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Posts posted by SonicThHedgog

  1. I guess the immersion is lost on you. Why does every remix need to be overly-complicated and new? Why not just enjoy the feeling, the atmosphere? I liked the original. The original's only about a minute long so I wanted to extend it in some way. It's not like I always do reconstructions. Sometimes I forget that open-minded people are scarce on here.

    It needs to be a remix, not a cover basicly. Or an arrangment that makes a twist on to the song.

    Maybe somthing like

    30% original 70% source

    I really like this arrangement and it sound great

    but it sounds a bit too much like a cover for OCR judges to take this in.

    If OCR accepted covers more often (not saying they dont sometimes/rarely), then being posted would be to easy and it would not really show much of the artist's creativity.

  2. I agree with Gario, the drums dont seem very strong/loud.

    And (maybe because of youtube) the high end and mid highs sound a bit flat but this track is bumpin and lots of potential in this!

    Last problem is that its posted on youtube : /

    Post your music at high quality mp3/wav stream hosts like tindeck.com(mp3 only) , soundcloud.com(mp3&wave) , etc...

    then you can post your music on youtube.

  3. Ok after a second listen, this track sound partially cloudly(no pun intended) in the mid ranges, and the over all track feels like it needs some reverb in it.

    Some of the sounds, well they sound thin.

    The drums, imo electronica music is know for super repetive simple drums to repetitve amen breaks to 4 on 4 kicks, and the drums your using sounds like stock fl drumloops, so I really have no beef with that imo.

  4. Simple. They do it without telling OCR. They figure that what these artists don't know won't hurt them, so they go ahead and do it anyway. Then they plaster the WE NOTIFY THE ARTISTS thing in a feeble attempt to cover their asses that will crumble when the artists say WE WEREN'T NOTIFIED!!
    Now im catching on, its like/is a online black market. Thats pretty low especially if you could just pirate to get songs :whatevaa: Never heard of this website before though, and there prob tones like this.
  5. Dude. Just saying that this is wayyyy better than the last thing I had heard from you! Congratulations on the awesome improvement, and keep it up! :)

    EDIT: I agree with AngelCityOutlaw though. Title is a bit weird. If this gets a conditional yes and the judges ask for a different name (which I think they would, because a ReMix isn't supposed to contain the original's title, according to submission standards), how about "Dem Disjointed Chemical Beatz"? ;)

    okokokokoko if the name cant be the same, I will change it to be less awkward as you two noticed :I

    Thanks! I have been keeping alot of my songs private or unposted so now im releasing all of them. until I start my remix lonewolf album in february8-)

  6. I've seen this video before. I decide to come to this forum and warn everybody about it. They tell me not to worry because they are not coming after us. But this is SERIOUS MONKEY BUSINESS (no pun "intended").

    Looking at the wording of this bill, you could get fined for just telling your friend somthing about your own copyright work. :sad:

    Our government is sick.

  7. Okay, but can you please provide an example of something by a popular artist at the time which was legitimately just as bad as the Nicki Minaj track from a musical standpoint? Like not in terms of lyrics or target audience.

    Power metal bands would say, "What's wrong with cheesy lyrics?" lol


    Thats what I was getting at with my other post, its all opinion 8-)

    whats wrong with Minaj? (im saying this as if I never listen to her music)

  8. Yah I agree with tensi,willrock,and others. Nothing happened to music;its all about taste, what you like,etc..... Your trash is someones treasure & vice versa. Simply because you hate a certain type of music and some supporters of your opinion think the same way does not mean that music ever suck, its just your opinion telling you "Hay this is shit!" or "Hay this is THE shit!"

    Then again people grow to join banwagons and I find that very pointless.

    still a great fan of this guy tho, sick!

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