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Everything posted by SonicThHedgog

  1. Its his choice, It depends on what sound he is looking for. Its all down to what type of synthesis he wants to do, and what waveforms he wants to experiment with because now adays alot of synth are the same. the best way to find a synth you like is to demo it, see if you can access its parameters with ease (unless you want the learning curve to find things), the amount of possible waveforms and sounds,etc... And one thing I learned is that wasting money on a basic subtractive synth is a mistake when your daw comes with excellent synths already like abletons operator which i used in one track, and people thought i was using a nord I rented back ago. (Now adays if I need a synth to sound fat, I would put a guitar cab/bogner impulse on the track XD)
  2. Get sylenth,absynth, fm8,or massive. I Love sylenth tho, excellent synth.
  3. Wow those are some great violin piece's,imspiring compositions!
  4. Thank you WillRock. @Guifrog: I canceled it because I got carried away in the arrangement and changed the key and chord arrangements. It did sound like the source, but I was no diggin the direction http://youtu.be/mA0J8IEi7jI and besides not many people hear like bomberman 64/hero. Even if i did not cancel it i would just post in original and prob nobody would notice.
  5. Oh crap your right XD, miss read the font in the trailer XD, still going to be a good title on the Wii U!
  6. Yup! it was in the console launch trailer.
  7. good track, but the kick felt a bit small, and I would add a bit of mids and highs on the master track, but this is great.
  8. http://soundcloud.com/aires/sonic-mix-cubase-test Testing drums.
  9. Dang the site did not load, still stuck on 0%, worst then a torrent freeze XD
  10. Thats what happens to me when I use this tape saturator vst in fl XD
  11. http://soundcloud.com/aires/aires-air Thank you for the move!
  12. Oh im sorry I forgot somthing, I ment you drag midi to a channel on the step sequencer, and if not on a sequencer channel, it will open the file as a new project. But for your question above im not understanding. you mean the pattern playlist editor?
  13. If you wonder why all your audio clips sound like they have no attack or sound muffled, here is a solution, and its not layering or compressing. On your kick track(or any track), click one the drop down menu for the device chooser and go to "fades", and on the desired clip, drag back the fade and BOOM! there you go! thats why when you compared your samples to other daws,it did not cancel phase, and you got pissed because you though ableton was a low quality water downed copy cubase XD. Now to address this globally, go to your prefrences under the options drop down tab, then go to Record Warp Tab Launch Then in the "Warp/Fades" disable the "create fades on clip edges".
  14. drag and drop. but not anywhere eles or it will start a new project.
  15. http://soundcloud.com/aires/track Small test track for sound quality of somethings
  16. Who the hell said midi guitar was shit? I still make bang my head to that kinda stuff on vgmusic
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