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Everything posted by SonicThHedgog

  1. http://www.palmergear.com/pdi09.shtml found it Palmer juntion, lets you Plugin amps straight to it.
  2. http://soundcloud.com/aires/sonicthhedgog-fourm-them-music BWHAHAHAH After my puny Previouse theme http://soundcloud.com/aires/last-drum-test I decided I needed a more agressive theme:twisted: ! note:: if its too easy to listen to, I will make it more difficault to listen to.
  3. Cause midi is sexy.... Oh there this thing called the "Palmer" somthing cant remeber, it lets to connect your amp/combo to this device, and emulates miking.
  4. This^ and you would need a impendence box or a preamp to plug your guitar to a mixer, which is what I do, but you would still need a interface to reduce noise and slight midi stress on your pc.
  5. I dont see how people dont find then synthetic sounding. Boss 59 Bassman is one great sounding overdrive pedal
  6. http://soundcloud.com/aires/space-invaders-thing-atari - Work On it 1 SourceThey lasered mah windows Fuck absynth l and massive eating the fucking cpu, I might not even finish this to when i get to the fast crazy part. and this is 38% done...........
  7. you know now that you mentioned it, people did stop remixing icecap for awhile
  8. http://imagethumbnails.milo.com/009/676/499/290/9676700_11513499_290.jpg
  9. http://www.memi.de/echochamber/responses/index.html Verb, I saw someone bring this up so I thought i would post some lexicon impulse i think.
  10. Convolution reverb is a simulation of reverb, so if you have any kinda vst that can load impulses and you have impulse's givem a spin. I use VoxengoBoogex to load impulse, and its also as guitar cap but can work dry as well! I would not use the keFIR vst on verb impulse's because its VERY high on cpu(like 2cAther verb , man i like 2c but too much cpu.... ). but both Vst Iisted are free. Here is what I use http://www.memi.de/echochamber/responses/index.html
  11. Great track, A bit to much mids, and could use some highs on the master but great track The sound at :08 could use a drop in vol tho(ugh). (Dont read this part, its much shitty guitar opinion) Great tone on the rhythem but it seems like like it needs to be layered with a mic pos with more Dark mids and lows, but thats my tiny thought.
  12. This is a great concept, maybe one tuesday i will try when i figer this stuff out
  13. Is this like game battles but for music?
  14. You know in a book I read that you hear less high's with one ear, maybe im wrong ;p
  15. Can we have a thread to share, I know some are illigal, but i'll just post the ones I use by other poeple and people off the ultimate metal forum:???: http://relivethefuture.com/music/patches/GuitarHacksImpulses.rar Guitarhacks http://relivethefuture.com/music/patches/GuitarHacksImpulses.rar Orange cab
  16. kinda said that already But Alchemy I heard alot good things!
  17. Dont be stupid now http://www.native-instruments.com/#/en/products/?category=1649 by the time they tax this shit, its going to enter the 600s (duh?) It will release around sept 1 And everyone in yahoo only post links..... Edit Ultimate is $1,099...oh shit Might as well buy a dark energy or a doepfer A100 system/module(s)
  18. This ^ Also 600 doller for komplete 8 aint bad, tho i would save for komplete 8 ultimate
  19. Explain? All I did was encourage Synlenth 1,massive,absynth, and fm8. just as you guys did with zebra Are you suggesting you cannot demo the listed synths im my first post? Absynth is versatile Period. http://soundcloud.com/aires/track http://soundcloud.com/aires/ice-cap-derezzed-1 http://soundcloud.com/aires/boredum Tho I suck at electronic music,I strongly disagree about what you said about absynth. I Garrente 1. Absynth = Massive and fm8 in many parameters ( and some extra stuff) in one package. 2. Yah kinda agree, but massive and or FM8 are good alone. 3. yah im done.
  20. Because having a choice of 2 synth names is pretty narrow, and he can demo each one and pick the sound he wants to beable to create his own style of sound. And what will kill in trying more more synths(including free vsts). Thats like going to a guitar center(or music store) and only trying two guitars/amps out many that you may like.
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