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Posts posted by SonicThHedgog


    Ok so this arrangement is pretty creative, alot of ideas, and good ones, very hectic stuff.

    Atm this feels unfinished. Its only 2 minutes long and the last half a minute or so doesn't feel like its done to me, it sounds sparse compared to the rest of the track and makes me feel its just not done yet.

    Production sounds worse when it starts off than it actually is. It takes some getting used to because 1: those bells are very piercing in the highs, and 2: everything is at the same volume. There is no concept of loud and soft here, and ultimately, this mix sounds cluttered because its not mixed basically. You need to balance it out so people have something to focus on in each section, usually this is the melody. that means make the melodies nice and clear, and make it so that while you can hear everything else, don't have them fighting for the center of the mix.

    Last but not least, bring down the volume on this baby a tad. its too loud! :P

    So to recap:

    Too short, expand on your ideas!

    Polish your ending

    Fix the highs in bells (EQ in the 4-8kH rage)

    Sort out the mixing

    Bring down master volume

    Do these things and you should have a good shot at a posted mix imo.

    Good potential here!

    Gotcha, swore I killed all the highs on the bells and mad it dull, maybe its the multiband boost I did on the high ends.

    I will lower the compression on the track to make the tracks more present (and I will drop the guitar vols). And I will drop the master to 1.0 Db or 0.

    But Where should I add more, im out of Ideas? D:

  2. Sonic 3D Blast, not Jam.

    Drums are a really boring, and the bass just sounds like a lot of low frequency booming.

    I meant for the title to mean jam track for guitart players but at the same time short title. Sorry on title confusion.

    Drums I just copied the originals drums (since this is a cover song anyways). The bass I used sounded bad.(really) so I just let the lows come out and lowerd other freqs in the bass (how I kinda like ny bass though, but not like this).

  3. 1. So in the "TO BE JUDGED " post, im confused, its says that the panel should look at mixes on or before nov "x" (as any date in november to simplify what im getting at). so does that mean including mixes since august-sept?

    2. Can I do straight guitar and drum covers of songs, kinda like this

    and this
    but faster in tempo.

    3. If I add the phrase "pancakes" to my mixes under a vox synth (or vocoder), will it increase chances of gets a "Yes"?

  4. http://soundcloud.com/aires/aquapark-mix-prac

    Eq match satified my dislike on di guitars, so im using jun senoues '98 5150 tone :P

    this is another mix practice liek the bomberman and space invader track. dont expect anything to be finished.

    P.s. Im not producing music for some time ; atleast later next year i'll make some tracks. (unless 1 of the items in my self rules break or I get 2 certain piece of gear, then I will make more tracks)

  5. The rhythm guitars are very muddy, it wouldn't hurt to dial down the low frequencies a bit

    I like the compressor on the drums, but it might benefit from being a just *slightly* less intense.

    other than that, just make it longer!


    I'v been so unimpressed with my guitar tones with impulse, they felt so empty to the point I went nuts on mids lol, I'll re record this with guitar rig!

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