderful artwork.
  8. This is the song "counter-strike" redone in a jazzy way. The level was one of the very last ones, with spikes coming out of the walls and cielings, and a lot of pits to fall "up". I loved this game when I was younger, and when I bought an old copy of Herzog Zwei, a friend let me borrow his Genesis, since I didn't have one. He happened ot own strider, and I once again got to enjoy it. It's music was and still is quite unique. Any ways, for a while, every time I would here this song come up on my MP3 player, I'd have to go play it again. Good remix. I hope to hear another one form Strider one day.
  9. I gotta add my thanks to Injury for taking the time to make this icon of simple perfection. I never played the game, but I understand the above poster's sentiment. There is something very innocent about it, such a simple little tune, but the quick piano rolls give it a magical spark. I'll never stop loving this re-mix.
  10. Never played the game. Big fan of Industrial, and this fits the bill nicely. Very good stuff. I really, really enjoy this one.
  11. This hella reminds me of the Forest Whitaker movie[iGhost Dog opening. It has it's own beat, it's own life, and the freedom of a bird. Something about those Donkey Kong remixes. Makes me wonder if I would have enjoyed the game.
  12. This is a great moment in a great game with a great squaresoft melody redone obviously with great skill by Noir. This "remix" added a great element to my life. The piano is unbelievable.
  13. I gotta say, I see why it is number 1 at the moment. Excellent piece of ambient trance electonika. Hardly a bass throught out, yet an incredile pace and rythm. Hard to tell if it was fast paced or slow paced. That good.
  14. Im not sure what Final Doom is. I am sure this remix is dope freaky. Ahhh yeah.
  15. Sometimes the lonely remixes are good enough to grant another thank-you.
  16. More than a year and a half later, I have to come by and let Mutagene know this is great stuff. Sorry to revive such an old thread... but I really, really loved this re-mix.
  17. This is absolutley fantastic. Another remix I love from a game I never played. The tempo to this one is a tad perfect, and it just gets better and better, to a great conclusion.
  18. Great stuff. I loved all of OMF:2097's tracks. OMF:BattleGrounds has very crisp electronica all to it's self, if anybody really enjoyed this they should find them, they are at the game's home page. Too bad no-one ever played the game.
  19. Never played marble madness.... ....but this is nice, very synthy and harmonic.
  20. What just happened? Yeah, this is one of those unique gems of remixes. Never played the game, but this song confused me greatly, and instilled a touch of paranoia. It's slow beat and horror movie sound. Strange. Gave it a 5 of 5 I did.
  21. First time I heard this, I thought I was standing before the gates of heaven. This is a beautifully done song. I don't know if I have ever heard a song and fell in love with it as fast as I have with this one. ...never played the game. EDIT: 1.5 years later, after having listened to ALL of the remixes, this is still my all-time favorte! EDIT: 3 years later, and after having listened to all of the remixes, still my favorite.
  22. Mmm... this is some good trance.
  23. Never played Mega Man 4.... but this track is so good.... so so good.... Twisted, Slow industrial. Dark indeed, in a fairly unconventional way, but unmistakable tone.
  24. Somewhow while downloading a bunch of songs from games I played over the past two years I missed this one. And it is excellent. Blaster Master's intro music was one of the best things about it. Very tortured song.
  25. Hi Joe Rediford, Hmm, I had registration problems when I first tried to register here, but as soon as I registered I had to get over here and sign my thanks. I love this remix. Herzog Zwei was great also. This piece captured the emotional tone of Breach well. Cheers, NeOmega
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