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  1. The soundtrack is indeed available today, for those interested
  2. lmao now to setup a NES in my car
  3. here you go guys "I’m happy to announce that the soundtrack will be hitting the PS Store and iTunes on April 10, and there will be a limited CD release in the near future as well." Also the creators did an artwork as a ``thank you`` to the people that loved the game
  4. Guild Wars 2 Pre-orders start April 10 60$ standard Game(digital) 80$ Deluxe (digital) 150$ for collectors https://buy.guildwars2.com/
  5. thatgamecompany said the soundtrack would be made available to PSN soon, that was a week ago. Im hoping it will be in this weeks PS store update this tuesday
  6. Well seems the Final Fantasy/ME N7 armor wasn't a shop after all http://ps3.ign.com/articles/122/1221295p1.html
  7. this was the one I selected for my playonline, went well with the FF11 wallpaper I had selected from their selections.
  8. Stop Online Piracy I lol'd like the "industry" hasn't been robbing us blind for years already. back in the day, 30$ CDs... a Round flat disc of 30 cents plastic.
  9. http://www.pcgamer.com/2012/01/04/dancing-in-star-wars-the-old-republic-can-make-you-invincible/
  10. didn't notice if this had been posted but i'll take the chance
  11. Square Enix has announced a complete overhaul of Final Fantasy XIV with the introduction of v2.00, as well as penning in a Q3 2012 release window for the PS3 version of the MMO. As part of V2, the MMO will begin its paid subscription plans, with the game to bill players from the end of November-early December this year. The game has un-billed players since release last September due to a catastrophic launch period which was touched upon recently by the company, basically making it F2P for the past year. http://www.vg247.com/2011/10/14/square-enix-announces-ffxiv-v2-00-ps3-gets-q3-2012-release-window/
  12. I loved this It's giving the original song a "be on your guard.." aura to it.
  13. Care for a momento? http://www.manofactionfigures.com/products/alice-madness-returns-vorpal-blade-replica-epic-weapons
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