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Everything posted by SonicThHedgog

  1. thanks, and i think you mean the filter i put on the master, im not sure why i put it there (maybe cause i was to lazy to eq the highs, prob shoulda used a c4 )I could turn the gain up(which i was suppost to do) but i just did not want to re render this for 10 min in ableton XD
  2. on the violins/violas, work on the decay, a little bit, they end pretty fast that it almost makes it sound unreal. other then that, this is getting good!
  3. Thanks guys, and heres the complete http://soundcloud.com/aires/ice-cap-derezzed I think this is gunna go for my album/project that im making, but more likly im subbing this.
  4. Hay that clean midi eletric sounded BOSS, im dead ass that was instence, post a download of this version b4 you up date it! and i can help you on guitar leads if you want, or (even better idea) you can check the recruit fourms and see if anyone can help you.
  5. i still use 4:3 for competitive gaming
  6. this is sweet, yah add some distorted synths and i think u'll create a monster by then.
  7. http://soundcloud.com/aires/final-boss (sounds way better in my daw smh) (skip to :16) how do you make a 303 sim fatter? i layered like a fm pluck synth under some distortion but, not much of an effect. i even boosted lows, no that great.
  8. well i meant for this to be very short as a boredom track, but i could make it longer.
  9. no not boredom, its "Bordum". did this in a few min when i was bored http://soundcloud.com/aires/red-mountain-i-like-cereal soruce yes i realize its in D and it sound almost diffrent..... Tools:: I used peaveys amp valver tingy a jackson dinky -Seymore JB TB-4 random plugins in ableton lieing around Bordum. Also i cant moniter very loud at this time so i need feed back for this so it can be a certified "Bordum" track. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you a fan of my bordum series also see http://soundcloud.com/aires/boredum - first bordum http://soundcloud.com/aires/bordum-2-the-bord-step-edition - second bordum ☺
  10. Wow you really worked hard on this, this should get in no problem!
  11. before is start blabing i just wana say FM8 SMASHES ALL OTHER VST SYNTHS (except massive and sylenth1 i like those too) Yes i like starting (sometimes rarely) house tracks in randoms areas to think ok what i will do next yes its all fm synths except one synth in the background plucking as well besides the main fm plucking and the source for this hook to end part is at ":15" with the same synth for a sec as the game had then transition to some original stuff for the end, i did some of the middle part and it has too much source and a bit to much normal house repetiton for me to post, cause i know oc does not like mainstream repetitive prog house (plus it aint finished) but eh enjoy this tingy and this is seriously all i have to post. (and this is for a little 2d sonic game project im making) http://soundcloud.com/aires/sonic-3-final-boss-remix-hook
  12. http://soundcloud.com/aires/sonic-doomsday-zone-work-in this is going to be in my little remix album for 2D sonic This is only the hook part, i will start all the cool stuff when i port everything else to ableton and before you ask the "talking monster bird airplane thingy"(plus if you know the refrence of that quote) synth at :11 was made with FM8. (unrelated) and does anyone know any know where to get a piano that already realtime panned?
  13. i think the xbox had the best graphics that time.
  14. *gogol and its a number number also STARFOX 3DS http://www.gametrailers.com/news/star-fox-64-3ds-release-date/3248
  15. Ehh Nevermind i think this track is ok
  16. http://soundcloud.com/aires/air-space finished
  17. you can always delete songs to get your minute backs on sound cloud
  18. we know, we did not use a compressor to keep/even out the range for the kick. and i guess we will tighten things up on the left and right but that kinda of a prefrence and which vox sound, when i had the track i only helped with bassline and kick everything else not my call
  19. hmm ii forgot to include the snare, ill send it to yah
  20. the problem is im lazy to record it (altho the stupid part is i do dive bombs all night )
  21. assuming your in fl because ur 808 kick sample is conflicting, go to the INS (sampler envelope/settings under VOL) and for attack knob on 0 % and the relese (REL) knob at 8:30 O'Clock.
  22. Sorry for the late reply XD just as ambinate posted, its basicly a harmonic trick, its the easiest to do on the 5th fret G or high E, its a very light tap on the string like joe satch does it, and when/if you get the harmonic, trem/whammy it up down, shake the guitar if you have no trem arm () etc....., you can even do it near the pick ups, i think the youtube video explains it better.
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