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Posts posted by SonicThHedgog

  1. Does anyone have any tips on how to achieve a good sounding low-fi sound (Yeah, I know that's an oxymoron :P), similar to the beginning of

    (BTW, I'm not talking about the static effects, just the sound quality.)

    Sounds like vinyl crack effect mixed with 3¾ in/s 9.53 cm/s reel to reel speed tape effect...thingy... cant remeber

    do what the others say like cutting low and highend,band pass and high pass filters and stuff, with vinyl effect plug-ins and stuff. stuff n' stuff.

  2. I am selling my Access Virus TI Snow to help buy a house. It comes in the original box with the manual and a carrying case. Going price is $1100. Depending on where you live we can work out the shipping. Willing to negotiate if you would like to pay by check instead of PayPal.

    Thats a bit pricy for a virus, but it does sound good though.

    Hmmm *thinks about it

  3. Actually I didn't echo you, I was saying it has no definitive musical characteristics or "rules" really. Obviously music goes to the "rules" you set, but that's not actually what I was referring to. My bad.

    What I'm trying to say is that genre/style doesn't mean anything.

    oh I see :o I am now less confused. and as for me I did not mean "echo", I ment contradict, dumb typo.

    But since you said that then Im now lost in this convo and now throwing the "back on topic" card. But ehh whatever music is all what is wanted to be intended/heard and stuff like that stuff...whatever the old people say that makes sence for some reason.

    Edit:: Ohh now I see whats going on, scratch the line before this one.

  4. You say this every time: "That's Dubstep, that's progressive house, that's Free Jazz etc."

    No sir, I can not agree. Especially since "free jazz" has no universally accepted musical characteristics or "rules". The idea with free jazz was to simply break free of the rules in Jazz music. That's it.

    If I were to throw together a song with out of time guitars, completely kill the mids, drum patterns consisting of nothing but alternating snare and kick drum sixteenths, tremolo picking, a complete overuse of un-resolved dissonance and finally record with an Xbox "rock band" mic the sound of someone's angry stomach letting loose in the taco bell wash-room; then put that recording over top of my song and call it vocals, people would say, "this song has issues such as:"

    I would not retaliate with, "Well get over it; that's death metal for ya!"

    Aslo(especially the lovely bass that can play anything aslong as It follows the rules....that I set, but that my style of it tho it relates to a famous persons style whos name I cant remeber : ( )

    You echoed me twice

    and you just said that it had to me melodic in some way, and I replied saying that is was (though I still wish it was more dissonant then what it is now).

    So now I have no idea of what you mean about the second paragraph and first line that you said ; /

  5. My favourite thing about this is the Lara Croft picture. Lara is fucking awesome.

    Not a fan of the song though. It's basically a bunch of random things thrown together which doesn't even sound like jazz. There's no direction or real sense of harmonic structure and melody.

    Thats the beauty of free from8-)

    Aslong as I play notes/modes within the limits of the chord set by my guitar I am good to go, In this song (under a minor key) I played mostly augmented,diminished and Major7 based scale/modes/stuff..you know what I dont remeber but its one of those things (over iii,IV,V,Vi,vii ):D

    (especially the lovely bass that can play anything aslong as It follows the rules....that I set, but that my style of it tho it relates to a famous persons style whos name I cant remeber : ( )

  6. I eat some captain crunch, listen to a nicki minaj song for impiration, then I listen to source I want to remix, then I listen and headbang to the music Im thinking of, grab a tape recorder then record so I dont forget my ideas, open ableton then realise how im to lazy to grab my midi keyboard so I head to Vgmusic, then I find the song I want to remix, replace the instruments,decide to make a rock song instead of a electronica song, post on ocr, mod review,????, success8-)

  7. Hey everybody! So I was thinking it'd be cool to have a Sonic the Hedgehog Remix competition, that would follow the same general rules of Darke's Grand Robot Master Remix Battles. We'd have two brackets where participants would each pick a Zone from one of the core Sonic games (Sonic 1, 2, 3, 4, S&K, Sonic CD, Sonic Adventure, etc.). The mixers would then have to make a song using their Zone theme and the Zone theme of their competitor.

    Everybody would vote for the song they like better. The mixer with the most votes moves on to the next round. Mixing periods would last a week, voting periods another week. So yeah, like I said, pretty much the same rules as the GRMRBs only with Sonic Zone themes instead.

    Sure we have tons of Sonic remixes, but very few that mix more than one theme at a time, and I think many of them would work quite well together. If people are interested, I'd ideally like to have 16 people (8 per bracket) participate. As for timing, I'd probably be looking at sometime this summer, as to not conflict with Darke's next Maverick Remix Battle or with the possibility of a Tekken Remix tourney that Phonetic Hero proposed awhile back.

    If people are interested, I'd love to host (and participate :smile:) in such a compo!

    You called?

    Ehh Free from jazz sonic remix and more electro house and dubstep up my arse for such a occasion

  8. What use is an SSD if it's not the boot drive? Just mirror it to a regular mag-platter drive regularly for backup purposes. Besides, most new SSDs have a far lower failure rate than the early ones did.

    EDIT: Also, I'm gonna +1 Newegg. If you say it's too expensive, you're looking at the wrong site, haha. Plus, they have some seriously excellent deals on a regular basis. Just subscribe to the newsletter.

    Ok I guess I'll talk you guys words on this.

  9. Just keep in mind that SSDs based on Flash Memory actually has a maximum write operation per memory cell, and once its maximum write number has been reached, the cell will fail.

    I would not use an SSD for anything you update often, or write to frequently as more frequent use literally just speeds up the time the drive will fail.

    All flash memory is only good for a certain number of write operations.

    I would not use an SSD for an OS drive, as OSs download updates and are the primary drive for virtual memory/page filing as well as the main drive for writing/saving/copying files.

    Thats why I need one for more permanent things, but for my temp build and not my main build incase I need to transfer items back and forth.

    also any cheap i5's or i7s @ 2.4-3.0?

  10. :banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead:

    Good luck finding a 1TB less than $3000.

    120GB, on the other hand, will run you $150-$200 for a Vertex 3.

    I saw a few ssd's for $990-$1,500/ low $2,000 range here in bmore

    Ninja Edit:: The computer shop around me had a liquidation sale, and its too late for me to buy cheap.....ehh

    but im not spending 3 grand when im saving for a new car 0_o

    Oh my budget atm (which will prob decrease) is about $2,500 and it needs to buy 3 parts, and how much for a i5 @ 1.8-2.0?

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