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Posts posted by SonicThHedgog

  1. To me it sounds like a near constant building to something. After one minute I'm thinking. "Oh man this is about to be awesome! " Then a little further "We gotta be almost there here it comes!" then it's over.

    Music needs an ebb and flow. Build and Release. If you want a really good example of this without much repetition check this one out: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kgNoadKcIWg

    I'm working on something that is requiring me to do a little trance/house/club research. So far I feel like it's an excercise in extreme patience. All I hear is "Go Spot! Go Spot Go! Go Spot! Go Spot Go!" Repeat for about 4 minutes before it's finally over. Along with the Dumb-Chick-Dumb-Chick-Dumb-Chick. :)

    You may hate country (like me) but why not try Bluegrass? Or Jazz Bluegrass Fusion? Bela Fleck?

    Oh, now I see what you mean.

    Im just doing the plain old rise and drop thing, but just for electronic songs, all my other songs (which are kept) are pretty much like the link you posted and a mix of my style. The thing is, some of my songs I make sounds boring, until like weeks after making it. I was thinking about what you said in your first post about just being tired of listening to it for a while

  2. Honestly though Sonic, you have some really good production skills, of which i am quite jealous of, but alot of things I have heard from you before lack development. Many times you will come up with something that sounds really cool, but then draw it out until much of it sounds like a long intro that's building to something but not quite getting there.

    my intros are short compared to others ; / (hell my songs are all short)

    you mean this? http://soundcloud.com/aires/emerald-hill-hd

    I listen to music more repetitve then the music I make, and I dont get tired of them, unless there rediculously repetitve.

  3. I had an NS-2. Sold it because my amp has a noise gate built in.

    I'm confused as to why you are using socks. If you want to kill noise when you aren't playing, roll the volume knob right down on the guitar; that's what you're supposed to do. If you're doing sweeps or something and it's getting noisy, that's all on the muting technique.

    What's the sock supposed to do really?

    Elaborate moar.

    Socks and hair bands kills noise effectivly without using the vol knob (which does not work in killing noise for me)and rolling tone/gain off (imo, hair bands are effective then any gate).

    When I do use a vst gate it can do what my hairband and socks do alright, but not to my satifaction and ease.

    And for sweeping, I like the strings as loud as possible so It does not sound muted.


    that ISP Decimator looks sweet!

  4. I covered the song Big Gun from the Quake 2 soundtrack. I probably won't submit it because I don't think it works with the strict guidelines.

    Check it out.

    Youtube link:


    Soundcloud link:


    Finally some quake love!

    Liking the the industrial sound!

    The vocals and the lyrics sound very well meshed, and the guitar tone sounds smooth and fitting!

    I will give another listen when I get some listening gear here.

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